One of the greatest loves of all time-between Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley-comes to life in this vivid novel.
They were playmates as children, impetuous lovers as adults-and for thirty years were the center of each others’ lives. Astute to the dangers of choosing any one man, the Virgin Queen could never give her “Sweet Robin” what he wanted most-marriage- yet she insisted he stay close by her side. Possessive and jealous, their love survived quarrels, his two disastrous marriages to other women, her constant flirtations, and political machinations with foreign princes.
His Last Letter tells the story of this great love… and especially of the last three years Elizabeth and Dudley spent together, the most dangerous of her rule, when their passion was tempered by a bittersweet recognition of all that they shared-and all that would remain unfulfilled.
I know there are many who chalk this book up to just being fan fiction and maybe for them it is, heck even for me I am willing to say there is a great deal of fan fiction involved. That being said I don’t mind fan fiction and when dealing with a relationship from so far away there will be a little bit of fan fiction. We know they had a special relationship and what is wrong with coloring in the lines a bit. There were times I found Elizabeth a little bit to much when it came to childishness and tantrums. I have a hard time picturing that is how she really acted. Royal blood and raised as she was, but it is of course possible.
There were some historical points that were not right, but if I wanted a complete bio I would be reading non fiction. Reading is an enjoyment for me and a historical fiction to me is about that entertainment mixed with the backdrop of history. So to me this book, was enjoyable. The pacing was good and the characters came alive on the page. To me that is the mark of a good book. So if you like historical fictions and don’t mind a few moments that are up and down as far as taking in the actions of characters I think you will enjoy this read. Give it a try.
My Gemstone Rating:

I read for the enjoyment of it and find it easy to get lost in a story as long as it is well written.
sherry @ fundinmental
Me too. I always get a little bothered when people have massive issues about a historical fiction not getting everything 100%.