Musing Monday 1/6/14


Musing Monday is hosted over at Should Be Reading.

Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…

• Describe one of your reading habits.
• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.
• Do you have a bookish rant? Something about books or reading (or the industry) that gets your ire up? Share it with us!
• Instead of the above questions, maybe you just want to ramble on about something else pertaining to books — let’s hear it, then!

I have a rant today I do my rant today is that why can’t there be enough time to READ more during the day? I always try to set time aside to read but sometimes it just does not happen. I get bogged down with work and other projects that I need to do and the book sits unread. I don’t like it but that is life right? Still don’t you ever wish we could have a magic hour or two when life would not bother us and we could just read?


Sunday Salon 1/5/14

The first Sunday of the brand new year and what a starting week it has been around here. I have gotten one book finished so far and started another, Eire’s Viking. I was really excited to get this one although I have to admit I have not been able to give it the attention that I want yet. I am hoping that Monday I will be able to dedicate time to it because I am going to be slammed down with work stuff again this Sunday. Sometimes being a freelance self-employed person means you don’t get a weekend off like everyone else does, and I am okay with that.

In other news I got a copy of Revolutionary in the mail as well and let me tell you I can’t wait to start reading that one in fact I ended up bumping the three or four other books I had lined up and planned to read in honor of the new fresh shinny book. I know not very fair of me those other books were for my TBR challenge and have been sitting on my shelves for years, but what can I say I am a sucker for the time period and the book looks really good.

I hope that all of my other reading friends out there have a fantastic Sunday and that they are staying warm. I am worried about my friends who are getting cold snaps. It is colder then normal here as well and I have heard we are due a little bit of snow, which people are panicking for and buying staples and essentials. We are talking 1-2 inches of snow here so my brain says “not much nope…no thanks. I am still going to do my shopping and errands as usual.”


Quoteable Sunday 1/5/14

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”
― Dr. Seuss
“I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”
― Marilyn Monroe
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”
― Bernard M. Baruch
“You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching,
Love like you’ll never be hurt,
Sing like there’s nobody listening,
And live like it’s heaven on earth.”
― William W. Purkey
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
― Oscar Wilde
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”
― Albert Einstein
“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
― Dr. Seuss
“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
― Mae West
“So many books, so little time.”
― Frank Zappa
“A room without books is like a body without a soul.”
― Cicero
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.”
― Robert Frost
“Friendship is born at that moment when one man says to another: “What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .””
― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves
“Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”
― Albert Camus
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt, This is My Story
“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”
― Mark Twain
“A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”
― Elbert Hubbard



Readers Rights

I found this over at Say it with Books, who found it at the website of Daniel Pennac a.k.a Daniel Pennacchioni. I found it a very interesting read to say the least and I have to say I fully agree with all of it.

1. The Right To Not Read
1. The Right To Not Read – This is something that I have to work hard to believe.We read for pleasure. Because we love it. But sometimes we forget that there are people out there who wish to not do so.We have to learn to respect this.We have to learn that there are lots of people who do not have the time nor the love for books. Yes, books are wonderful things and personally I don’t think I’d be able to live without them but there are those who might think otherwise.
This is not just something that applies to non-readers-Some of us, book lovers go through ‘reading slumps’ where we simply don’t feel like reading. Do not feel guilty. It’s your right.The right to not read.


2. The Right To Skip Pages
2. The Right To Skip Pages – There are two instances where I do this. One, when certain parts of a book feel repetitive and boring-I simply cannot bear to hear the protagonist go on and on about the eye color of that oh-so-swoony guy again. Second, when the book is so good that you simply have to know what happens between Warner and Juliette in Chapter 62. Go on take a peek. It’s your right.
3. The Right To Not Finish
3. The Right To Not Finish – Oh yeah, remember that book where the MC goes on about guy next door with the jet black hair and emerald green eyes that makes her knees go weak while the entire universe is about to blown to smithereens by some freaky meteorite thingy?Feel free to put it on your DNF pile without an ounce of guilt. You do have the right.
4. The right to reread

