Musing Monday #41

Do you keep all the books you ever buy? Just the ones you love? Just collectibles? What do you do with the ones you don’t want to keep?

I do not keep very many of my books because I read so many. I keep classic and ones that I love and know I will read again. I will keep a series that I really enjoy but that is about it. I do not count my history books in that general area because they used to be for work 🙂 but I keep those as well.

Musing Monday #40

Do you keep reference books on your shelves at home? What’s your first port of call when you need information – the internet or a book?

I do have reference books most of mine are history related, Renaissance, Medieval, Revolution ect ect. I also keep some reference books for vet care of Cats, and other Cat related books. I have some horse training reference books and some general horse related reference books. My first place that I go is my books and than the internet, if it is something I have books for if not, than the net it is.

Musing Monday #39

I’ve seen several bloggers mention reading multiple books this week. Do you frequently read more than one book at a time? Do you try to limit this to a certain number? Do you have different books for different purposes/topics?

Nope I cannot read more than one book at a time. When I am reading a book, I am into that book jumping around and different stories just makes my brain have a little heart attack. Especially because lately I have been having issues even concentrating on one story at a time. I applaud people who can read more than one book at a time.

Musing Monday #38

Go to your bookshelf and pick a random book. No cheating now, just reach out and pick one. Now tell us about it – where did you get it? Why? Was it a gift? Does it hold any special memories? Did someone recommend it to you? etc.

Well first off, I have to shake a fist for making me go to my shelf and grab a book but I did go and do it like a good girl. I closed my eyes had a mountain of books fall down on me but I picked one out. And it is…

Free Food for Millionaires by Min Jin Lee .

Moreover, I honestly do not remember where I got it. However, I know I did not buy it. Therefore, it came from either my book-swapping site or a publisher or friend sent it to me. I am slightly embarrassed I cannot even remember where it is from but with close to 600 books on the TBR there is going to be a few I do not remember. It does not have any special memories, and I do not remember why I got it. However pulling it out of the shelf made me read the back and the first sentence and I am putting it on my pile of books to read for this month, so see something good came out of it.

Musing Monday #37

Where do you keep any books borrowed from friends or the library? Do they live with your own collection, or do you keep them separate? Do you monitor them in anyway.

I don’t really borrow from to many people because I am the one most people borrow from. That being said, if and when I do I keep the books with my own books no reason they cant be friends 🙂

Musing Monday #36

I have to say, I got a giggle today I misplaced my link for Musing Monday and when I googled it my Blog came up in the 3rd spot for Musing Monday’s. I know it is not a major thing but it made me do a happy smile dance. And I am now using the new button that won the poll on the site. Now onto my Muse..

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about tidy reading around people.

When is it inappropriate to read in front of others? Is it ever appropriate?

This is an interesting one. I have no issue reading in public. When I took the bus, I read while waiting for it. Could not read on the bus because I got motion sick, but I would if I could have. I read while waiting for someone to pick me up or when I drove more of course while waiting for others. I will read when camping out with friends, I will read just about anytime.

There are exceptions of course. Like when camping if everyone else is talking, I join in the conversation it is only when everyone is either settling in for sleep, or doing their own reading that I will take out my book and read. If I have house company I wont read unless they are reading as well. Because I find it just a little rude. Therefore, I think its fine to read in front of others you should just use your ettiquete judgment.

Musing Monday #35

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about tidy bookshelves.

Are your bookshelves strictly books only? Or have knick-knacks invaded? Do your shelves also shelve DVDs? Photos? Why not snap a photo – I’m sure we all like to spy on other’s shelves!

Ha ha I am so not going to snap a photo of my shelf as it is right now. It is a mess. My cat’s invaded and decided it would be fun to knock down a bunch of my books instead of resorting them since I have not been feeling well I just stacked them on the shelf.

For the most part my book shelves are books only. There are a few exceptions. On one corner I have my book shipping supplies. My paper I wrap with and plastic ect. And in another corner I have a few small pieces of my renaissance stuff. To keep out of the way of the kitties. Otherwise Its Books Books and more Books. I love that .

Musing Monday #34

With the New Year here already, do you have any reading resolutions or goals (challenges aside) for 2010? Perhaps a new author? Genre? Want to read more non-fiction? Write more reviews?

Well I think I have gone over my goals pretty good in the last few days. But I don’t mind doing a recap for the sake of musing Monday. I have my challenges of course, but mostly I would like to put a dent in my TBR pile. I would like to cut back on ordering books from PBS and try to stick to my wish listed books and maybe one other one a month or so. And really just work on getting books read and the big massive pile cleaned up a bit.

I am also planning as always to write my reviews and stay on top of them (I hope) as well as do some more writing just for me. Or I should say for my new blog too, ha ha. The Marked Ambrosia Project is going fairly well so far.

Musing Monday #33

While Rebecca of Just One More Page is on holiday, MizB has posted the question of the week:

When you buy books, do they immediately go onto your bookshelf to wait until you’re ready to read them (even if that means months/years from then!), or do you read them right away? What makes you do this? If you’re a ’shelver’, why do you think you don’t read the books right away? Do you ever feel guilty for letting the books sit there, unread? If you’re a ‘read-em-now’ person, why do you feel they have to be read right away? Do you give away the books when you’re done, too?

In general I am a shelver. I put the books on my shelf and get to them when I get to them. I don’t feel bad about it because books don’t ever get old in my opinion the story isn’t a trend, it’s a story. It is not like food it won’t expire. Sometimes I will read a book right away, like if it is the latest in a series I am really enjoying and I have the bug to read it, or something along those lines.