Book Review: Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay

Meet Dexter, a polite wolf in sheep’s clothing… a monster who cringes at the site of blood… a serial killer whose one golden rule makes him immensely likable: he only kills bad people.

Dexter Morgan isn’t exactly the kind of man you’d bring home to Mom. Though he’s playful and has a wonderfully ironic sense of humor, Dexter’s one character flaw (his proclivity for murder) can be off-putting. But at heart Dexter is the perfect gentleman, supportive of his sister, Deb, a Miami cop, and interested only in doing away with people who really deserve his special visit. Dex is quite good-looking but totally indifferent to (and, frankly, a bit puzzled by) the attentions paid to him by women. Despite the fact that he can’t stand the sight of blood, he works as a blood-spatter analyst for the Miami police department, a job that allows him to keep tabs on the latest crimes and keep an eye open for his next quarry.

Dexter’s well-organized life is suddenly disrupted when a second, much more visible serial killer appears in Miami. Dex is intrigued, even delighted, by the fact that the other killer appears to have a style reminiscent of his own. Yet he can’t help but feel that the mysterious new arrival is not merely invading his turf, but reaching out to him as well. This new killer seems to be doing more than copying Dexter�he seems to be saying, “Come out and play.” Dexter’s secret life makes for a lonely existence… even a lovable monster can be intrigued by the prospect of finding a friend.

I love the Showtime series Dexter, for once I had no idea it was based on books as soon as I found out I knew I had to read the books. A series that is that good on TV simply must be that good in books. Therefore, I picked up my first Dexter book, Darkly Dreaming Dexter. I admit I am not fully involved in this genre but again love the show must see the books. Moreover, I will never regret that choice.

We follow the wolf that is Dexter as he makes his way through the motions of being a normal person. However, Dexter is anything but normal, he is just pretending although he has gotten very good at pretending. The only thing he does seem to have issues with is connecting. But come the night and come the dark passenger. The imaginary in this book is fantastic and you can see how the show came to be as it is. Since I have seen the show, first I must admit I could hear Michael C. Hall’s voice as Dexter has his inner dialog.

The thing about Dexter is you cannot help but love him. He truly is a good man he cares about issues; he loves his sister and is very protective of her and children oh how Dexter loves children. However, even with all of this, you cannot hide from his Dark Passenger; Dexter Morgan is a serial killer. The catch? He only kills people who are without a doubt guilty of horrendous crimes, and through some loophole in the justice system have gotten off. Really how can a guy like that truly be a monster? My husband (shocking we agree on this series as a joy) says that Dexter is like Batman only he kills where Batman does not. A very true comment Dexter Morgan is a vigilante. If you like the show or are even just curious about it I recommend this book the first in the series as an opener, it will suck you into the world that is Dexter.

Booking Throuth Thursday – Illustrious

First I have to say what do you think of the St. Pat’s day Makeover I did 🙂 that said..on to the question.

How do you feel about illustrations in your books? Graphs? Photos? Sketches?

I love maps and sketches and any kind of little pictures in my books. I find that they go along with the story and help me feel more connected to the characters. It is always nice to have something to bring you farther in.

Teaser Tuesday #42

TEASER TUESDAYS asks you to: Grab your current read.Let the book fall open to a random page.Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!Please avoid spoilers!

Sorry no Tease I haven’t picked the next book I am going to read yet. and my Modem broke.

Blog Tour Guest Post: Josi Kilpack

Within my process of learning to write, I can attribute a great deal of my education to becoming a critical reader. Up until I began writing, I had been a voracious reader for many years, reading anything I could get my hands on. I finished nearly every book I picked up and very rarely did I not like a book. However, after writing my first story I realized there was an actual craft; a set of skills necessary to write the rightway just as there is a craft to architecture or painting. I already read books on parenting, marriage, cooking, and personal finance; certainly there were books out there that taught someone how to write. In fact there were, but beyond non-fiction books on novel writing there was also the realization that every novel I picked up was an instruction manual in disguise. I quickly found that by studying the way an author told their story I could learn a thing or two about the craft and get my reading fix in the process. So, instead of just reading for entertainment or edification I started reading to learn the craft of writing, the structure of fiction, and how to best develop characters people would want to read about for three hundred pages. I would finish reading a book and ask myself what I liked, what I didn’t like, what I would have changed. Did I like the ending? Did I relate to the characters? Were there any parts of the story that could have been stronger, were some things overstated? It was rather fascinating to dissect plots and characters, holding each piece up to the light as I studied it from a new perspective. I then tried to bend and mold the elements I learned into my own stories.

