Friday Finds #28

Ruth Caldwell has always tried to live up to her mother’s expectations of what a lady should be…often with less than impressive results. But when she’s forced to journey west to meet the father she’s never seen, Ruth hopes that this might be the place she’ll finally fit in. But her arrival brings about more mayhem than even Ruth is used to. She soon meets Josh McCain, the son of her father’s business partner, but discovers some startling news: Her father passed away years ago. And though Josh urges Ruth to claim her inheritance, he grows suspicious of something more sinister at hand when her “accidents” seem to go beyond Ruth’s normal bumbling ways and leave her very life in danger.

Cassandra Stover can’t believe her luck when she becomes the companion to Mrs. Jameston, a wealthy society woman. Not only can she help her widowed mother and sister, but Cassie genuinely comes to care for the elderly woman who treats her like family. Enter Mark Langford, an insurance investigator, and everything changes for her.

When Mark reveals that he is investigating Sebastian Jameston, the son of Cassandra’s employer, she agrees to pretend they are courting so he can stay in close proximity to the family. Motivated by her devotion to Mrs. Jameston and her own suspicion regarding Sebastian, will the game of pretense that Cassie and Mark embark upon allow a tentative love to grow…especially when unexpected danger puts them both at risk?

Book Review: Don’t Miss Your Life!: An Uncommon Guide to Living with Freedom, Laughter, and Grace by Charlene Ann Baumbich

Along comes a book by a storyteller who holds the power, in true stories well told, to offer a motivating and healing balm for those thirsting and eager for somebody to remind them to “say YES to life, slow down, wake up, let go, hold on and LIVE!” As readers listen to Baumbich’s stories, laugh and cry, and then revisit their own stories, they will discover the sovereign hand of God not only loving them in the midst of adversity but wooing them to live life to the full.
Readers should fasten their seatbelts for this warm, fun, provocative, heartwarming ride. “We are so busy running our lives that we are often not enjoying them, giving thanks for them, or realizing our joy and potential,” Charlene says. “But if you learn the lively and releasing art of listening to and mining your own stories, you’ll learn that your life is, indeed, better than you think!

I do not usual read self help type books. But because I have been down in the mouth with Lymphoma I thought it might be a good book to read to help lift me up a little bit. And honestly it did lift me up a little bit. Although personally I am already applying most of the things she talks about to my life. And I have been for some time.

So while I didn’t get as much out of it as others might, I do think it would be a good book for someone who is trying to make some major changes in their life. It gives you some good ideas, and ways to do it. It offers insight and thoughts on how not to miss your Life. As the title says.

So if you need a little help just learning how to live. This will be a book you should sit down and look at.

Book Review: Tempted by P.C Cast and Kiristin Cast

So…you’d think after banishing an immortal being and a fallen High Priestess, saving Stark’s life, biting Heath, getting a headache from Erik, and almost dying, Zoey Redbird would catch a break. Sadly, a break is not in the House of Night school forecast for the High Priestess in training and her gang. Juggling three guys is anything but a stress reliever, especially when one of them is a sexy Warrior who is so into protecting Zoey that he can sense her emotions. Speaking of stress, the dark force lurking in the tunnels under the Tulsa Depot is spreading, and Zoey is beginning to believe Stevie Rae could be responsible for a lot more than a group of misfit red fledglings. Aphrodite’s visions warn Zoey to stay away from Kalona and his dark allure, but they also show that it is Zoey who has the power to stop the evil immortal. Soon it becomes obvious that Zoey has no choice: if she doesn’t go to Kalona he will exact a fiery vengeance on those closest to her. Will Zoey have the courage to chance losing her life, her heart, and her soul?

This series just keeps getting better and better. Once again we are thrown into the turmoil that has become Zoey Redbirds life, we pick up with her and her gang right where we left them after the last book. They have just banished Neferet and Kalona away from Tulsa. And one would think after all that has happened they would get a little bit of a break. But that is not to be.

Zoey and her group manage to get a little bit of sleep but there are still more issues to be handled. Zoey of course has the boyfriend issues. She has gone from having Erik and Heath to worry about to now also having Stark, her warrior who has a close bond to her. Erik is getting more and more possessive and it is becoming increasingly hard for Zoey to handle. Talk about Drama.

When the group decides to return to the house of night they find that their home is in turmoil and the only thing to explain it is that Kalona and Neferet are still alive, and still have a hold on them. This thought is confirmed by finding out that they are at the high council in Italy.

This book takes so many twists and turns that you don’t see coming that it keeps you engrossed. Your wondering what is going to happen next and how could it possibly get any more different. The writing is engaging and develops the story well. And the ending will leave you wishing it was April already for the new release.

Wicked Wednesday #22

Wicked Wednesday a place to be wicked to other book readers and make them get those TBR piles growing. The concept is simple. Pick a book or two and tell s about them. If its one you read tell us what you liked. If its one you found tell us about that to. Than leave a comment to let us know where to find your Wicked Wednesday titles. Make sure to link back in your posts for other people to follow Wicked Wednesday.

