2010 Read from my Shelves Challenge

Diane from the Bibliophile by the Sea is Hosting this One.

Does this sound like something you’d like to do as well??? If so, feel free to join in:

• grab the button
• decide how many books you want to read from your shelves (minimum of 20 – no maximum)

• find a new home for the books once you read them
• post the titles and the authors of books you’ve read and passed on
• project runs from January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010
• crossover challenge books are allowed

I am setting my goal for this one at 50 books. Thats half my goal for my other challenge and perfect I think as I do give away most of my books.

4 / 50 Books. 8% done!

1. Scandal’s Bride by Stephanie Laurens
2. Tempted by P.C Cast & Kristin Cast

3. Don’t Miss your Life by Charlene Anna Baumbich

4. The Night Gardener by George Pelecanos

2010 100+ Challenge

1. The goal is to read 100 or more books. Anyone can join. You don’t need a blog to participate.

–Non-Bloggers: Post your list of books in the comment section of the wrap-up post. To learn how to sign up without having a blog, click here.

2. Audio, Re-reads, eBooks, YA, Library books, Young Reader, Nonfiction – as long as the book has an ISBN or equivalent or can be purchased as such, the book counts.

3. No need to list your books in advance. You may select books as you go. Even if you list them now, you can change the list if needed.

4. Crossovers from other reading challenges count.

5. Challenge begins January 1st thru December, 2010. Books started before the 1st do not count.

6. When you sign up under Mr. Linky, put the direct link to your post where your books will be listed. Include the URL to this post so that other viewers can find this fun challenge. If you’d prefer to put your list in the sidebar of your blog, please leave your viewers the link to the sign up page. Again, so viewers can join the challenge too.

13 / 100 books. 13% done!

My Goal for this Challenge will be the same as my Challenge will be for PBS. 100 Books in one year.

1. Scandal’s Bride by Stephanie Laurens

2. Tempted by P.C Cast & Kristin Cast

3. Don’t Miss your Life! by Charlene Ann Baumbich

4. The Night Gardener by George Pelecanos

5. Unmasked by Author: Janet Dailey, Jennifer Blake, Elizabeth Gage
6. Big Girls Don’t Cry by Author: Donna Hill, Brenda Jackson, Monica Jackson, Francis Ray 7. The Culture of Excess by J.R Slosar
8. Gordon Ramsay The Biography by Neil Simpson
9. Thanks for the Memories by Cecelia Ahern
10. Free Food for Millionaires by Min Jin Lee
11. The Teahouse Fire by Ellis Avery
12. Plain Pursuit by Beth Wiseman
13. Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay

2010 Read and Review Challenge

Hosted by Miz B

* review each book you read between January 1st and December 31st of the current year.

* PLEASE keep your reviews clean & respectful ~ these books we read are the hard work of an author, and we don’t need to be mean. Even if you didn’t like the book, please try to find something you can say that would be encouraging to the author.

* reviews can be as short, or long, as you wish
* you MAY overlap with other challenges
* eBooks and Audiobooks ARE allowed
* if there will be spoilers in your review, please note this in the subject line of your post so that those who don’t want to read them can skip that review. Thank you.

1. Scandal’s Bride by Stephanie Laurens
2. Tempted by P.C Cast & Kristin Cast
3. Don’t Miss Your Life by Charlene Anna Baumbich
4. The Night Gardener by George Pelecanos

Musing Monday #28

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about your bookshelf…

Tomorrow I have my first teaching job (yes, I’m sharing my non-book bloggy news!) and it’s inspired today’s Musing Monday.

What books did you read while in school? Were there any that you particular liked, or even hated? Did any become lifelong favourites?

One of my favorite books reading in school was the Giver it has become a life long favorite and there is just something about it that stays with you. There were a lot of books I didn’t like but honestly I can’t recall the names. Because generally if I don’t like it I don’t remember it. But the classics Shakespeare and anything by Jane Austen were always good reads. The Giver however is one I will never forget.

The Sunday Salon #8

The Sunday Salon.com

What a week this has been. I have done some reading, and I have done some building on my second life sim. But mostly I have been working on a blog for a friend. The project is a bit more than I thought it would be, but that’s okay it’s turning out really well and she’s happy with it so far. So that makes me as the designer a happy camper. I haven’t gotten much sleep this week, which isn’t helping me feel better. But I guess there are worse things in the world.

Another thing I picked up to try to feel useful is needlepoint. I used to do it all the time when I was younger a friend of mine had a huge collection of designs and floss, but it’s been years since I have done it. While looking for something in the cabinet I found a set of designs and such I got off free cycle. So I started doing one. It is a flower pot with some flowers in it. So far it’s looking okay. Although the one frustrating thing for me about needlepoint is that it takes forever to actually look like anything. It just looks like a blob for a long while. But what can you do about it? Just keep on working. So far I have one flower and the twirly bottom of the pot.

The book I started reading last night as well was A Lady of High Regard by Tracie Peterson, so far I like it although I am only 1 chapter in. But so far I am glad that I got the series in one. So I just set my needlepoint aside and since I am still awake I am probably going to start reading again.

I am a little saddened by the fact that one of my kitties went home yesterday. She has a good home, so I am not worried about that I just miss her. She was one of Caesars last babies. And so that makes it a little tough on me. I miss my baby boy Caesar very much. So, another Sunday another Salon. I am hoping to get in some sleep today, and mom is bringing me some things from Michaels so I can scrapbook. That might be fun never done it before.