4. The Right To Reread – The Scottish author, Ali Smith words this particular right perfectly – You know when you hear a piece of music once, you haven’t heard it properly, you want to hear it again. A well-made book will reward you in exactly the same way as music does, in that you will understand and love a piece. You’ll feel the cadence and depth of it and hear things in it all the time. If you pay it a little more attention, it will reward you, like all art. Like everything, actually.” So read again. Again. And Again. Until you cannot do it anymore. Remember, it’s your right.
5. The right to read anything
5. The Right To Read Anything – Do you know what my favorite week of the year is? The Banned Books Week.This week celebrates the freedom to read ANY book. Go ahead and buy that censored book, take a peak at your US Weekly magazine or order a bunch of those happily-ever-after romance novels, we promise not be judgmental pricks. It’s your right after all.
6. The right to escapism
6. The Right To Escapism Virginia Wolf says it best. “These moments of escape are not to be despised. They come too seldom.” So go escape into a book and live your life as a princess,a knight,a bandit and a magician for a few hours. Laugh out loud and cry your heart out – You definitely have the right.
7. The right to read anywhere
7. The Right To Read Anywhere – In bed, by the pool, in the tree house/tent,in your classroom , in the car(not a great idea if you suffer from motion sickness like me), here, there and anywhere. So what’s the weird-est place you’ve read in?
8. The right to browse
8. The Right To Browse – Those favorite parts in the book that you are reading right now? Go read that again. Give your buddy a chance to browse and pick out their fave parts too. That’s right-Have fun!
9. The right to read out loud
9. The Right To Read Out Loud – The written word has the power to make you hear, feel and to see. Read aloud and celebrate the power of words!
10. The right to not defend your tastes
10. The Right To Not Defend Your Tastes – This one is related to Right #5. Sometimes we see that people are attacked for the books that they read. Don’t let anybody’s opinion dictate what you should read-there are no right or wrong books. You should not have to justify to anybody as to why you read a particular book. Read whatever you want and please do return the favor by not being a book snob.

Booking Through Thursday 1/2/14

This one is Hosted at the Booking through Thursday Blog.

Although–it’s always good to look back so you know where you’ve been, so the first question for the year is an oldie but a goodie:

“What were your favorite books last year?”

A good one and one that I avoided in all my wrap up posts because there were a lot that I liked. So here we go I can no longer avoid it, lol.

Lover Enshrined by J.R Ward

Circus of the Damned by Laurell K Hamilton

Pasha my Story by Pasha Kovalev

Lily of the Nile and Song of the Niles by Stephanie Dray


Book Review: Dancer (Terran Times) by Viola Grace

Seduced into becoming host to an ancient goddess, will Del survive the attentions of the god of lust?

Del is taking erotic dance classes at the Companion Centre when she locks eyes with a huge, burly alien with a vivid green gaze. He has come to secure a Companion to act as a permanent host to a goddess, but when he hears Del’s bright laughter, he changes his target from Companion to dancer.

Kurat has been raised as host to two gods. Changes in his body have made it difficult for him to take a casual lover, only a mate will do. With Del’s bright soul welcoming his, he knows the moment he meets her that she will be the one the goddesses will accept.

With the god of lust and the god of war agreeing to his choice, Kurat’s entire being is in agreement. The dancer will be theirs.

First book of the year for me and this one was just alright, I almost put it down from boredom in the first pages but it managed to keep my attention for a fair amount of time. I admit I have not read the first book in the series, and that may have something to do with it. So the first thing I would say that Dancer is not a stand alone at all.

I am personally used to my Sci-fi not having casual references and wording that fit into a modern or earth society and this one did so that set me off it a little bit and just kind of made me lose the feel for it. Other than that the flow was pretty decent and the writing itself was enjoyable enough. As someone who dances I did like the different descriptions of dances and some of the way to explain why Del chose such a broad course load, but we did not stay with that to long once Kurat entered the picture.

