Another week and more trials have gone by. This week was a rough one for me health wise I was not feeling adequate at all and I had some serious issues sleeping. But aside from that, it has not been a horrible week.
I have had some creative snaps while not being able to sleep and that comes in handy 😉 I have also been officially signed up and accepted to sell Stationery Products from Exaclair. I am very excited about this as they carry some of the finest stationery’s out there.
I plan to list the unscented items of G. Lalo and Clairefontaine on my Lady Ambrosia’s Creations website, as well as my custom scented items. So far, I have my custom scented items listed on Etsy to see if there is any interest. Once I get packaging done on some of my other things I plan on listing those as well. But I have to do packages and pictures first.
Reading has also been slow, but I am slowly but surely doing it. I finished the Candice book and I just have t do the review. I am reading my next book in line slowly and it is good. I am enjoying it. I have some serious writer’s cramp from all the pen paling I have been doing but I cannot complain too much I really do enjoy pen paling. I enjoy writing so much.
I also did my first ink review on my ink review blog and that went over pretty well I think.
So overall while I have not been feeling well it has been a very busy week and fulfilling. I hope this coming week I get some more reading done.