But, something happened through these exercises; something I hadn’t expected. Once I was critically evaluating the elements of a book it became harder and harder to get lost within the pages. Whereas I used to finish 98% of every book I picked up, I soon found my percentage dropping farther and farther as I found more and more storylines that, for one reason or another, I just didn’t like. These days, I probably only finish 1/3 of the books I pick up. The downside of the development of this critical reader who is consistently reading over my shoulder, is that it’s not always easy to find a good book. When I’m reading it’s hard to turn off my “internal editor” and let the story sweep me away.

The upside is that when I like a book, I really, really like it. Another benefit is that reading is very much an educational experience for me. Not only am I learning about whatever time period, culture, or person the story features, I’m also learning about the book’s structure, character development, plot, and basic usage of words, dialogue, and description. Since I only get captured by great books, I figure I’m getting the best education I possibly can. It’s not uncommon for me to be reading and stop in order to scramble for my notebook where I write down a certain word I liked, or a sentence structure that had great texture, or I jot down a character idea that was triggered by the story. Then I run back to the book and get lost once again. In this sense I’ve learned to write from some of the great writers of my time—Sue Graphton, John Grisham, Mary Higgins Clark, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, John Shors as was as some of the classic writers such as Mary Stewart, Agatha Christie, and Edgar Allan Poe. What better teachers could a writer want? And they’re all available for nothing more than a library card.

There are days when I pine for the reader I once was, the reader who was happy with anything over 200 pages, and yet in the long run the sacrifice of that part of who I was, has made room for another part of me that even a year before I wrote my first novel I didn’t know existed. It’s an amazing journey, these lives we live, and a fascinating vista when we stand on the verge of who we are and look back at where we’ve been and all the people who helped us get here. Once we can look over what we’ve done, we can then turn and face the horizons of where we are going. It’s my core belief that regardless of who we are and where we want to end up one day, good books will lay that groundwork one way or another. I know it’s been true for me.

Musing Monday #43

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about dust jackets.

Do you prefer books with a dust jacket? What do you do with your dust jacket while reading? Leave it on or take it off? (Question courtesy of Kim from Page after Page)

I am happy if there is no Dust Jacket. If the book has one I take it off while I read as it tends to slip where I am sitting in bed. So I will tuck it into my paper drawer until I am done reading.

The Sunday Salon #23

The Sunday

Another late Sunday Salon, it has been one of those weeks. Hubby brought home a cold bug and I of course got it and am now suffering from the affects. On the bright end I am enjoying reading through The Black Stallion series again and while I am backed up on the reviews it is still enjoyable.

I had to mentaly swat myself for the fact that I realised I had a Feb Wrap up post created and saved as draft but I did not post it. So I will wrap that up and get it posted this week before we get any farther into the Month of March. So much to do there just is not enough hours in the day for being sick and reading and writing. Yeesh.

Blog Tour Book Review Devil’s Food Cake by Josikilpak

It’s been years since author Thom Mortenson has been back to Garrison, Colorado. As part of the library fundraising committee, who invited him to speak, Sadie Hoffmiller wants everything to be perfect—right down to the homemade Devil’s Food Cake she made herself. Murder, however, was not on the menu.

When Thom’s manager ends up dead on stage, Sadie does what any woman with a history of solving murders does–jumps right in to offer her guidance and expertise. The police, however, are not very appreciative. In fact, they’d rather she just go home. But can Sadie help it if she keeps stumbling over information? Can she help it if the people intricately woven into the deception keep crossing her path? The more she learns, the broader the spectrum becomes and when the police refuse to take her seriously, Sadie has no choice but to sidestep them altogether in the pursuit of justice.

With her son Shawn at her side, her reputation on the line, and a full cast of suspicious characters, Sadie Hoffmiller is once again cooking her way through a case that offers far more questions than answers.

