Book Review: Man ‘O War by Walter Farley

A fictionalized biography of the American race horse who won twenty of twenty-one races, told by a stable boy who grew up with the great horse.

If you love horses, horseracing and Man o’ War, I highly recomend this book! Even if you don’t have an interest in horses, you would still love this book! It’s about Man o’ War from the night he was foaled, to the tragic day he died… It gives you full details of his races, winning an astonishing 20 of his 21 starts..The race he lost, I think was unfair! (Read to find out!!) It tells alittle about some winners he sired..I learned a lot about this amazing Champion from reading this book…There is soOo much more I can say about this book..but I want you to read to find out!! ENJOY IT!! I KNOW YOU WILL!!*

Book Review: The Island Stallion by Walter Farley

When Steve Duncan is asked to go on an archeological search on a remote Caribbean island, he never imagines the stallion he will find there. But the giant horse is unapproachable, showing nothing but fear and fury towards people. When the stallion gets caught in quicksand, can Steve get close enough to save the wild horse?

Oppsy I thought I posted this one…seems I missed it.

Flame the Island Stallion; he doesn’t get as much attention as his “brother” The Black. But the Island Stallion is a remarkable book, for some it will be something fresh by Walter Farley, since you will be meeting new characters. The book its self is interesting in that half the book takes place on Azul Island, so for the most part the only people we see are Steve Duncan and his friend Pitch. One would think that would make for a boring story, but it doesn’t there is just as much adventure in this book as some of the Black Stallion books. Just like the black stallion it is about a boys love for a wild stallion, a love which in a way tames the stallion. The book is told in a time period of 2 weeks so that is also very different from some of the Black Stallion books. I think most who have enjoyed reading Walter Farley’s The Black Stallion (Books), being there with Alec and the Black. Will enjoy The Island Stallion where they will be there with Steven and Flame. Who wouldn’t want to have a similar adventure like Steve has, finding a lost world that only you and someone else knows about and seeing these incredible beautiful horses, and to top off seeing some ancient artifacts.

Book Review: The Black Stallion Challenged by Walter Farley

The Black Stallion is the fastest horse in America and he and his jockey, Alec Ramsay, are training for a big race. Suddenly there comes a new challenger: Flame! An unproven racer, the Island Stallion can run like the wind and his jockey, Steve Duncan, knows that Flame will give the Black the race of his life. But what neither Steve nor Alec know, is that these two stallions have met before, and they hate each other.

The Black Stallion Challenged is number seventeen in the set of books written by Walter Farley. Walter Farley is best known for The Black Stallion, but he also wrote a set of stories about Flame, a horse hidden on an island in the Caribbean’s. The Black Stallion Challenged is the second cross over story. Steve, the boy who rides Flame, wants to win $65,000 racing Flame so he can buy the island Flame lives on.

Alex, who owns the Black, gives Steve advice. Steve is new to the racing world and Alex tries to teach Steve all the little facets of racing that Alex has learned over years of racing the Black. Steve takes some of the advice. This being fiction we have a race between the Black and Flame, the two fastest horses in the world!

Walter Farley does a great job of telling the story. Most of his stories are basically about a big horse race. But each time he tells the story in a different way. We learn about how different jockeys ride, and how different horses approach the track. Some horses are excited and want to race, others are a bit fearful. Walter Farley spent years in the racing world and it shows.

In this story a filly stumbles and fractures one of her forelegs during a race because the jockey was pushing too hard. There is a whole chapter on the operation as the vet works on the leg. There is another chapter about the jockeys getting ready for the big race. Much of this chapter is told from the point of view of the man who runs the scales.

I have enjoyed every Walter Farley story I’ve read. This was no exception. It is well written and well paced. My young neice constantly wanted me to read another chapter. If you have liked any of the other Black Stallion or Flame stories, give The Black Stallion Challenged a try.

R.I.P Sweet Girl

Sweet Maia Sleeping with Me.

Several years ago on a fatefull snowy winter night I was told about a cat. Her name at the time was Shania, and she had chronic bowel problems and her owner at that time was going to kill her because she was tired of dealing with the “problem.” Never one to let that happen I took myself out there and there she was (more details of course but this post is not about those) sweet little all black girl. She had been declawed (a practice I abhor.) spayed (good) and was very underweight. At 3 years old Maia only weighed about 3lbs. And yes indeed she had the chronic stinky bowel issue. Never the less I packed her up took her home and never looked back She became my little Maia girl.

When I brought her home that Night the Hubby said “She looks like Oscar the grouch” and bless her heard she did. But he also said “you will be a beautiful cat when we get you straightened out” and that she was. A change in diet and some good probiotics later Maia was fine,nd gained some weight though she was always a small girl she would contiune to have bouts of tummy issues because asmuch as we wanted her to remain on a wet food diet Maia was a kibble addict.

Sadly this morning at 5:15am my sweet girl went peacefully across the rainbow bridge. I am happy she was peacefull. I am happy we gave her the years we did and how much she brought into my life. Maia was a sweetheart to everyone, even sleeping all day (and night too) with a house guest who came to visit twice. My life will not be the same without her. I with the way she would march up to me and “Scream” at me when she wanted love. How she would sleep in the most annoying places like on my letter writing box and yet I loved her for it and I would never move her. I love you Maia. Thank you for being my Angel I shall see you again someday across the rainbowbridge.

