I know we are well into the New Year now, but this is going to be my new resolution. Anyone who knows me I do not really make New Year’s resolutions, so I won’t call this one of those. It is simple a resolution to get back into things that bring me joy. To long I have been feeling so sick, and falling down into a pit of depression. I can admit that, and honestly I am still depressed but I am making an effort to claw my way back out. So a few things about the blog.
1) No book challenges this year I got so wrapped up in completely challenges the last two years that I think I got over whelmed. I took too much on and it became about how fast and how many books I could read instead of just enjoying the books. I may take on a challenge again in 2012 but 2011 my only challenge is MY challenge to myself to get back into things.
2) Re-organizing this blog and my other blogs you may see some things showing up and some disappearing here, call it bloggy spring cleaning.
3) I am likely going to be posting some more personal stuff instead of just book reviews. Of course it will be bookie stuff, but I need a sounding board for myself too and I feel this is the better place for it. This is my first blog, and I want to focus on using it more. Making another one may be just too much, so I hope no one minds more yapping from me.
And those are my choices I am laying down for myself. I look forward to interacting more with my friends again and posting some more books. In an effort to move passed my reading block I had Steve select the next book I am reading off my shelf. He of course just grabbed one, but hey it’s a Historical Fiction and you all KNOW how much I love Historical Fictions! So look for the next book review to be… Royal Harlot by Susan Holloway Scott.