Friday Finds: #7

Okay so I was watching The Today Show, and Heard about this book. I promptly went out and added it to all of my Wish lists! So my Friday Find Is:

“Sometimes I lock myself in the bathroom.”

“I put an educational DVD on so I could have sex. It wasn’t with my husband.”

Romi Lassally provides a judgment-free zone where women can reveal their mommy misdemeanors. From not feeling like cleaning up vomit in the middle of the night, to barking something completely inappropriate to the children, to wanting to be pawed by hands that aren’t covered in jelly, the confessions pour in daily.

Heartfelt and hilarious, naughty and nasty, frank and outrageous, the confessions culled together for this book represent the best—or the worst?—of those humbling hidden secrets of motherhood in all its glorious messiness as improvisation and triage. They dare to suggest that it’s okay for moms to make mistakes, to have unkind thoughts, to publicly or privately embarrass themselves—and above all to be human.

About the Author
Romi Lassally is the co-creator of the popular website and the founding editor of the Lifestyles section of The Huffington Post

New Meme: Wicked Wednesday # 1

I decided since I do so many weekly Meme’s I would start one of my own. It is going to be somewhat Similar to Friday Finds, but really who wants to recommend books just one time a week. So we have Wicked Wednesday.

Fire & Ice Hosts:

Wicked Wednesday a place to be wicked to other book readers and make them get those TBR piles growing. The concept is simple. Pick a book or two and tell s about them. If its one you read tell us what you liked. If its one you found tell us about that to. Than leave a comment to let us know where to find your Wicked Wednesday titles. Make sure to link back in your posts for other people to follow Wicked Wednesday.

And my pick for the very First Wicked Wens IS…

Hearts and Bones by Margaret Lawrence. It is on my April book List to read and promises to be good. Its a 1777 murder mystery! So I get my fav history and some mistery as well. So tell me what did you find?

I must be sick

Yup you read that right I must be very very sick. You see yesterday I went to my book club meeting. And it was at Borders. Now normally I can not get out of borders without buying a book, usually more than one. Well yesterday I even knew what books I wanted to get, and when it came time to go. I left. I just walked out and I didn’t buy my books! I must be horribly sick. I had the car today, and I didn’t go back to the store and get my books. I just stayed home. Someone please help cure me of this terrible affliction. Or maybe I should just make somebody
stop at the bookstore on their way home tomorrow, hehe.

The New Look!

Alright my friend’s check out the new look! Isn’t it GREAT?! Sara over at Subjective Beauty did the design for me, and I am over the moon happy with it. I admit I was a little nervous to get a design done. Only because I have had bad experiences in the past with designers. Well Sara erased it all, she was so easy to work with and the place looks GREAT. I hope you all enjoy the new layout as much as I do! If your looking at getting something custom on your blog give Sara a visit and look at her portfolio I will sing her praises til I run out of voice!

My Irish Read Suggestions

With St Pat’s day coming up just around the corner, and myself being shamelessly Irish, I wanted to give you a few recommendations of books that are Irish related. Amazon helped out with some of these, LOL But I have read most of them as well.

The Irish Americans by J.P Dolan

The Complete works of Oscar Wilde

The Gathering by Anne Enright

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