Overall this was an okay one for me, not fantastic but not terrible, I think if you have read the first book in the series you will be a bit more attached then I was to the world and what is going on with it.

My Gemstone Rating:



WWW Wednesday 1/1/14

This is another one hosted over at Should be Reading

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What are you reading next?

A Very Happy New Year to everyone I hope it is going to be a great one for everyone’s reading.

What did I just finish reading?


Life has been good for Becky Bloomwood: She’s become the best personal shopper at Barneys, she and her successful entrepreneurial boyfriend, Luke, are living happily in Manhattan’s West Village, and her new next-door neighbor is a fashion designer! But with her best friend, Suze, engaged, how can Becky fail to notice that her own ring finger is bare? Not that she’s been thinking of marriage (or diamonds) or anything . . . Then Luke proposes! Bridal registries dance in Becky’s head. Problem is, two other people are planning her wedding: Becky’s overjoyed mother has been waiting forever to host a backyard wedding, with the bride resplendent in Mum’s frilly old gown. While Luke’s high-society mother is insisting on a glamorous, all-expenses-paid affair at the Plaza. Both weddings for the same day. And Becky can’t seem to turn down either one. Can everyone’s favorite shopaholic tie the knot before everything unravels?

What am I currently reading?


Seduced into becoming host to an ancient goddess, will Del survive the attentions of the god of lust?

Del is taking erotic dance classes at the Companion Centre when she locks eyes with a huge, burly alien with a vivid green gaze. He has come to secure a Companion to act as a permanent host to a goddess, but when he hears Del’s bright laughter, he changes his target from Companion to dancer.

Kurat has been raised as host to two gods. Changes in his body have made it difficult for him to take a casual lover, only a mate will do. With Del’s bright soul welcoming his, he knows the moment he meets her that she will be the one the goddesses will accept.

With the god of lust and the god of war agreeing to his choice, Kurat’s entire being is in agreement. The dancer will be theirs.



Book two of the Éire’s Viking Trilogy.

Beginning ten years after the end of Éire’s Captive Moon, this is the story of how Agnarr Halvardson returns to Éire with the intention of settling there, marrying, and siring sons.

It is also the story of Aislinn, who was a child in Ragor when the Northmen raided eleven summers prior but is now a working physician in her own right. She spent a year in Bangor Monastery and became a Christian before Cowan and Charis returned to take the children to Cowan’s village in the kingdom of Dál Fiatach and returns there a decade later to finish learning all she can from the monks about their healing practices.

When Cowan brings her a patient, injured and temporarily unable to speak, she can’t help but find the strong, tall man attractive, even if such feelings unsettle her.

Although sparks fly immediately, Agnarr’s idea of wedding Aislinn—the physician who heals him when he is injured—is hampered by many factors, including language and cultural differences. There is also the matter that he is the man who kidnapped and enslaved Charis years before.



Posted in WWW

Book Review: Shopaholic Ties the Knot (Shopaholic #3) by Sophie Kinsella

Life has been good for Becky Bloomwood: She’s become the best personal shopper at Barneys, she and her successful entrepreneurial boyfriend, Luke, are living happily in Manhattan’s West Village, and her new next-door neighbor is a fashion designer! But with her best friend, Suze, engaged, how can Becky fail to notice that her own ring finger is bare? Not that she’s been thinking of marriage (or diamonds) or anything . . . Then Luke proposes! Bridal registries dance in Becky’s head. Problem is, two other people are planning her wedding: Becky’s overjoyed mother has been waiting forever to host a backyard wedding, with the bride resplendent in Mum’s frilly old gown. While Luke’s high-society mother is insisting on a glamorous, all-expenses-paid affair at the Plaza. Both weddings for the same day. And Becky can’t seem to turn down either one. Can everyone’s favorite shopaholic tie the knot before everything unravels

This is my last read for 2013 and it was not a bad one, not a fantastic one but not a bad one. Once again we jump into the world of Becky Bloomwood and personally sometimes I wonder how smart the people around her really are to not notice some of the stuff that is going on with her and everything else, or if maybe Becky really just is THAT good at keeping things hidden. At any rate it was a fun and light hearted read as you would expect it to be with Becky and Luke going to get married, but Becky having to choose between two weddings and typical Becky fashion she can’t until it’s to late.

