Looking at my blog and the Meme’s I do I decided I needed something to put on my book blog on Saturdays I am trying to gather a Meme for everyday of the week. And to start posting them regularly like a good girl. Well I didn’t see any good Saturday ones, so I decided to start my own. And I decided to title it the Saturday Sanctuary.
The Saturday Sanctuary will be a Weekly Writing Post. I will ask something or give a topic. Sometimes it will be short, sometimes it might be longer. The idea is just to write! So others can read. I thought it would be a great idea for a Book Blog to do something about writing. We are bloggers after all so we must have some enjoyment of writing too! So hop on in and Join the Saturday Sanctuary, grab our link and our picture and post your replies here. Make sure you visit others blogs out there and leave comments. Mostly have fun.
Today will be a short fun post. What is your favorite time of day to read?
For me my favorite time to read is the wee morning hours. When my hubby is asleep and when the animals are usually laid back and some of them are sleeping on me happily cuddled up. No one bothers me and I can just settle into my book and focus. That is the best time to read for me and there are no distractions.