Fire & Ice Historical Fiction Challenge 2010
January 1st 2010 til December 31st 2010
Read 1 Historical Fiction Book Per Month for a total of 12 this year.
2 / 12 books. 17% done!
Scandal’s Bride by Stephanie Laurens
Feb: The Teahouse Fire by Ellis Avery

No blog so here goes
1. Garwood, Julie Gnetle Warrior
2. Lofts, NOrah Gad's Hall
3. Holland, Cecelia The angel and the Sword
4. Yerby, Frank Devilseed
5. Montgomery, L. M. Christmas with Anne
6. Garwood, Julie Prince Charming
7. Olson, Tod The California Gold Rush
8. Jacobs, William Jay Cortes
9. Lindsey, oJhanna Pirate's Love
10. Springr, Nancy The Case of the Bizarre Bouquets
11. Erickson, Caroley The Tsarina's Daughter
12. Quick, Amanda Second Sight
13. Garwood, Julie One Pink Rose
14. Spark, Muriel The Abbess of Crewe
15. Putney, Mary Jo A Distant Magic
16. Xinran Sky burial
17. Chadwick, Elizabeth First Knight
18. Robards, Karen Shameless
19. Quick, Amanda The Perfect Poison
20. Putney, Mary Jo A Kiss of Fate
21. Putney, Mary JO Stolen magic
22. Yolen, Jane Simple Gifts
23. Anderson, Laurie H. Fever 1793
24, Laker, Rosamonud Ride the Blue Riband
I am done, but no blog so here goes
1. Garwood, Julie Gnetle Warrior
2. Lofts, NOrah Gad's Hall
3. Holland, Cecelia The angel and the Sword
4. Yerby, Frank Devilseed
5. Montgomery, L. M. Christmas with Anne
6. Garwood, Julie Prince Charming
7. Olson, Tod The California Gold Rush
8. Jacobs, William Jay Cortes
9. Lindsey, oJhanna Pirate's Love
10. Springr, Nancy The Case of the Bizarre Bouquets
11. Erickson, Caroley The Tsarina's Daughter
12. Quick, Amanda Second Sight
13. Garwood, Julie One Pink Rose
14. Spark, Muriel The Abbess of Crewe
15. Putney, Mary Jo A Distant Magic
16. Xinran Sky burial
17. Chadwick, Elizabeth First Knight
18. Robards, Karen Shameless
19. Quick, Amanda The Perfect Poison
20. Putney, Mary Jo A Kiss of Fate
21. Putney, Mary JO Stolen magic
22. Yolen, Jane Simple Gifts
23. Anderson, Laurie H. Fever 1793
24, Laker, Rosamonud Ride the Blue Riband