Wicked Wednesday #14

Wicked Wednesday a place to be wicked to other book readers and make them get those TBR piles growing. The concept is simple. Pick a book or two and tell s about them. If its one you read tell us what you liked. If its one you found tell us about that to. Than leave a comment to let us know where to find your Wicked Wednesday titles. Make sure to link back in your posts for other people to follow Wicked Wednesday.

New Jersey Attorney At Law

So not that I am thinking about the possibility but I know sadly sometimes there is no choice but to get divorced. I am the child of a divorced home, and my husband has been divorced. Sometimes there just is no choice so make sure you get a good lawyer here is a fantastic set of New Jersey divorce lawyers

Having approximately 50 years of experience in family and divorce law, Weinberger Law Group will help you through these legally difficult and emotional times. Let Weinberger Law Group New Jersey divorce lawyers guide you through the complicated process of divorce.

A Posioned Season by Tasha Alexander

London’s social season is in full swing, and the Victorian aristocracy can’t stop whispering about a certain gentleman who claims to be the direct descendant of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. But he’s not the only topic of wagging tongues. Drawing rooms, boudoirs, and ballrooms are abuzz with the latest news of an audacious cat burglar who has been making off with precious items that once belonged to the ill-fated queen.

Light gossip turns serious when the owner of one of the pilfered treasures is found murdered, and the mysterious thief develops a twisted obsession with Emily. But the strong-minded and fiercely independent Emily will not be shaken. It will take all of her considerable wit and perseverance to unmask her stalker and ferret out the murderer, even as a brewing scandal threatens both her reputation and her romance with her late husband’s best friend, the dashing Colin Hargreaves.

A Poisoned Season is a delicious blend of sparkling romance, heart-pounding suspense, and rich historical detail that only Tasha Alexander could create.

The second book in the Lady Emily suspense novels does not disappoint in the least. Once again, in Lady Emily is getting herself into peril, trouble, and this time it is in the full swing of the London season, which in itself can be treacherous enough! Follow twists as her reputation is shredded and she has to catch a thief and a murderer and finding out if they are one in the same or two different people can be sticky.

Tasha Alexander has a way of writing that will pull you in and wrap you around the characters. You cannot help but wonder what is going to happen next as the story takes so many delicious twist and turns. Lady Emily is a strong character who you cannot help but love. She stands up for herself in a time when most women simper and bat their lashes until they make a good match.

In addition, along with all this suspense and romance there is just a little bit of romance. Just a hint. If you are not a bodice ripper reader you do not need to worry about that Lady Emily is a sensible woman who does not simper, or follow the multitude of hunky fellows in her life. However, be assured there are a plethora of them. Lords, Dukes and the handsome Mr. Hargreaves all come across. If you like suspense and historical themes, this is a great book to sink your teeth into.

Teaser Tuesday #27

TEASER TUESDAYS asks you to: Grab your current read.Let the book fall open to a random page.Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!Please avoid spoilers!

I smiled broadly to hide my embrassment. It’s not that I dont want to see them, although I’d never dare admit it, I just don’t want to see them sitting with Ben, but it will keep him here for a little while so what the hell. Pg 39 Jemima J by Jane Green

Musing Monday #27

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about your bookshelf…

With the holiday season now upon us, have you left any hint – subtle or otherwise – for books family and friends might buy you for Christmas? Do you like to receive books, or do you prefer certificates so you can choose your own?

I love to get books if there are some that I know I want. Otherwise I am more than happy to get a gift certificate for my favorite book shop. Not everyone in my family is as supportive of my reading habit as others. But my Mom and Hubby know well enough that when in doubt get the book stuff. I haven’t dropped any hints this year unless you count emailing my Amazon wish list oh wait that might be a not so subtle hint. Ha ha.

The Sunday Salon #7

The Sunday Salon.com

Ah another Sunday another week of not having done much reading. I confess I was doing well there for a minute. But I can’t scold myself to much this week. It was a good reason really well I should say two good reasons that found me not reading much. Firstly in second life I was able to purchase a full SIM. You may not know what that is but trust me its major in second life. Perhaps akin to buying a large ranch or small island in real life. Ha ha. So I had to set up my house, as well as 4 other homes. My mall, my Maternity Center and several other bits and bobs. And I am not done yet the church and wedding area has to go up again too. I am tired just thinking about all the work it takes. But hey a second life business is a business and I am intent on making mine work.

The second reason is that I have taken up my love of photo shop and coding again. I am a self daughter coder, and self taught in photo shop as well. I don’t claim to be the best in the world but I feel I am a fair shot at it. My friend needed a blog design and she was originally going to get one from Sara at Subjective beauty (by far way more talented than me) that has done my blogs. But she ran into money trouble and wasn’t able to. So she said she would happily be my guinea pig. I took her info on what she wanted on her blog and set to work. I finished early yesterday morning Coming out of the Dark is my first full blog project. She decided she also wanted a button now, which I will make and hope she likes it as much as she likes her blog.

The club I work at in Second life also asked me to do their blog, I am not as far on that one but it is coming together nicely as well Sinful Nights and I also made a signature for my friend Sara’s Blog Tiny and Annoying so over all while I didn’t read much it was productive time this week and busy. And while I am trying to get my graphic brain to turn off and read I don’t know if I can. Ha. I am enjoying A Poisoned Season even though I only finished the first chapter oppsy. It’s not the books fault honest it’s a great book.

I have some articles to finish for Article Content and I am hoping to get those done tonight or early tomorrow yet. So my reading will sit on the shelf again. Bah humbug. But I am going to make an effort to at least read a chapter, than type an article than read a chapter again. I have made myself keep my graphics program CLOSED…… yeah we will see if that works.

Saturday Sanctuary #2

The Saturday Sanctuary will be a Weekly Writing Post. I will ask something or give a topic. Sometimes it will be short, sometimes it might be longer. The idea is just to write! So others can read. I thought it would be a great idea for a Book Blog to do something about writing. We are bloggers after all so we must have some enjoyment of writing too! So hop on in and Join the Saturday Sanctuary, grab our link and our picture and post your replies here. Make sure you visit others blogs out there and leave comments. Mostly have fun.

What Color are you today? And why?

Today I have to say I am Green. It’s a nice color not to dreary but not as cheerful as say Yellow. I am green today because while I am not depressed I don’t feel like I could take on the world. I had a trip yesterday which should have been simple and easy, I went to Wal-Mart. Unfortunately I ended up having a panic attack because of all the noise, and screaming children and the people. I wanted to yell at them to get out of my dang way and stop cutting me off. I did manage to refrain from the yelling. So that was a good thing. So yes over all I am Green.