Musing Monday #16

My Sleeping schedule has me a day behind. Here we go..

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about award winning books…

Do you feel compelled to read prize-winning (Giller/Booker/Pulitzer etc) books? Why, or why not? Is there, perhaps, one particular award that you favour? (question courtesy of MizB)

No I don’t because I don’t think a book has to have won an award to be good.There are so many fantastic books out there, and lets face it not a lot of prizes to go around. And ironicly for myself the some of the prize winners I read, I hated. So…a prize doesn’t make it a good book.

Teaser Tuesday #17

TEASER TUESDAYS asks you to: Grab your current read.Let the book fall open to a random page.Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!Please avoid spoilers!

“He held out his hand to me. Suddenly my akwardness fell away, and I easily moved to the door of the carriage and let him wrap his able hands around my waist and lift me to the ground as if I weighed nothing.” ~ Pg 45 How Do I Love Thee? by Nancy Moser


My mom has had a bar iatric procedure done. And I know while she has had to change her diet I have done some research on what she could eat that would still be good and make her happy. In my search I found BariCare they have a full line of products including, Pro-Stat BariCare, Kay’s Naturals Ostrim, Syntrax Nectar Tri O, and Plex Proteinex. This seems to be a fantastic line of products for bar iatric care. I like the information that they offer for us, and I am eager to order a little sample for my mom to try. I think she will like it. And I don’t doubt that if she does we will become regular customers.

Quotable Sunday #13

Welcome to Quotable Sunday! I can’t wait to get around and read your quotes today. The rules of course are never changing but in case this is your first time joining in, I would like to welcome you and let you know the basics:~Post one or more of your favorite quotes on your blog in a post.~Come back here and link your post in the mister linky below(on ).~Check back throughout the day and go read some awesome comments and leave some luv!
I am a day late because yesterday for whatever reason blogger wouldn’t allow me into my dashboard. Evil. So here we go Some thoughts from Ben Franklin.

A countryman between two lawyers is like a fish between two cats.

A good conscience is a continual Christmas.

A great empire, like a great cake, is most easily diminished at the edges.

A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body.

A learned blockhead is a greater blockhead than an ignorant one.

A life of leisure and a life of laziness are two things. There will be sleeping enough in the grave.

A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.

A penny saved is a penny earned.

A place for everything, everything in its place.

A small leak can sink a great ship.

Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.

Admiration is the daughter of ignorance.

All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.

All wars are follies, very expensive and very mischievous ones.

Book Review: Secrets to Happiness by Sara Dunn

Holly Frick just went through the worst kind of divorce: the kind where you’re still in love with the person divorcing you. Alex had left her on January 3rd, like a benevolent CEO who holds off the pink slips until after the holidays. Holly is left to wonder if she’ll everfind happiness again. Like Jane Austen’s Emma Woodhouse, Holly is intimately involved in the lives of those around her, and she’s compelled to give advice with unwavering moral certainty. And, like Emma, she is often completely off the mark. Soon, her advice will get her in over her head, and she’ll find herself playing therapist to her ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend while at the same time falling for her married friend’s lover. Smart and touching, SECRETS TO HAPPINESS is a hilarious look at the funny things people do to be happy.

I heard about this book on the today show, it was touted as one of the must reads of the summer. So I was looking forward to reading it and was lucky enough to get a copy of it from Hachette Book group. And the cover is just really cute. Unfortunately that is where the pleasantness ends on Secrets to happiness. The book was hard for me to get through if I am completely honest. I almost stopped reading but by that point I was half way through and so decided not to give up.

I am not sure how the book can be put into the chic lit genre as over all it is rather depressing. I can understand that it is a gritty look at Manhattan love. But when I read chic lit I expect it to be well more like a romantic comedy. Perhaps that’s just me. The plot itself is boring; the characters are just flat on the page and not that likeable.

