So here is my wrap up for the month of January, over all even with the set backs and not feeling well I feel I did pretty well on my reading. I am behind on the book I say I am currently reading, I have not even started it except for the first page, but I am planning to remedy that after I catch up on a few other things I need to work on.
So over all for the challenges, I finished 8 books for the month so that put me 8 books into my main challenge, my 100+ challenge, Read and Review. 7 books also counted towards the Read from my Shelves challenge. 1 book is finished from the Read the book see the movie challenge. 1 What’s in a name, 1 YA and 1 from my Chic Lit challenge.
I also stayed on top of my own-hosted Historical Fiction Challenge of reading one historical fiction every month (at least) by reading one. So, over all so far so good and here we go into the second month of reading. A short month but I hope to get at least 6 books done preferably more.