Sunday Salon 12/29/13

The last Sunday of 2013 and what a year it has been. Sadly I am still very sick and just ready for the whole of it to be over with. I am probably one of the worst sick people there is because I hate being sick and I keep pushing myself to try to get more stuff done around the house instead of resting. That said yesterday and today thus far I have behaved myself. I even got another book finished for the year, which I did not think I would do. Bringing my total to where I think it will stay for 2013 at 109. That is a pretty big amount for me especially since I started my goal for the year at 50 or 60 and had to up it twice and even surpassed that.

This is the first time I have taken on challenges and completed every single one and I am really rather proud of that. I will be doing a wrap up post before Jan 1st with all the titles and challenges that I finished and of course I am also now looking for what challenges I am going to do for 2014. I am likely going to do a TBR and Historical one again but from there I am not sure what else I will do. We will see! Happy end of 2013 everyone.



Sunday Salon 12/22/13

I am sorry in advance if this weeks Sunday Salon is a bit rantish and worse not very book related, alas my Darling Husband brought home the plague and I am feeling pretty sick. Not only that the man which I love very much has turned into the dreaded man baby. I can not for the life of me understand how many turn into such babies when they are sick. He is presently acting like the most helpless thing on the planet, who at some moments of the day can not even summon the strength to open his mouth and talk to me. He also has not been able to summon the strength to get up and walk the 2 feet to the door to let the dogs out to go to the bathroom thus they can only hold it so long before making a mess on the floor. I get up and walk the much longer distance from bedroom to door and let them out, but if I am (god forbid) napping they don’t wake me. Then guess who has to clean the messes? Yup yours truly. I have also had to do all the feeding, watering, ect. I understand that DH is sick but I am no less sick, I have a wicked fever a cough that has me doing nothing but hacking up a lung regularly but I am still doing what needs to be done.  The one and only time he attempted to clean up a mess he allowed the dogs to mess he sat on the floor and was moving the rag so pathetic and not effectual at all I told him to put his kiester back in bed. I mean seriously. I repeat I love the man  beyond measure but hes being such an infant right now I want to hand him a bottle and a diaper.

On the bright (and bookish) side I have read three books since the plague set in. I am about to start on the fourth. Sadly I did not much enjoy the last two they weren’t terrible but not fantastic and I can’t decide if its because I am sick or if they just weren’t that good. Ah well it is kind of nice to have my challenges for the year done but be making the final push to get as many books as I can in for the year.

Sunday Salon 12/15/13

Another week and we are another week closer to the Holiday Season. I am not as bah humbug this year about it as I have been in years past. The downside right now is due to work and everything else I have actually not finished the book I started on Dec 5th. Part of that is because I am busy with writing work, very busy in fact. The other problem is when I do have some time I have just felt kinda “meh” about reading. It is not the books fault I want to read Lightborn a lot. I am just on a meh feeling with reading right now, I think it will pass or at least I hope it will pass soon I have a few more books I want to get in before the New Year rolls over.

Speaking of the New Year I am starting to think about what challenges to do again in the coming year. I think that I will be doing the History and TBR challenges again for sure because History is a favorite and the TBR helped me to make a dent in the massive pile of books I have that need to be read. Of course I added some more but hey that is what happens when you are a reader right?

I always start to feel a little reflective this time of year but I am excited for a fresh year and I like to think that 2014 is going to be a great year. Maybe even the best in several years. 2013 was not a terrible year but it was not what I would call a banner year either. Maybe a banner year in reading though as I have read the most books I have ever read in a year (so far) and I started my overall goal this year pretty small. I had to up my book challenge twice and even then I beat it. So in that I feel accomplished and content. Anyone else already looking ahead to January and what reading challenges they will do in the coming year?

In some other brief slightly self promotional news my Sissy Anah opened a new blog Feels Like Home and after thinking and looking things over and debating on an overall theme she asked me to join her as a Co-blogger. So far I have to say I am having fun coming up with post ideas. I look forward to growing that blog with her.


Sunday Salon 12/8/13


My oh my it has been a while since I have done the Sunday Salon. It has been an up and down year and I let some of my Meme’s fall behind while I was keeping on time of everything else. So here we are another Sunday and back on the Salon. If you are a regular reader of my blog you will see that I have been on a Vampire Kick since October. That does not seem to be letting up as I am about to start reading Lightborn soon, I loved Shadowborn so I think this one will also be good. I meant to start it a few days ago but I got bogged down with work. Tis the season eh? So I will probably start it today.