The most likeable thing about the book? The dogs. They are the saving grace over all. I could leave the rest of the book and not feel like I have missed anything. There truly are no secrets to be revealed in the Secrets to Happiness. This hit’s the skip it shelf on my list of books. And if you do feel like plugging through I wish you luck.

Giveaway: The Night Gardener by George Pelecanos

Another Fantastic Giveaway brought to you from Hatchette. They are so great!

From Publishers Weekly

Starred Review. Pelecanos (Drama City) delivers a dignified, character-driven epic that succeeds as both literary novel and page-turner. In 1985, the body of a 14-year-old girl turns up in a Washington, D.C., park, the latest in a series of murders by a killer the media dub “The Night Gardener.” T.C. Cook, the aging detective on the case, works with a quiet, almost monomaniacal, focus. Also involved are two young uniformed cops, Gus Ramone, who’s diligent, conscientious and unimpressed by heroics, and Dan “Doc” Holiday, an adrenaline junkie who’s decidedly less straight.

Fast forward 20 years. Detective Ramone, now married with kids of his own, investigates the murder of one of his teenage son’s friends. The homicide closely resembles the earlier unsolved Night Gardener murders. Holiday, now an alcoholic chauffeur and bodyguard, follows the case on his own and tracks down Cook, long retired but still obsessed with the original murders. While the three work together toward a suspenseful ending, Pelecanos emphasizes the fallacy of “solving” a murder and explores the ripple effects of violent crime on society.

Thanks to Hatchette book Group we have 5, yes 5 copies to giveaway. So we will have 5 winners for this great book! Do not miss out on this one!


So here is how to Win this book. The first thing you need to do. And this is required to particpate.Is Comment! This give away will be open til the 27th of June.

And some other ways to get entries:

Follow this blog (1 entry)

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Follow me on facebook (1 entry follow the FB link on the sidebar)

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Create a post on your blog advertising the contest and linking back to us here at Fire & Ice for the contest. make sure you post the link to your post in the comments. (1 entry)

Book Review: Washington’s Lady by Nancy Moser

She dreams of a quiet life with her beloved George, but war looms…

Though still a young woman, Martha Custis is a widow. But she is not without means and has no desire to remarry. Not, that is, until a striking war hero steps into her life and she realizes she is ready to love again. Yet she wonders whether this man, accustomed to courageous military exploits, can settle down to a simple life of farming and being a father to her children. Even as she longs for domestic bliss, Martha soon realizes she will have to risk everything dear to her and find the courage to get behind a dream much larger than her own. Known for moving first-person novels of Nannerl Mozart and Jane Austen, Nancy Moser now brings to life the loves and trials of the First First Lady of the United States.

Nancy Moser does it again. Washington’s Lady is an absolute masterpiece. And a fine tribute to the lady who stood alongside Americas first president, our reluctant and yet dutiful hero. All those who know me know how much I adore this time of American History and this book lives up to my passion for it. Admittedly I do not know as much about George Washington and Martha as I would like, as I am a Jefferson girl (can you guess) But is books like this that make me crave to learn more about him and his Martha.

In this book we follow Martha’s story we meet her at the time of the death of her first husband and how she will move forward from there. Married only 7 years to that first husband, she was left the wealthiest widow in Virginia. She rejects many suitors, as she hasn’t found one who can capture her heart or inkling like that. Enter Colonel George Washington. Their match truly was a love match, and Martha stayed beside George through it all.

There were times when Martha did not wish the path that George took, but she was still by his side. She may have disagreed with her old man but she always supported him. The book does make a point at the very end to say that many say without George Washington we would not have America, which is very true. And the book than goes onto say, Without Martha Washington there would be no George. And this comment is also true. Behind every great man is a great woman. This book has taken place as the best book that I have read this year. I highly encourage anyone and everyone to pick it up, and read it.

Friday Finds #15

I am a day late. but here is a book I heard about this morning.

Dad Said

Ollestad, we can do it all. . . .

Why do you make me do this?

