The Sunday Salon #16

The Sunday

It is Sunday again it is hard to believe how fast 2010 is going, I think I still write 2009 on two letters I wrote this week oppsy. Oh well I will get used to it eventually. Yesterday was a bad sleep day and I ended up not getting to sleep until around 4pm or so, and than waking up pretty late. Which was alright to do anyways because my hubby was working all morning he came home for a short period of time and than he had a concert so he was off doing that?

I have had a decent week, sick wise it was a little bad because I was not feeling well. But emotional wise I managed to keep me up. I finished a short story for my Marked Ambrosia site and that turned out pretty well. Not my best work but certainly not my worst.

I also completed 5 letters to Pen Pals 4 were replies and 1 one as an introduction letter with me starting first. I am going to find some more pen pals to write to as I found the letter writing very therapeutic. I just felt good to be writing letters again and than when I got to use my sealing wax that helped as well. Very much.

Presently I am watching Transamerica it is a very interesting movie. It is about the journey that a Transgender person takes on their way to get their gender reassignment surgery. Along the way Sabrina finds out that she has a Son. Its interesting to be sure.

Happy Sunday.

The Sunday Salon #15

The Sunday

Ah it is Sunday again. And what do I have for you? Well honestly not a whole lot. It was a bad week. However, I will let you in on a little secret that made me giggle a bit. I got all my MEME’s done happily because I scheduled all of them on Sunday for their date release. Hey look at me I can use the schedule button! Okay I admit I knew how to use it however I just wasn’t using it much before. But now I am going to use it. So that on my “good” day’s I can get my posts ready so that on my bad days I don’t have to worry about them.

So since it was a bad week this week I didn’t get much done but I did do some article writing which I am proud of. I also managed to finish my first book of the year and plow half way through the second one. So at least while I am not going as fast as I am used to with books I am keeping at a moderate level.

The one very good thing I did this week was dinner out with a few of my friends from renaissance festival. They treated. Granted I ended up bringing most of my dinner home but that’s okay I have been nibbling off it since and it just makes me smile a little bit every time. It was so very nice to sit and laugh with friends. I was tired when I got home, but that didn’t matter. For a few hours I was just one of the group with two gal pals and one of our guy friends. That is something to keep me smiling even on this Sunday.

Today I am hoping to get to Michaels. I have a GC that a friend sent me that I haven’t been able to spend yet and I would like to get some supplies. Writing for Pen-Paling, and I am thinking also perhaps some modge podge for some scrap booking things.

The Sunday Salon #14

The Sunday

Another Sunday has come, but this one is the first Sunday of the New Year. I sat back and looked at things today. The new is just another day, it isn’t really anything special other than the calendar switches over, and yet we all look at it as a clean start. Even I do. It is a fresh outlook a time when you can be hopeful that this year things will be better. I think this is a good thing, because even if it is just another day, we as people do occasionally need something to look forward to. Something to feel better about.

I have begun my reading for the year with Scandal’s Bride; I am enjoying it so far even though I am not very far into it. And the reason for that is my own personal lack of focus, nothing to do with the book; it is a good book in a series I have enjoyed so far. The characters so far are likeable and have made me chuckle. I am just full of so much MUST GET THIS DONE for everything about the New Year. It will calm down, I will settle down and things will be okay. At least I hope so!

Medically I am about the same as I was last year, nothing new. Nothing good. But it is what it is and I will continue on. That is all one can do is solider on and keep on working. I have been trying to get more freelance writing jobs and have gotten a few bucks here and a few bucks there. It isn’t much at once but it is something. And I will take it!

My Graphic Design site is slow to get going but it is going. I sold my first design on Etsy the other day which made me pretty happy. I am not sad about it though I have a scheduled give away ready on a very popular and busy giveaway site for next month. So I am hoping that will conjure up some business.

So far the New Year gives me a good enough outlook so keep soldiering on. And when in doubt I have a big enough pile of books to read that I can go and cuddle under them for fun!

The Sunday Salon #13

The Sunday

So I missed the actual Sunday Salon. I also missed my Saturday Sanctuary which I will post soon but I will start with Sunday Salon, as it is the last one of the year. Wow 2009 is almost over I can hardly believe it. This year has been a hard one in life, but sometimes that is just what you have to deal with. Life is not always easy. We simply carry on and move through the tough times. I plan to do so.

Now on the reading front however this year has been a fairly good one. I have accomplished most of my reading goals and my brain is a happy camper for all my reading again. Even my husband is happy because I am getting some of my TBR pile out, and for the most part I have not added a whole lot to it. So he is happy for that. I do have several books that have been read and are just sitting around that have not been requested yet from my PBS shelf so I think what I am going to do is after the new year is donate them. And than I will restart my list and post as I read. Good theory I think.