Ah yes that makes me think of this season, Tis the season of harassed people. I have already gotten some of the grumpy looks from people at stores. I mean what is with that? I am trying hard not to be a scrooge this year. I know I am normally not much of a Christmas person, because well I do Yule and the rest of my family loves to sing to their savior. So I decided to do some outside decorating. Snow and all. Ah yes we got a scary amount of snow for this time of year on Friday.


I like my sparkly light up Tardis and I am very happy with how it turned out. You can’t see my candy cane garland and the candy canes at the bottom of the stairs. My next thing to try to get more into the holiday mood is going to be to try to read some holiday books. I do not usually do that but hey I went all Vampire for Halloween season why not go into Christmas/Yule stuff too.


So Happy Sunday everyone, I am hoping to get on a more long winded run once I settle in to doing Sunday Salon more again. In the mean time here is Isis enjoying the snow.

The Sunday Salon 2/10/13

So this week for me has been a major epic reading FAIL. I am only 123 pages into Daugher of York. I should be done with it by now.I actually started reading it on 2/1 and well thats kinda that. It is not that I am not enjoying the book I really am I have just found myself so busy doing other things.

I launched Simply Iveta which is the sister site to my site Simply Pasha, and I still have work to do on that.

I feel guilty that I have not gotten much done on this book and I have so many other books to get to. I am likely going to have to re adjust some of my book reading to make sure I get some reviews I am supposed to have done, done. I am however trying not to feel guilty about my slow progress on Daughter of York. Reminding myself that reading is a passion and a joy and I should not feel the pressure to finish a book in a certain time frame. If I am busy I am busy and it is not like I have just been sitting around going..La la la I don’t wanna read this book. Right?!

The Sunday Salon 2/3/13

It is Sunday again and guess what Sunday it is this week? Oh yeah Superbowl Sunday in the States. Guess who doesn’t care? If you guessed me you would have guessed right. So instead of Superbowl thoughts today I am going to post something much more fun. Aside from book musings because that is a given that it will be posted right?

My favorite sport:

Anyone who says dancing is not a sport has never danced for more than a party time. It is for sure a sport and there are for sure real injuries that happen often.

and this is a fun sport…well okay not really but I declare it one today. Skarsgard watching.

Okay so there is the not book related stuff. I was really surprised to see how ahead of the game I am on my reading goal so far this year with how busy I have been but I guess when you do not sleep very well you manage to get in more reading then you thought. I have enjoyed most of my reads so far and I am working on Daughter of York by Anne Easter Smith. I have not had a chance to sit down and read for very long so I am not even 100 pages in yet. I am enjoying it although I don’t think I will like it as much as I liked the others. That could change however so we will see.

I had to laugh some this week as well when someone on Amazon started a conversation on one of my reviews. I rated Fatality on the Front page 3 gems and so on Amazon 3 stars. It was not that I did not like the book I did, but there were some flaws and to me 3 is not a terrible score. Apparently to this person it was and they said my rating should have been a 5! So when did it become up to someone else what I should rate a book? I mean really your score system is not the same as mine and you are not me. I decided not to reply to the amazon convo because there really is no point and now that I have vented it here I am resolved not to think about it anymore.

Here comes another new week!

The Sunday Salon 1/27/13

Hello again Sunday. Another week and here we have the last Sunday in the Month of January. This month has gone by rather quickly don’t you think? On the reading front this has been a very good week for me. I read three books and enjoyed each one of them. All of them were very different from one another too. I love when you can get in a swing of books that you devour and really enjoy deeply.

The first was Front Page Fatality by LynDee Walker

Then there was Covet by J.R Ward

and finally what I finished yesterday Mistress to the Crown Isolde Martyn

Not a bad week! This week I may not get as much of a chance to read as many books but of course that also will depend on how fast I manage to read them. Sometimes I am faster then others it just always depends. In other good news I finally got my copy of Lily of the Nile too! It took me two orders to get it but I did get it, even if the package was beat up the book arrived alright. For all the trouble I went through to get the book I hope it is a good one.