Rural Wisconsin, 1909. In the bitter cold, Ralph Truitt, a successful businessman, stands alone on a train platform waiting for the woman who answered his newspaper advertisement for “a reliable wife.” But when Catherine Land steps off the train from Chicago, she’s not the “simple, honest woman” that Ralph is expecting. She is both complex and devious, haunted by a terrible past and motivated by greed. Her plan is simple: she will win this man’s devotion, and then, ever so slowly, she will poison him and leave Wisconsin a wealthy widow. What she has not counted on, though, is that Truitt–a passionate man with his own dark secrets–has plans of his own for his new wife. Isolated on a remote estate and imprisoned by relentless snow, the story of Ralph and Catherine unfolds in unimaginable ways.

Hey Fellow Book Friends, want a Really nice Book mark?

Since I do so much reading, I was getting tired of using the same bookmarks. Not only that but the nice paper clip and floss ones I had were all stolen by my cats. Go fiq. So I asked my friend and Jewelry maker Bella Bejeweled if she could make me up a custom book mark. Something nice that would last a while. Told her my favorite color was purple, and of course my love of a certain Vampire Major.

This is what she came up with:

Pardon the bad quality on this photo, my camera isnt the best.

I am so happy with it. I have used it on several books now and been perfectly happy and a few times I got compliments at the Doctors office about it. There are a few ways I can put it in the book, the way I have it in the photo with my current book I am reading is the best way I have found.

The price is reasonable for a bookmark that I am going to use for a while. If you want one of your own visit the shop and give her an email. The bookmarks aren’t listed on the website, but I am sure she would be happy to help you out let her know Ambrosia sent you.

Book Review: Plain Pursuit by Beth Wisemen

hen Carley Marek takes a hiatus from her job, she leaves Texas and visits her friend Lillian in Amish country, Pennsylvania. Carley isn’t there long when she meets Lillian’s charming—but shunned—brother-in-law, Dr. Noah Stoltzfus.

When Lillian’s stepson is stricken with a life-threatening disease, Noah is forbidden to intervene, but he resolves to do whatever it takes to save the boy’s life. Carley finds herself caught in the middle of her feelings for Noah and her loyalty to Lillian. And to further complicate matters, everyone around her is talking about God–a God she doesn’t know and who appears to be punishing her for her past mistakes.

When her hiatus is up, Carley must make a life-changing decision: stay and face the path that is set before her, or flee and leave the only love she’s ever known.

Teaser Tuesday #35

TEASER TUESDAYS asks you to: Grab your current read.Let the book fall open to a random page.Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!Please avoid spoilers!

“And than staring into the tunnel, she realized the perfect answer. It would mean that she’d have to admit one of her secrets, and in doing so she wondered if Zoey could possibly understand why Stevie Rae had kept things from her.” pg. 123 Tempted by P.C and Kristin Cast

Musing Monday #35

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about tidy bookshelves.

Are your bookshelves strictly books only? Or have knick-knacks invaded? Do your shelves also shelve DVDs? Photos? Why not snap a photo – I’m sure we all like to spy on other’s shelves!

Ha ha I am so not going to snap a photo of my shelf as it is right now. It is a mess. My cat’s invaded and decided it would be fun to knock down a bunch of my books instead of resorting them since I have not been feeling well I just stacked them on the shelf.

For the most part my book shelves are books only. There are a few exceptions. On one corner I have my book shipping supplies. My paper I wrap with and plastic ect. And in another corner I have a few small pieces of my renaissance stuff. To keep out of the way of the kitties. Otherwise Its Books Books and more Books. I love that .

The Sunday Salon #15

The Sunday

Ah it is Sunday again. And what do I have for you? Well honestly not a whole lot. It was a bad week. However, I will let you in on a little secret that made me giggle a bit. I got all my MEME’s done happily because I scheduled all of them on Sunday for their date release. Hey look at me I can use the schedule button! Okay I admit I knew how to use it however I just wasn’t using it much before. But now I am going to use it. So that on my “good” day’s I can get my posts ready so that on my bad days I don’t have to worry about them.

So since it was a bad week this week I didn’t get much done but I did do some article writing which I am proud of. I also managed to finish my first book of the year and plow half way through the second one. So at least while I am not going as fast as I am used to with books I am keeping at a moderate level.

The one very good thing I did this week was dinner out with a few of my friends from renaissance festival. They treated. Granted I ended up bringing most of my dinner home but that’s okay I have been nibbling off it since and it just makes me smile a little bit every time. It was so very nice to sit and laugh with friends. I was tired when I got home, but that didn’t matter. For a few hours I was just one of the group with two gal pals and one of our guy friends. That is something to keep me smiling even on this Sunday.

Today I am hoping to get to Michaels. I have a GC that a friend sent me that I haven’t been able to spend yet and I would like to get some supplies. Writing for Pen-Paling, and I am thinking also perhaps some modge podge for some scrap booking things.

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