Have a Fantastic Week everyone!

The Sunday Salon #12

The Sunday

It is Sunday again and less than a week till Christmas. How are you feeling about the holidays? How are you feeling about the holidays? Me I am a little bit depressed about it because well it frankly sucks around here. With my Grandma having passed we wont be doing anything but a simple dinner with just Mom and my Sister. It isn’t horrible, but ya know. With medical bills being as they are no presents for us this year. But that is okay there is more to the holidays than that, but still it would have been nice to have something.

On the reading front I have been doing well. I should be finishing with Mercy soon and than I will be reading probably one more book before the end of the year. Mercy is a bit of a depressing book so far. It is really good but there are a few characters I would like to strangle. Seriously. But I will try to hold my judgment till I finish the book.

Have a good Sunday.

The Sunday Salon #11

The Sunday

Is it really Sunday again already? Seems so, another day of the hubby watching football. Thank goodness I am pretty deeply into the book I am reading so I can tune out the talking to the TV and the game. Sorry I am just not a football girl.

This week has been a pretty good one on the reading front, I finished my last two challenges that I needed to get done. And now I am reading a book or two if I make it before Jan that are just for a little bit of fun. Not that I don’t enjoy reading my challenge books too, I do. But these are some non structured reading just cause books.

I plan on watching the movie My Sisters Keeper soon, it’s been on my want to see list for a while, but I hadn’t read the book yet. I am just under ½ through the book and let me tell you its breaking my heart. I feel so bad for Kate being sick, and yet I can totally understand where Anna is coming from. How would you feel if you knew you had been made for spare parts? That is truly taking the whole “Heir and a Spare” thing the English used to say to a new level. It is a good book, but it is honestly heart breaking. I better prepare the tissues and chocolate when I watch the movie.

The Sunday Salon #10

The Sunday

Happy Sunday once again everyone. It is that time where it is the end of the week and really the end of the weekend as well. How was your week? And did you have a good weekend as well? Mine was alright, aside from the fact that my husband brought home a bug and passed it on to me. I managed to get a few things done that I wanted to. One of which was a costume for the next Twilight convention (yes I am a geek).

The next was planning out some holiday themes for my Blog’s last night I made over Birth of a Notion, and today after I get a little bit of rest (I have given up on fighting my insomnia and am just rolling with it) I am going to be making over this blog for the holidays. I will be going back to my usual design when I am done not to worry! But I think it is a good idea to be festive! To have a little fun. If anyone has any recommendations of what colors for the holidays they might like to see I am open to suggestions in the comment area!

I was not successful in getting the husband out to see New Moon this week as planned. But have no fear I have planned a good one for Tuesday. I plan to tell him he must take me to the mall for some ladies essentials. He will never say no to me needing some essentials like that never mind I usually get them anywhere but the mall (to pricey at the mall). So here we go and tada my plan is going to work cause once we are there he wont be able to say no to seeing the movie.

So I am currently watching Laws of Attraction on TBS it’s a cute movie. I get a laugh over the British rock star and the Designer fighting over the Irish castle. I sure wish I could just up and get myself an Irish castle. There is the Irish side of it because I am Irish; there is the history side of it, because I love history. And than frankly how cool would it be to live in a castle?

Sure they are a PITA to upkeep. Expensive on the upkeep end too but come on it is a castle! Ah well a girl can dream right? So I have to laugh again now as I am writing the Lady Lawyer is talking to Mr. O’Callaghan about not being open on a Tuesday. That’s just amusing. But I have probably confused my readers now. *laughs* and I will sign off..saying again Happy Sunday I hope yours is going well!

The Sunday Salon #9

The Sunday

So another Sunday has come and I am watching Ladder 49 as I mentioned in my Quotable post. And I have to say this movie breaks my heart each time I watch it. I know what is going to happen, I know he gets pinned down in that room. I know the fire is blazing and it’s only a matter of time. But it still breaks my heart. And the worst of it is because I know it has to happen in real life. Fire Fighters put their lives on the line every time they respond to a call. So do all the rescue workers. So bless them. For the tireless job they do day in and day out for not nearly enough pay.

On the reading front things are going fairly well. A slow pace but a steady one. Which while I wish I was not so slow is better than nothing right? There is one month left to go of the year. I can hardly believe that. I cant believe just one month left and I have been blogging about books for a year. I am happy I started doing this, and I will continue to do it as long as it is enjoyable. While this started as my first blog, I have grown and grown in the blog universe and my hubby constantly laughs at me. He Says, “Well I am glad you have finally found enough places to write down your thoughts” and he is right I have. My books, my random thoughts, my Rennie thoughts and even my graphic designs now.