This is not an earth shattering book but it is not meant to be so it is supposed to be fun and light and fast to read I found that it was all of those things for me. I am glad that Luke finally seemed to learn the truth about his Mom and that Becky did in the end (which took a long time) seem to grow up a little bit. I do think she will of course get herself into a similar situation again (like she does) but I was glad to see her get some maturity in this one. In the end she did make everyone happy and I liked that.

My Gemstone Rating:



2013 Challenge wrap up

So here is my final wrap up for the 2013 challenges, and how they shook out. Overall I have no complaints because I completed all of my challenges. Including reading a total of 109 books this year. Not a bad year at all if you ask me. Bring on 2014!

2013 Historical Fiction Challenge Hosted by Historical Tapestry
I have chosen to do the Ancient History Level which is 25+ historical Fiction Novels for the year.
1. The Forgotten Queen by D.L Bogdan
2. A Rose for the Crown by Anne Easter Smith
3. Mistress for the Crown by Isolde Martyn
4. The Season by Sarah MacLean
5. The Notorious Lady Anne by Sharon Cullen
6. The Icecutter’s Daughter by Tracie Peterson
7. The Birth of Venus by Sarah Dunant
8. Blood Sisters by Sarah Gristwood
9. Daughter of York by Anne Easter Smith
10.The House of Special Purpose by John Boyne
11.The Borgias by G.J. Meyer
12.Bound to Be a Bride by Megan Mulry
13. Written on Silk by Linda Lee Chaikin
14. A Secret love by Stephanie Laurens
15.Widow of Gettysburg by: Jocelyn Green
16.One more kiss by Mary S. Blayney
17.Lily of the Nile by Stephanie Dray
18.Figures in Silk by Vanora Bennett
19.The Heiress of Winterwood by Sarah E. Ladd
20.The Seduction of Emily by Rachel Brimble
21.Queen of Kings by Maria Dahvana Headley
22.Widow of Gettysburg by: Jocelyn Green
23.Emperor The Gates of Rome by Conn Iggulden
24.The Girl from Junchow by Kate Furnivall
25.Lover be Mine by Nicole Jordan
26.Revenge of the Rose by Nicole Galland
27.Mistress Shakespeare by Karen Harper
28.Between Two Queens by Kate Emerson
29. The Secret Bride (In The Court of Henry VIII #1) by Diane Haeger
30.The Quarryman’s Bride (Land of Shining Water #2) by Tracie Peterson
31.Trouble in Store by Carol Cox
32.Stealing the Preacher by Karen Witemeyer
33.The Lost Letters Of Aquitaine (Alais Capet #1) by Judith Koll Healey
34.Scandalous Lord, Rebellious Miss by Deb Marlowe
35.Song of the Nile by Stephanie Dray
36.The White Queen by Phillipa Gregory
37.Confessions of an Ugly Step Sister by Gregory Maguire
38.The Miners Lady by Tracie Peterson
39.Winter Solstice Winter by E.J Squires
40.A Lady of Secret Devotion (Ladies of Liberty #3) by Tracie Peterson
41.  Lightborn (Darkborn #2) by Alison Sinclair

Challenge complete

2013 Immortal Challenge hosted by Under the Covers
I am going to take part in two categories and I may update it as the year goes on. I have some werewolf books on the Kindle just can not break my Vampire love to read them yet. May change in 2013 though! ** Feb Update I have added a new category thanks to reading Witches of East end.
Category 1: Vampires I have selected to read at least 5 Vampire books in 2013

