Book Review: Gates of Paradise (Blue Bloods #7) by Melissa de la Cruz

Schuyler Van Alen is running out of time. The Dark Prince of Hell is storming the Gates of Paradise, intent on winning the heavenly throne for good. This time he has his greatest angels by his side, Abbadon and Azrael—Jack and Mimi Force, as they are known in the Coven.

Or so he thinks. Even as Lucifer assigns Jack and Mimi the tasks of killing their true loves, the Force twins secretly vow to defeat the Dark Prince once and for all. But how far will Mimi and Jack go to conceal their real loyalties?

Meanwhile, former vampire Bliss Llewellyn has joined forces with Lawson, the greatest wolf of the underworld, to free his people from their imprisonment in Hell. As they struggle against impossible odds, an ancient message, woven into the very fabric of time, reveals just how much depends on the success of their mission.

Lucifer seeks the key to the Gate of Promise, and when Schuyler is taken captive and delivered straight to Hell, she must make an unthinkable choice—the same one the archangel Michael was forced to make during the Crisis in Rome. Will Schuyler find the strength to do what he could not?

The epic, heartbreaking Blue Bloods series comes to a close with this final novel about staggering courage, unbearable sacrifice, and the immortality of true love.

I have been up and down with this series, from moments of pure love to moments of “why the heck am I reading this?” and I have to say while this last installment of it did not help me fully find the love again it was a solid ending, mostly anyways. Those who want Mimi with Kingsley and Schuyler with Jack will be happy campers, won’t say how they get there but enjoy.

So what about the rest of the book, well while we get some answers and a big last battle, there is so much that is not well thought out or plotted out that you are left kind of going, what? I won’t go into the full details to stay away from spoilers to much but seriously there are plot holes bigger then a bus that you could drive a lot of stuff through and it just kinda leaves you feeling, Meh.

I am glad that I stuck with it long enough to finish the series. However if there is any spin offs I do not see myself investing much in them either. Bit of a mixed bag for me in the end.

My Gemstone Rating:


Musing Monday 12/23/13

Musing Monday is hosted over at Should Be Reading.

Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…

• Describe one of your reading habits.
• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.
• Do you have a bookish rant? Something about books or reading (or the industry) that gets your ire up? Share it with us!
• Instead of the above questions, maybe you just want to ramble on about something else pertaining to books — let’s hear it, then!


While our lovely hostess is taking the week off for the holidays (and well deserved I might add) I am going to keep posting. Handy thing scheduling posts for me :0). My muse this week is about a reading habit and of being sick. When you are sick and laid up in bed do you read? I do and in fact I often tend to read even more then I usually do because my brain and body just are not up to doing any of my other usual work. It also craves the get away of enjoying a good book. I have since I came down with the icky sick blown through several books and I am enjoying doing so.

Book Review: Shadowborn (Darkborn #3) by Alison Sinclair

From the author of Lightborn, the third book in a Regency- flavored fantasy series of magic and manners.

Magic dies with the mage, or so the Darkborn believe. That’s why Lady Telmaine Hearne has been condemned to death for sorcery. She’s escaped but is now bound with her mageborn allies for the Borders and war. Meanwhile, her husband, Balthasar, has learned of his family connection to the Shadowborn-and is fighting for survival and sanity as magic turns him against everything he holds dear.

I really hoped that the third book would remind me why I fell in love with the Darkborn series sadly it did not. Once again while it was not a terrible book it just was not that great and it could have been. In the end this series ended up being to convoluted and not able to sustain itself without coming off as just muddled. The characters that seemed so key in the first two books were nearly missing in this one as well, which left me confused and slightly upset as well.

So while this is not the worst series I have ever read it is certainly not the best. Some of the questions I wanted answered did get answered others did not. A lot of this one dragged as well, which it shouldn’t have felt like it did because there was action. In the end this one jut leaves me feeling luke warm.

My Gemstone Rating:


Sunday Salon 12/22/13

I am sorry in advance if this weeks Sunday Salon is a bit rantish and worse not very book related, alas my Darling Husband brought home the plague and I am feeling pretty sick. Not only that the man which I love very much has turned into the dreaded man baby. I can not for the life of me understand how many turn into such babies when they are sick. He is presently acting like the most helpless thing on the planet, who at some moments of the day can not even summon the strength to open his mouth and talk to me. He also has not been able to summon the strength to get up and walk the 2 feet to the door to let the dogs out to go to the bathroom thus they can only hold it so long before making a mess on the floor. I get up and walk the much longer distance from bedroom to door and let them out, but if I am (god forbid) napping they don’t wake me. Then guess who has to clean the messes? Yup yours truly. I have also had to do all the feeding, watering, ect. I understand that DH is sick but I am no less sick, I have a wicked fever a cough that has me doing nothing but hacking up a lung regularly but I am still doing what needs to be done.  The one and only time he attempted to clean up a mess he allowed the dogs to mess he sat on the floor and was moving the rag so pathetic and not effectual at all I told him to put his kiester back in bed. I mean seriously. I repeat I love the man  beyond measure but hes being such an infant right now I want to hand him a bottle and a diaper.