I have not had a chance to read the first books in this series yet, but after reading this one, I have to say I will. That being said this book is a stand-alone novel that you do not need to have read the other two, while it may be helpful it is not required.

There are few things more satisfying than good comfort food right? Well this book couples food with mystery and while your reading you will find that, the sleuth is a bit food obsessed. That works well for the reader because the book also includes the recopies’ of the dishes that she describes.

Sadie herself is not an immediately likeable character. However, as you read the book and follow the mystery of who set up the shotgun trap to kill Mark you will find yourself liking her. She is not the typical heroine, she is a busy body and a bit of a gossip but she can cook and loves to share it.

If you love mysteries and food or just one or the other you will love this book. So curl upon the couch with a sweet treat and enjoy.

Quotable Sunday #28

Mothers Day Gift Ideas

You`d be a fool and an unwise man to say never. I haven`t as yet had a gay relationship – not since school anyway – but I`d never say never. That would just be foolish. I think the more of a big deal we make out of that stuff, the harder it is for people to act how their heart wants them to act.
Gay (“Rome” star James Purefoy never says never…) [2006]Posted by Ampakine Anyone who went to an English [private] school in the 1970s will have had some kind of a gay experience. You bang 500 adolescent hormonal boys together at exactly the time when they`re exploring their sexuality, and don`t be surprised if some shenanigan comes out of it.
Gay (“Rome” star James Purefoy never says never…) [2006]Posted by Ampakine If you find yourself always playing the villain, or if you find yourself being typecast into a corner where you`re not happy then that`s probably rather miserable, but if I have been typecast I am quite happy about it. I`m trying to work out what I have been typecast as. I don`t know – what do you think it is?
Posted by wdwdemo In the July 4, 2001 Newswatch, Wild West End column: “There was one woman whom I was absolutely infatuated with, but she had no interest in me. I was very young at the time and thought the way to prove my love was to write a book for her. It ran for pages and pages and I had it bound in leather to give to her. But it still didn`t have the desired effect. I can`t remember what the book was called or even what it was about. It doesn`t matter now.”
Posted by wdwdemo Ah, nudity. That`s quite a recent thing, the nudity. It`s an early autumn of my career. (Jan. 2006)
Posted by wdwdemo The age of chivalry isn`t dead, is it? It doesn`t even have to be a man or a woman that you could be chivalrous to. If somebody`s in trouble you give them a hand.
Posted by wdwdemo The first job I ever did was Equus on stage, as the boy, and I was 17, and we opened the show with me naked in the spotlight being examined by doctors. That was my entrance to the stage, so anything after that was easy. Also, for some reason, nudity was never shameful, it was never brought up in my household when I was a kid, there was no `dirty, dirty sex`. It`s not like we all ran around naked in some horrid 70s nightmare, it just was never an issue, and because it was never an issue I`ve never been embarrassed, I guess.

Book Review: Plain Pursuit by Beth Wiseman

Carley has given up chasing her dreams. Now her dreams are chasing her.

Carley Marek experiences culture shock when she visits her friend Lillian’s family on their farm deep in Amish country. She’ll get an article out of the visit–and maybe some of Lillian’s newfound peace will somehow rub off on her.

Just when Carley is getting used to the quiet nature of the Plain community, Lillian and Samuel’s son falls ill. But the local doctor who can offer the most help has been shunned by the community and forbidden to intervene.

As David’s condition deteriorates, Dr. Noah determines to do whatever it takes to save the boy’s life. Carley is caught in the middle–drawn to Noah, wanting to be helpful in the crisis–and confused by all their talk about a God she neither knows nor trusts.

Carley must decide what in life is worth pursuing . . . and what to do when she’s pursued by a love she never expected.

When I got this book, I had no idea it was a part of a series. It was given to me through the Book Sneeze program. I am also the first one to say that Christian Fiction is not generally the first genre I will pick up to read, however to me a good book is a good book no matter what the genre.

Plain Pursuit is a heart-warming story that truly brings you in. The characters are ones that you feel attached too, you cannot help but love them and wish the best for them. The detail is well written and you can almost see yourself walking down the road in Amish country.

You can feel the love of this book and you clearly get the good Christian message. If you enjoy the genre or are looking to reconnect, I recommend this book, you may want to start at the beginning of the series but I felt right in place even starting here with the second one.