Sunday again and in my last Sunday salon I mentioned the great debate over what books to take with me on my trip and how I did not trust the kindle not to run out of batteries so I was taking a coupld hard copy books too. Guess what? GOOD THING,yup ran out of juice and I was out of interesting movies to watch so I had my hard copy books to turn too and I was happy for that. I am home now have been for a bit here, and swinging slowly back into a non vacation reading routine.
I am three books behind schedule. on my main challenge *gasp* but I am not stressing about it. Aside from the fact that there is still a lot of time left in the year this tends to happen to me in the start of the year. I have good reading but not enough and then summer time hits and I tend to crank out more books then most would think. Happened last year at one point or another too and then I smashed several goals, so I am not worried not worried at all yet, talk to me in June ha ha.
I am really enjoying the Dresden series I can say I am sorry I didn’t get started on it sooner but hey better late they never right? For the most part they have only been on my radar a year or two and there are TBR books that have been on my pile for 6 or more so they line jumped ha ha. That reminds me…..I need to read the next Cynster book.