Saturday Sanctuary #3

The Saturday Sanctuary will be a Weekly Writing Post. I will ask something or give a topic. Sometimes it will be short, sometimes it might be longer. The idea is just to write! So others can read. I thought it would be a great idea for a Book Blog to do something about writing. We are bloggers after all so we must have some enjoyment of writing too! So hop on in and Join the Saturday Sanctuary, grab our link and our picture and post your replies here. Make sure you visit others blogs out there and leave comments. Mostly have fun.
Have you gone to see New Moon yet? If so did you enjoy it?

I went to the midnight showing of New Moon. And I have to say I enjoyed it. While it was not my favorite of the books I liked the movie. They stayed true to the book and the effects were great. The story flowed nice. I did get a little upset that they left a favorite seen of mine out. But over all, Thumbs Up.

Book Review: Chosen by P.C Cast & Kristin Cast

Dark forces are at work at the House of Night and fledgling vampyre Zoey Redbird’s adventures at the school take a mysterious turn. Those who appear to be friends are turning out to be enemies. And oddly enough, sworn enemies are also turning into friends.

So begins the gripping third installment of this “highly addictive series” (Romantic Times), in which Zoey’s mettle will be tested like never before. Her best friend, Stevie Rae, is undead and struggling to maintain a grip on her humanity. Zoey doesn’t have a clue how to help her, but she does know that anything she and Stevie Rae discover must be kept secret from everyone else at the House of Night, where trust has become a rare commodity.

Speaking of rare: Zoey finds herself in the very unexpected and rare position of having three boyfriends. Mix a little bloodlust into the equation and the situation has the potential to spell social disaster.

Just when it seems things couldn’t get any tougher, vampyres start turning up dead. Really dead. It looks like the People of Faith, and Zoey’s horrid step-father in particular, are tired of living side-by-side with vampyres. But, as Zoey and her friends so often find out, how things appear rarely reflects the truth…

Here is another one I read months ago, and didn’t get the review written for it. So here we go.

Zoey Redbird and her gang are back again in the third installment of the House of Night series. And once again I am not disappointed. This series really is an entertaining read. You continue to get things into the plot that you just don’t see coming. Zoey has so much on her plate but she continues to rise above it. Not without difficulty of course, but she does. Showing just what a strong woman she is.

With boyfriends coming out of her ears, who would have thought? Zoey does find herself in a large bit of drama. As well as finding she is being used. The book all in all is much darker, and sadder than the others. But it is still fantastically written. I truly enjoy how these books are being put together. The writing team of P.C and Kristin Cast is amazing. They continue to put new but believable twists on the myth of the Vampire. And while I often joke and tell my friends its Harry Potter meets Twilight, it truly is much more than that and I look forward to continue reading this series.

Book Review: Jemima J by Jane Green

Jemima Jones is overweight. About one hundred pounds overweight. Treated like a maid by her thin and social-climbing roommates, and lorded over by the beautiful Geraldine (less talented but better paid) at the Kilburn Herald, Jemima finds that her only consolation is food. Add to this her passion for her charming, sexy, and unobtainable colleague Ben, and Jemima knows her life is in need of a serious change. When she meets Brad, an eligible California hunk, over the Internet, she has the perfect opportunity to reinvent herself-as JJ, the slim, beautiful, gym-obsessed glamour girl. But when her long-distance Romeo demands that they meet, she must conquer her food addiction to become the bone-thin model of her e-mails-no small feat.

With a fast-paced plot that never quits and a surprise ending no reader will see coming, Jemima J is the chronicle of one woman’s quest to become the woman she’s always wanted to be, learning along the way a host of lessons about attraction, addiction, the meaning of true love, and, ultimately, who she really is.

The first thing I am going to say about Jemima J is that I am sorry I waited over a year to read it! It’s been on my to read pile for close to two years now and I am so happy I read it. This story is a fantastic one of self preservation, self learning and a little bit of love thrown into the mix for good measure. This honestly is a book that looks at the human condition. How women see themselves. How there is an ideal that really when you think about it, is not so ideal.

The story of Jemima Jones the little miss from London could be the story of any of us who feel that we need a little push. Who feel we are a little frumpy, or stuck in a job that just doesn’t appreciate us. Oh I know I have been in that kind of job more than once. Haven’t you? I know I have my moments of self doubt of feeling like a frump. Even when I was a tiny size 4 (which I am not any longer) I had those worries. And that’s the thing being skinny does not automatically guarantee you happiness. And Jemima finds that out. True to all of her books that I have read so far Jane green does it again. She keeps you entertained, and you do not see the plot twists coming that arrive. If you like Chic Lit I highly recommend this one.

Booking Through Thursday-Prosterity

Today’s question was suggested by Barbara:

Do you think any current author is of the same caliber as Dickens, Austen, Bronte, or any of the classic authors? If so, who, and why do you think so? If not, why not? What books from this era might be read 100 years from now?

This is a tough one. I haven’t read every author out there. I can say from what I have read there isn’t too many I would think will be read 100 years later. There are some but off the top of my head I cant think of anything exact I know there are some. This is certainly a touchy subject some stay only with the classics but we all have to remember the classics weren’t classics when they came out. So only time will tell what will be classic 100 years from now.

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