Ah it is Sunday again. And what do I have for you? Well honestly not a whole lot. It was a bad week. However, I will let you in on a little secret that made me giggle a bit. I got all my MEME’s done happily because I scheduled all of them on Sunday for their date release. Hey look at me I can use the schedule button! Okay I admit I knew how to use it however I just wasn’t using it much before. But now I am going to use it. So that on my “good” day’s I can get my posts ready so that on my bad days I don’t have to worry about them.
So since it was a bad week this week I didn’t get much done but I did do some article writing which I am proud of. I also managed to finish my first book of the year and plow half way through the second one. So at least while I am not going as fast as I am used to with books I am keeping at a moderate level.
The one very good thing I did this week was dinner out with a few of my friends from renaissance festival. They treated. Granted I ended up bringing most of my dinner home but that’s okay I have been nibbling off it since and it just makes me smile a little bit every time. It was so very nice to sit and laugh with friends. I was tired when I got home, but that didn’t matter. For a few hours I was just one of the group with two gal pals and one of our guy friends. That is something to keep me smiling even on this Sunday.
Today I am hoping to get to Michaels. I have a GC that a friend sent me that I haven’t been able to spend yet and I would like to get some supplies. Writing for Pen-Paling, and I am thinking also perhaps some modge podge for some scrap booking things.

I know a little about scheduling posts, but I need to learn more.
So much to learn.