So while it has been a rough year on some aspects it’s been a good year in other aspects. On the Challenge front I will be managing to complete every challenge except the “big” main challenge of reading 125 books this year. I will fall short by around 30 or so books I think. Which in the long run isn’t so bad really and certainly not bad for a first year of doing the big challenge? I may be repeating myself from some other posts, but I can’t help but comment on it because I am working on staying positive about it. And I think I should be. Reading is supposed to be enjoyable after all, not “’work” and I do enjoy reading. Hubby calls me his little book worm. And I love being known for it.

On that same note of being a little book worm my family and friends always ask me for reading recommendations. If there is a new book, or something they are looking to read. They always drop me a message one way or another and ask if I have read it, or what I think about it. It may not be much but it is something to be asked about and I enjoy it. I like being the book lady. Okay I am the history lady too, *laughs* but more often than not I am the book lady.

I hope all my readers have had a fantastic week and that Thanksgiving was great for you. And I am going to do a little shameless self-promotion here and ask if you’re a blogger user to head over to my New Blog, have started doing Graphic Designs on blogger (I don’t have the heart to redo this one because I love the design Sarah did) and I am giving away a Free Blog makeover. Blog Makeover Giveaway at Lady Ambrosia’s Creations Thanks and Happy Sunday.

The Sunday Salon #8

The Sunday

What a week this has been. I have done some reading, and I have done some building on my second life sim. But mostly I have been working on a blog for a friend. The project is a bit more than I thought it would be, but that’s okay it’s turning out really well and she’s happy with it so far. So that makes me as the designer a happy camper. I haven’t gotten much sleep this week, which isn’t helping me feel better. But I guess there are worse things in the world.

Another thing I picked up to try to feel useful is needlepoint. I used to do it all the time when I was younger a friend of mine had a huge collection of designs and floss, but it’s been years since I have done it. While looking for something in the cabinet I found a set of designs and such I got off free cycle. So I started doing one. It is a flower pot with some flowers in it. So far it’s looking okay. Although the one frustrating thing for me about needlepoint is that it takes forever to actually look like anything. It just looks like a blob for a long while. But what can you do about it? Just keep on working. So far I have one flower and the twirly bottom of the pot.

The book I started reading last night as well was A Lady of High Regard by Tracie Peterson, so far I like it although I am only 1 chapter in. But so far I am glad that I got the series in one. So I just set my needlepoint aside and since I am still awake I am probably going to start reading again.

I am a little saddened by the fact that one of my kitties went home yesterday. She has a good home, so I am not worried about that I just miss her. She was one of Caesars last babies. And so that makes it a little tough on me. I miss my baby boy Caesar very much. So, another Sunday another Salon. I am hoping to get in some sleep today, and mom is bringing me some things from Michaels so I can scrapbook. That might be fun never done it before.

The Sunday Salon #7

The Sunday

Ah another Sunday another week of not having done much reading. I confess I was doing well there for a minute. But I can’t scold myself to much this week. It was a good reason really well I should say two good reasons that found me not reading much. Firstly in second life I was able to purchase a full SIM. You may not know what that is but trust me its major in second life. Perhaps akin to buying a large ranch or small island in real life. Ha ha. So I had to set up my house, as well as 4 other homes. My mall, my Maternity Center and several other bits and bobs. And I am not done yet the church and wedding area has to go up again too. I am tired just thinking about all the work it takes. But hey a second life business is a business and I am intent on making mine work.

The second reason is that I have taken up my love of photo shop and coding again. I am a self daughter coder, and self taught in photo shop as well. I don’t claim to be the best in the world but I feel I am a fair shot at it. My friend needed a blog design and she was originally going to get one from Sara at Subjective beauty (by far way more talented than me) that has done my blogs. But she ran into money trouble and wasn’t able to. So she said she would happily be my guinea pig. I took her info on what she wanted on her blog and set to work. I finished early yesterday morning Coming out of the Dark is my first full blog project. She decided she also wanted a button now, which I will make and hope she likes it as much as she likes her blog.

The club I work at in Second life also asked me to do their blog, I am not as far on that one but it is coming together nicely as well Sinful Nights and I also made a signature for my friend Sara’s Blog Tiny and Annoying so over all while I didn’t read much it was productive time this week and busy. And while I am trying to get my graphic brain to turn off and read I don’t know if I can. Ha. I am enjoying A Poisoned Season even though I only finished the first chapter oppsy. It’s not the books fault honest it’s a great book.

I have some articles to finish for Article Content and I am hoping to get those done tonight or early tomorrow yet. So my reading will sit on the shelf again. Bah humbug. But I am going to make an effort to at least read a chapter, than type an article than read a chapter again. I have made myself keep my graphics program CLOSED…… yeah we will see if that works.

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