1.Burned by P.C & Kristin Cast
2.The Vampire Academy by Rachelle Mead
3.Queen of Kings by Maria Dahvana Headley
4.Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton
5. Real Vampires Don’t Sparkle by Amy Fecteau
6. Frostbite (Vampire Academy #2) by Richelle Mead
7.The Laughing Corpse (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #2).
8.The Lunatic Cafe (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #4) by Laurell K. Hamilton
9.Bloody Bones (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #5) by Laurell K. Hamilton
10.Lover Enshrined (Black Dagger Brotherhood #6) by J.R. Ward
11.Awakened (House of Night #8) by P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast
12.Misguided Angel (Blue Bloods #5) by Melissa de la Cruz
13.The Killing Dance (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #6) by Laurell K. Hamilton
14.Bloody Valentine (Blue Bloods #5.5) by Melissa de la Cruz
15.Destined (House of Night #9) by P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast
16.Lost in Time (Blue Bloods #6) by Melissa de la Cruz
17.Burnt Offerings (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #7) by Laurell K. Hamilton
18. Lightborn (Darkborn #2) by Alison Sinclair
19.Obsidian Butterfly (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #9) by Laurell K. Hamilton
20.  Gates of Paradise (Blue Bloods #7) by Melissa de la Cruz
21. Shadowborn (Darkborn #3) by Alison Sinclair
22. Revealed (House of Night #11) by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast
23. Hidden (House of Night #10) by P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast
24. Blue Moon (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #8) by Laurell K. Hamilton
25.Vampire Kisses (Vampire Kisses #1) by Ellen Schreiber

Category 2: Angels and Demons I have selected to read at least 3 Angel & Demon books in 2013
1.Covet by J.R. Ward
2.Blood Flows Deep in the Empire by N. Isabelle Blanco
3.Aura by Rebecca Lynn Talley
4.Girls and Monsters by Anne Michaud
5.Halo by Alexandra Adornetto

Category 3: Fae and Magic At Least 3 of these as well
1.Witches of East End by Melissa De la Cruz
2.Spellbinding by Maya Gold
3.Lily of the Nile by Stephanie Dray
4.The Rose Throne by Mette Ivie Harrison
5.Faerie Wars (The Faerie Wars Chronicles #1) by Herbie Brennan
6.The Goddess Chronicle (Canongate Myths #13)
7.Winter Solstice Winter by E.J Squires
8.Serpent’s Kiss (The Beauchamp Family, #2) by Melissa de la Cruz
9.Winds of Salem (The Beauchamp Family #3) by Melissa de la Cruz

Challenge Complete

2013 What an Animal Challenge Hosted by Socrates Book Reviews
The rules are to read at least 6 books that include an animal. The animal can be of any kind including (from the challenge page): dog, cat, monkey, wolf, horse…dragon, mermaid, centaur, vampire, werewolf…you get the idea…

1.Noor by Milton C. Toby
2.The Icecutter’s Daughter by Tracie Peterson
3. Riding Lessons by Sara Gruen
4.Queen of Kings by Maria Dahvana Headley
5.Girls and Monsters by Anne Michaud
6. Blood and Roses by A.K. Alexander
7. Yip/Tuck (Pampered Pets Mystery #4) by Sparkle Abbey
9. The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