On the bright (and bookish) side I have read three books since the plague set in. I am about to start on the fourth. Sadly I did not much enjoy the last two they weren’t terrible but not fantastic and I can’t decide if its because I am sick or if they just weren’t that good. Ah well it is kind of nice to have my challenges for the year done but be making the final push to get as many books as I can in for the year.

Quotable Sunday 12/22/13



Because guess what I saw this week. We will continue on some more geek quotes.


Thorin Oakenshield: If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together!

Smaug: I am fire… I am death.

Kili: Aren’t you going to search me? I could have anything down my trousers.

Tauriel: Or nothing.

Smaug: Well, thief! Where are you?… Come now, don’t be shy. Step into the light…

[breathes fire]

Gandalf: What did you FIND?


Bilbo Baggins: My courage.


Gandalf: Good! You’ll need it.

Bard the Bowman: You have no right to enter that mountain!

Thorin Oakenshield: I have the ONLY right!

Dori: Was that an earthquake?

Balin: That, my lad, was a dragon.

Balin: It never ceases to amaze me, the courage of Hobbits…

Bilbo Baggins: [observes the carving that held the Arkenstone] What’s that?

Thorin Oakenshield: That, Master Burglar, is why you are here.

Radagast the Brown: What if it’s a trap?

Gandalf: It’s undoubtedly a trap.

[draws his sword]

Bard the Bowman: [at Thorin] Dragonfire and ruin, that is what you’ll bring upon us! He cannot not see beyond his own desire!

Bilbo Baggins: Truly songs and tales fall utterly short of your enormity, O Smaug the Stupendous…

Legolas: [Looking at two pictures in a locket that he has confiscated from Gloin. The picture on the left has a long thick beard] Who’s this? Your brother?

Gloin: That’s my wife!

Legolas: [Looking at the infant in the other picture] And who’s the other one?

Gloin: That’s my wee lad, Gimli!

Thorin Oakenshield: I will not risk this quest for the life of one burglar.

Balin: His name is Bilbo!

Bilbo Baggins: What have we done?

Bard the Bowman: If you awaken that beast, you’ll destroy us all!

Smaug: [roars] I am King Under the Mountain!

Tauriel: When did we allow evil to become stronger than us?

Legolas: It is not our fight…

Tauriel: It IS our fight!

Legolas: Do not think I won’t kill you dwarf!

Thranduil: Such is the nature of evil, in time all foul things come forth!

Thranduil: [to Thorin] Where does your journey end? You seek that which would bestow upon you the right to rule. A quest to reclaim a homeland, and slay a dragon!

Legolas: There is no King Under the Mountain, nor will there ever be!

Gandalf: They are in danger!

Radagast the Brown: The world is in grave danger!

Book Review: Starry Night by Debbie Macomber

Perfect Christmas women’s fiction from international bestseller Debbie Macomber.

‘Tis the season for love and second chances …

Carrie Slayton, a big-city society-page columnist, longs to write more serious news stories. So her editor hands her a challenge first: Carrie must score the paper an interview with Finn Dalton, the notoriously reclusive author.

Living in Alaskan wilderness, Finn has written a bestselling book about surviving in the wild. But he stubbornly declines to speak to anyone, and no one even knows exactly where he lives. With her career at stake, Carrie sacrifices her family celebrations and flies out to snowy Alaska. When she finally finds Finn, she discovers a man both more charismatic and more stubborn than she expected. And soon Carrie is torn between pursuing the story of a lifetime and following her heart.

This is the first time I have read a Debbie Macomber book, I have several on my shelves but have not yet gotten to them. With Christmas just around the corner I decided I needed to pick a nice Holiday book to enjoy and this was just the ticket. I felt that Starry Night had just the right touches of light heartedness and the serious moments as well.

Finn and Carrie are characters that you can feel yourself in. I really enjoyed how their relationship developed and how well they seemed to know one another even from the start. If you need a nice light read that is fast and keeps you enjoying it for the Holiday season I would go with this one. I am feeling a bit more in the Christmas mood now thanks to this read.

My Gemstone Rating:


Friday Finds 12/20/13

This is another one hosted over at Should be Reading

I only have one find this week and actually I found it a few weeks ago but since I was not doing Friday Finds then I did not get to post about it. So I am going to do so now, yes yes I am.


“A novel of the American Revolution by a writer who is himself a true American revolutionary.” —Mark Edmundson, author of Why Teach?