The Sunday Salon 1/20/13

Another Sunday another coming Monday. I have been bad and not kept up on my Sunday Salon posts but that’s okay as long as I keep up on my reviews I am not going to sweat the small stuff. This week has been busy busy and I am on the go go, as usual right? However I have had some hitches this week too..

I got the flu, that nasty one that has been going around. Not my idea of fun but I am finally feeling better. Of course Mother nature had to add insult to injury and WHAM got the monthly “gift” while with the flu. Talk about a double whammy. My favorite bit of the week was going to the store setting down, midol, chocolate and tampons and the clerk dead pan says “And how is your day?”.

This is my HOW DO YOU THINK IT IS face.

Reading has been plugging along I finished A Rose for the Crown in what I felt was good time for how big the book is and I loved it. Than I decided to venture outside of my usual genre’s and go for a mystery. I guess it could be considered a cozy (if your a cozy reader and it is not you can tell me) because the heroine is a normal gal not a crime fighter, and she wears high heels. <3 and so far I am enjoying the book. I used to be a HUGE HUGE HUGE Crime reader esp the Kay Scarpetta novels, I have not read any in years however maybe I need to try one again sometime. Our reading tastes change as we grow right? They can flux back too. Over at Birth of a Notion I have made the choice that I am going to post the occasional TV and movie review because you just know I have an opinion about that. YOU KNOW I DO! The only good thing about a Monday? Well this Monday James Purefoy’s new show starts, The Following promises to be..good and scary.

The Sunday Salon 1/6/13

Here it is Sunday again and tomorrow is Monday. I really do not like Monday’s I am sure that is no different than a lot of people. This week has been a little bit slow for reading for me because I have had a lot of other projects that needed my attention. Some rehearsal’s and some article writing and of course real life.

I did a lot of time intensive meals this week for dinner which if you ask me go very well with book reading. Yes my friends I can make everything go in with reading ha ha! I have no idea if I am going to have enough time for time intensive meals this coming week which is why I did a bunch in advance and either froze the whole meal or the components so I can just pop things together. Freezing will lose me a little of the flavor, but I am confident over all I wont lose to much.

I am enjoying my current read The Forgotten Queen a lot. If I did not have all that other stuff I was working on I am sure I would be done already. I keep waffling on what to read next when I have time to ponder that as well. I have stated about 4 different books so far and I am not going to be surprised if it ends up being one I have not listed at all. Such is the life of a reader right?

Well that is all I have to say on that front for The Sunday Salon this week. I am going to go wiggle my hiney to some more music for a bit. 🙂

The Sunday Salon 12/30/12

It has been a long time since I have done a Sunday Salon but I am going to try to do it again today and see where it takes us. The New Year is upon us and I hope that all of my readers have a Happy one. We will not be doing much in this neck of the woods for the holiday but staying at home and enjoying watching the Ball drop on TV.

This week has been a fairly slow one for me but I don’t mind that. I need a little bit of rest and relaxation time. The hardest part of the week for me has been when I finished reading Love’s Portrait I had declared I would not start another book until New Years. Of course since I have finished the book all I want to do is start a new one. It has been for me a herculean task not to start one. So you ask what have I done?

Well I made sure my Birth of a Notion blog was doing good and got all the widgets and such transferred over.I have to say that I think it looks very good and all ready for 2013. I replied to all of the letters I had and have been left going “soo is it time yet?”. Well did you know that at 4am Central time in Samoa it will be Midnight? Oh yeah I went and googled it. I think it is safe to say that it counts as New Years since I did not state a time or timezone don’t you think?

As suspected I have already changed my mind on what to read come the start of the New Year from my Blog hop post but I don’t think of it as a bad thing as I can read my other choices in due time. I mean they are books it is not like they are going to run away right? So what will I be cracking into as soon as one place in the world has celebrated New Years?

I have two selections one is for a coming blog tour and will fit in nicely with my animal challenge of the year. It is called Noor about a Champion race horse. Ambrosia Horses oh yeah some of you are saying THAT MAKES SENSE!

Second is one I got from Net Gallery that does not come out till more to the end of Jan it is The Forgotten Queen..oh yeah a Historical about a Tudor but not any of the usual.

So Happy Sunday everyone and Happy New Years.

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