Challenge complete

2013 Ebook Challenge hosted by Workaday Reads
I am honestly trying hard to get more in touch with my Kindle that I got as a gift. I I am doing an EBook Challenge. There are several levels and I have chosen the CD level to read 10 Ebooks.
6/18/13 Update: Alright I am putting the level of this swap up for the year. I am taking on the Memory Stick level having already gone past the DVD level. The Memory stick level is 50 e-books.
1. The Forgotten Queen by D.L Bogdan
2. Front page Fatality by Lyndee Walker
3.Mistress for the Crown by Isolde Martyn
4.The Notorious Lady Anne by Sharon Cullen
5.Blood Flows Deep in the Empire by N. Isabelle Blanco
6.Buyer Beware by Diane Vallere
7.The Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back by Sariah Wilson
8.The Icecutter’s Daughter by Tracie Peterson
9.Spin the Plate by Donna Anastasi
10.Blood Sisters by Sarah Gristwood
11.Blood Flows Deep in the Empire by N. Isabelle Blanco
12.The Pleasure Project by Cassie Ryan, Jenna McCormick
13.Working with Bitches by Meredith Fuller
14.Spellbinding by Maya Gold
15.Aura by Rebecca Lynn Talley
16.Bound to Be a Bride by Megan Mulry
17.The Borgias by G.J. Meyer
18.The House of Special Purpose by John Boyne
19.Widow of Gettysburg by: Jocelyn Green
20.One more kiss by Mary S. Blayney
21.Girls and Monsters by Anne Michaud
22.Table for Seven by Whitney Gaskell
23.Replacing Gentry by Julie N. Ford
24.Silver Sphere by Michael Dadich
25.The Heiress of Winterwood by Sarah E. Ladd
26.The Seduction of Emily by Rachel Brimble
27. One more kiss by Mary S. Blayney
28.Widow of Gettysburg by: Jocelyn Green
29. Letters to Katie by Kathleen Fuller
30. The Lost Husband: A Novel by Katherine Center
31. The Rose Throne by Mette Ivie Harrison
32.Lover be Mine by Nicole Jordan
33.The Quarryman’s Bride (Land of Shining Water #2) by Tracie Peterson
34.Trouble in Store by Carol Cox
35.Stealing the Preacher by Karen Witemeyer
36.The Book of Secrets by Elizabeth Joy Arnold
37.Confessions of a Chalet Girl by Lorraine Wilson
38.Lacey’s House by Joanne Graham
39.Real Vampires Don’t Sparkle by Amy Fecteau
40.The Goddess Chronicle (Canongate Myths #13)
41. Dragonwich
42. Yip/Tuck (Pampered Pets Mystery #4) by Sparkle Abbey
43. Blood and Roses by A.K. Alexander
44. My Own Mr. Darcy by Karey White
45. The Miners Lady by Tracie Peterson
46. Winter Solstice Winter by E.J Squires
47. Good Ghost Gone Bad by Janiera Eldridge
48. Starry Night by Debbie Macomber

Challenge Completed

2013 TBR Pile Challenge hosted by Evie Bookish
Anything from your TBR pile that has been there for a while. Must be published 2012 or earlier. I have picked 11-20 – A Friendly Hug level for my challenge.

1. Covet by J.R. Ward
2. The Season by Sarah MacLean
3. Burned by P.C & Kristin Cast
4. Riding Lessons by Sara Gruen
5. Witches of East End by Melissa De la Cruz
6. A Secret love by Stephanie Laurens
7. The Family that couldn’t sleep by DT Max
8. Queen of Kings by Maria Dahvana Headley
9. Figures in Silk by Vanora Bennett
10. Alice Hartley’s Happiness by Philippa Gregory
11.Emperor The Gates of Rome by Conn Iggulden
12.The Girl from Junchow by Kate Furnivall
13.Revenge of the Rose by Nicole Galland
14.Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult
15.Mistress Shakespeare by Karen Harper
16.Between Two Queens by Kate Emerson
17.The Secret Bride (In The Court of Henry VIII #1) by Diane Haeger
18.The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein
19.The View from Garden City by Carolyn Baugh
20.The Lost Letters Of Aquitaine (Alais Capet #1) by Judith Koll Healey
21. Shopaholic Ties the Knot (Shopaholic #3) by Sophie Kinsella
22. Starry Night by Debbie Macomber
23. Bloody Valentine (Blue Bloods #5.5) by Melissa de la Cruz
24. Misguided Angel (Blue Bloods #5) by Melissa de la Cruz
25. Awakened (House of Night #8) by P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast
26. Lover Enshrined (Black Dagger Brotherhood #6) by J.R. Ward
27. A Lady of Secret Devotion (Ladies of Liberty #3) by Tracie Peterson
28. Confessions of an Ugly Step Sister by Gregory Maguire
29. The White Queen by Phillipa Gregory
30. Scandalous Lord, Rebellious Miss by Deb Marlowe


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