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….

Author unknown…

Book Review: The Black Stallion and Flame by Walter Farley

While flying to a race, Alec Ramsay and the Black’s plane crash-lands in the stormy Caribbean. Chance brings the Black to the hidden island home of the giant red stallion, Flame. Such a small island can only support one alpha male. But before the two can fight–a fight that can only result in the death of one–a new danger appears. Together, can the stallions defeat the deadly foe which threatens the lives of the entire herd of wild horses?

In The Black Stallion and Flame, Alec and the Black are in a plane wreck when flying over the Caribbean. The chapters then alternate between Alec and Henry, who make there way to a populated island, and the Black, who makes his way to a nonpopulated island. Alec and Henry are looking for the Black when they discover that a deadly diseased vampire bat is on the loose. Meanwhile the Black finds his way onto an island through a tiny passage that is almost invisible. Alec and Henry take a boat out looking for the Black and discover the island that he is on, but they can’t figure out how to get onto it (this is the same island from The Island Stallion, for those of you who have read it). Alec realizes that the bat has traveled in their boat with them to the island! The Black meets Flame, the Island Stallion, but it doesn’t use the name “Flame” in the story so unless you have read The Island Stallion, you have no idea who the “Flame” in the title is. Anyway, they are battling! But then the bat comes onto the island and starts trying to attack them! Will the horses team up to defeat the deadly bat, or will one (or both) of the heroes die (either thru battle or from the bat)? And there’s the big question looming over it all: Will Alec find his horse? And if he does, will the Black be willing to give up his new life in the wild for the world of racing? This is a super book!

Book Review: The Black Stallion’s Mystery By Walter Farley

A horrible trap is set for Alec and his horse…

Alec,The Black, and Henry are out on an adventure… once again!!

Alec is baffled by three colts that arrive for sale from Spain. They look so much like his horse, that Alec is sure they have the same sire.But that wonderful stallion died years ago in Arabia. Or did he?In search of the answer Alec and the Black begin a dangerous journey.
In spain they meet the colts’ eccentric owner, Angel Gonzalez, who takes them to a remote mountian stronghold of anb Arab sheik. The sheik insists he’s seen the Black’s sire running free, in the mountains. And he wants Alec and the Black to catch him.Yet Alec is suspicious. He thinks the whole story is nothing more than an elaborite plot to lure him and his horse to this desolate place-but why??
You have to have read the first book in the series to know who Tabari is and if you don’t then, you wouldn’t get the whole book.

Book Review: The Black Stallions Courage by Walter Farley

When Hopeful Farm burns down, Alec’s dreams for the future go up in smoke. How can he get the money to rebuild? To make matters worse, a strong young colt named Eclipse has taken the racing world by storm, threatening to replace the Black in the hearts of racing fans. Against all odds, Alec sets out to save the farm and prove that the Black is still the greatest race horse of all time!
“Everyone loves a champion. And when the champion is a gallant horse, when his story is told by a champion writer of horse stories, every reader is a winner.”—The New York Times

The Amazing story of Alec Ramsay and his horse The Black is back. Is the long-term tale of this duo something that could happen in real life? Not really this is not something that would be your usual real life tale but that is one reason it is so fantastic and pleasant to read and so enjoyable. Never anything wrong with dreaming and fully enjoying that dream. Once again, Walter Farley brings his characters to us and you just want to take them off the page and immerse yourself in their real life. I know I am behind on my reviews but I really do love these books and as always, this one was wonderful with the rest of them.

Book Review: The Island Stallion Races

More than anything, Steve Duncan dreams of racing his huge, wild stallion, Flame. The horse is untrained, but incredibly fast and Steve just wants to show him off. When two strangers show up and offer to make Steve’s dream a reality, Steve cannot believe his luck. But soon he realizes that a professional racetrack is no place for an unbroken stallion.

Once again, we will see what happens when a wild horse meets the world of modern racetracks it is not always a bright idea. So we venture deep into the world of what happens when savage meets modern. Look for more fights and what happens with a horse that needs training. Being such a fantastic horse lover, I really cannot get over the books I have always loved them and will continue to.

Book Review: The Black Stallions Sulky Colt by Walter Farley

Bonfire, the Black Stallion’s colt who is a champion harness racer, is in training for the biggest race of his career: the Hambletonian. But a routine practice race turns disastrous in a collision of wood, metal, horses, and jockeys. Bonfire escapes unharmed, but is spooked and refuses to race. Alec Ramsey, the owner of the Black, witnesses the crash and is determined to see that Bonfire follow in the winning footsteps of his world-famous sire.

I loved Bonfire the first time that I saw him in the Blood bay colt and I loved that was visiting him again in this fantastic book. Once again, we delve into the world and psychology of horses. Bonfire is spooked and will no longer race after a horrible accident, something that can and does happen to horses. I worked with one myself that had been in a trailer accident and than refused to load into a trailer. Alec does what many of us horse people do when faced with this…tries to help and move the horse beyond his fear.

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