Because it’s beautiful when it all comes together.

I don’t think it’s ever beautiful.

One day.


We’ll see, my father said. Vamanos.

From the age of three, Norman Ollestad was thrust into the world of surfing and competitive downhill skiing by the intense, charismatic father he both idolized and resented. While his friends were riding bikes, playing ball, and going to birthday parties, young Norman was whisked away in pursuit of wild and demanding adventures. Yet it were these exhilarating tests of skill that prepared “Boy Wonder,” as his father called him, to become a fearless champion–and ultimately saved his life.

Flying to a ski championship ceremony in February 1979, the chartered Cessna carrying Norman, his father, his father’s girlfriend, and the pilot crashed into the San Gabriel Mountains and was suspended at 8,200 feet, engulfed in a blizzard. “Dad and I were a team, and he was Superman,” Ollestad writes. But now Norman’s father was dead, and the devastated eleven-year-old had to descend the treacherous, icy mountain alone.

Set amid the spontaneous, uninhibited surf culture of Malibu and Mexico in the late 1970s, this riveting memoir, written in crisp Hemingwayesque prose, recalls Ollestad’s childhood and the magnetic man whose determination and love infuriated and inspired him–and also taught him to overcome the indomitable. As it illuminates the complicated bond between an extraordinary father and his son, Ollestad’s powerful and unforgettable true story offers remarkable insight for us all.

Book Review: Chemical Cowboys by Lisa Sweetingham

For nearly a decade, Ecstasy kingpin Oded Tuito was the mastermind behind a drug ring that used strippers and Hassidic teenagers to mule millions of pills from Holland to the party triangle–Los Angeles, New York, and Miami.

Chemical Cowboys is a thrilling journey through the groundbreaking undercover investigations that led to the toppling of a billion-dollar Ecstasy trafficking network–starting in 1995 when New York DEA Agent Robert Gagne infiltrated club land to uncover a thriving drug scene supported by two cultures: pill-popping club kids and Israeli dealers.

Gagne’s obsessive mission to take down Tuito’s network met unexpected challenges and personal discoveries that almost crippled his own family. Weaved into the narrative are the stories of Tuito’s underlings who struggled with addiction as they ran from the law, and the compelling experiences of a veteran Israeli police officer who aided Gagne while chasing after his own target–a violent Mob boss who saw the riches to be made in Ecstasy and began to import his own pills and turf warfare to the U.S.

Chemical Cowboys offers a taut, behind-the-scenes glimpse into an international criminal enterprise as daring as it is deadly.

I used to be huge into the true crime genre, and I had read them all. But than I lost interest. I am not sure why, but for the most part I just decided they all kind of started to sound the same. No offense to any of those authors, but they did. So it is a rare book that can pull me back into my thoughts about true crime being decent. In the last year only one book has done it. Until now. Chemical Cowboys is a stunning masterpiece of a Crime Novel.

Lisa Sweetingham weaves such a wicked web about this king pin, with characters that you will remember. Some of them you will love and some of them you will love to hate. I really can not think of to many words that would do this book justice. Other than it is grippingly good.

You will get into the underbelly of the beast, and follow the scum as they go. It’s graphic and descriptive and you can picture yourself there in the action. So if you’re a lover of action, and Crime this is a book for you. Even if your not I recommend you pick it up and take a look at this book. I am so glad I was given the chance to read Chemical Cowboys. It was a refreshing breath of new air into a genre I have missed.

Booking Through Thursday – Niche

There are certain types of books that I more or less assume all readers read. (Novels, for example.)

But then there are books that only YOU read. Instructional manuals for fly-fishing. How-to books for spinning yarn. How to cook the perfect souffle. Rebuilding car engines in three easy steps. Dog training for dummies. Rewiring your house without electrocuting yourself. Tips on how to build a NASCAR course in your backyard. Stuff like that.

What niche books do YOU read?

My niche book is book’s about clicker training. For horse’s and dog’s.

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