I have been posting many fan vids lately, and of course, we have New Moon coming out soon. Yay! Therefore, I thought I would post a little link about making your own movies. Burn2DVD.com is a cool website where you can burn your own DVD’s to their service for download, set your price and away people can go to buy. Living in Minneapolis I know we have a large scene for indie films, and I think many people could appreciate this very cool service. So pop over and check it out.
March reading list update
Yay. I will have to adjust my march-reading list, because I was offered a book from a new Author to review. Yippee! It is in EBook format, which is not thrilling, but the book itself looks good and I am excited to read it. So keep a look out for my review on Dirty Little Angels.
Heavenly Reed Diffusers and Body Scrubs
So with as stressful as times can be right now, my friends and I have been looking for ways to distress. Especially while reading, because after all reading is supposed to be relaxing, and if you cant relax what’s the point. I love scents; anyone who knows me knows how much I love scents. So I thought I would do a little search for some reed diffusers, and bath products. I found this great website with the best best body scrub.
They have a wide array of yummy scents, and even yummier products for relaxing. They have a reed diffuser set called Champagne, which is just positively yummy. I set it out while I have been reading my current book the Boleyn Inheritance, and maybe it’s just my active imagination, but its helping me feel like I am more a part of the book. Is that silly? I don’t really think so; scents are a big way to transport you really…
If you’re looking for a fun bath and body company I would check that website out, I think it was a great find on my searching. And I am pretty picky myself over my smells, and all my other bath and body choices. I get laughed at a lot by the old drummer boy who says I could probably scent a whole country with my collection of smells. But he also didn’t disagree with the website I found when I showed him some of the body oils. Typical male right? That’s okay though, I like that kind of stuff too because it softens your skin, and with the Minnesota winter I can really use some skin oil to soften it up. We have yet another winter weather warning out right now. Its march, why can’t the weather go away. Rain and thunderstorms I could take but this snow and sleep needs to go. I think its time to go set my champagne reed diffuser up again and settle down and relax.
Teaser Tuesday: Tease 3
Five days left on my First Book Giveaway
Get those entries in. 5 days left before I announce the winner.
Hellloooo Edward
Musing Mondays: #3
What is your policy when it comes to new authors? Do you feel comfortable purchasing a book, or do you prefer to borrow new authors from the library? How often do you ‘try out’ a new author?
I do not really have a policy about new authors. The fact is I am often reading new authors because the book looks good, or because a friend reccomended the book to me. In general I am more comfortable getting a new authors book via borrowing or a trade on Paperback Swap, but if the book really appeals to me I will buy it. Someone being new is not a good reason for me to not buy a book. After all every author was new at one time.
Kansas City Surgery
I have a few friends who have had surgeries done recently. Mostly reductions, you know what kind. *heh* but you could look into having something else done to. If your in the Kansas City Area I found this link Kansas City Plastic Surgeonsfor you to check out. You can schedule a consult, it’s an important choice to make, feel free to check them out.
DOH..I missed my Friday Find..
Quotable Sunday #2
This week I am feeling like icky sick with a cold. So i have a thought to shout my quote is eww i am sick, lol. Instead i will do one that makes me smile. Just one.
“Forged in War, Born in Death, Saved by Love” – Jackson Rathbone on Jasper Hale