In 1782, during the final clashes of the Revolutionary War, one of our young nation’s most valiant and beloved soldiers was, secretly, a woman.

When Deborah Samson disguised herself as a man and joined the Continental Army, she wasn’t just fighting for America’s independence—she was fighting for her own. Revolutionary, Alex Myers’s richly imagined and meticulously researched debut novel, brings the true story of Deborah’s struggle against a rigid colonial society back to life—and with it the courage, hope, fear, and heartbreak that shaped her journey through a country’s violent birth.

After years as an indentured servant in a sleepy Massachusetts town, chafing under the oppressive norms of colonial America, Deborah can’t contain her discontent any longer. When a sudden crisis forces her hand, she decides to finally make her escape. Embracing the peril and promise of the unknown, she cuts her hair, binds her chest, and, stealing clothes from a neighbor, rechristens herself Robert Shurtliff. It’s a desperate, dangerous, and complicated deception, and becomes only more so when, as Robert, she enlists in the Continental Army.

What follows is an inspiring, one-of-a-kind journey through an America torn apart by war: brutal winters and lethal battlefields, the trauma of combat and the cruelty of betrayal, the joy of true love and the tragedy of heartbreak. In his brilliant Revolutionary, Myers, who himself is a descendant of the historical Deborah, takes full advantage of this real-life heroine’s unique voice to celebrate the struggles for freedom, large and small, like never before.

Not out yet but you can pre order on Amazon 🙂 AND if you would like to meet the Author he has some readings coming up. I know if I could attend I would be.


Politics & Prose Bookstore in DC on January 26

Harvard Bookstore in Cambridge/Boston on January 31

and Cincinnati in February I will update everyone with more information as I get it 😀


Yes my friends this post is me waving my geek flag and reminding you all that I am one of these people..


Book Blast: Kirby Puckernut and the Christmas Surprise by Alicia Richardson

Kirby TourTour Schedule

kirby puckernutKirby Puckernut and the Christmas Surprise

Kirby Puckernut is Santa’s cleverest little elf. While dreaming up marvelous toys for good girls and boys, Kirby has his best idea yet – a real elf in every home, all through the holidays, spreading Christmas Magic Santa finds the perfect family and allows Kirby to serve as the test elf for the first momentous visit. Fun and adventure are at every turn, but not everything goes as planned…

Will Kirby’s idea be a success.


Amazon * Barnes & Noble

Peek Inside

Kirby Book

Book Trailer


AliciaAbout the Author

Author Alicia Richardson has created a new Christmas classic with her children’s book, Kirby Puckernut and the Christmas Surprise.

Alicia Richardson resides in Salt Lake City, Utah, with her husband and four children. She has always had a flair for storytelling, and has given life to a special little elf named Kirby Puckernut.

Website * Twitter * Facebook


Tour Giveaways


Kirby Elf

5 winners will each recieve a copy of Kirby Puckernut and the Christmas Suprise + Kirby Elf

Open to US Only

Ends 12/31/13

a Rafflecopter giveaway



Giveaway #2

$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 12/31/13


Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Booking Through Thursday 12/19/13

This one is Hosted at the Booking through Thursday Blog.

Sadly I again did not see a question on the blog, but my friend Anah is happy to provide me with things to keep the brain working so here we go this week she asks:

What is your major draw to your favorite genre?

This is a really good question and one I actually did have to think about a little bit. Seeing as I have not actually read a book in my favorite genre in a little while because I have been focused on branching out. My favorite genre is Historical Fiction, now I like all genre’s (well most) but Historical Fiction is generally my go to and the one I most look forward to releases in. It is the history buff and nerd in me that draws me to the genre I think. I just love jumping into lives in the past and fully embracing the differences that you can find there. I am sure the fact that I am a consummate Rennie and such has nothing to do with it. right?

Giveaway: Svetol


With 2014 coming right around the corner and with weight loss goals one of the number one on most list for New Years resolutions why not start in advance. Svetol is having a giveaway right now on Facebook and it is a really great deal. If you do not know what Svetol is here is a brief bit of information:


Leveraging the research and experience of Naturex, Svetol® harnesses the benefits of coffee, in a plant concentrate, and provides proven effectiveness for Slimming and Beauty.

Svetol® is a natural plant extract of decaffeinated green coffee rich in active components.

Obtained from unroasted coffee beans of the Robusta variety (Coffea canephora robusta Pierre), Svetol® possesses a unique composition whose effectiveness has been clinically proven.

Svetol®’s specific composition has been studied in detail. Study results demonstrate the presence of accrued Chlorogenic acids.



Everyone likes to win free stuff and winning a year of help with your fitness and weight loss goals is probably one of the best things you can do for yourself. Head on over for easy daily entries in the sweepstakes there are some smaller prizes from the Free year sweepstakes as well, invest in yourself this year!

Svetol Sweepstakes



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