The time of year that everyone (but me) seems to love is right around the corner. As soon as the Halloween decor came out of course so did the Christmas items. That is one of the biggest reasons I have issues with Christmas, every year they seem to put out the decorations earlier and earlier and intruding upon my favorite holiday. With all of that said, I am trying really trying this year to get into the spirit and enjoy. I gave my word that I would try.
Of course I make most of my holiday items by hand, anyone who has taken a look at Creations of Bastet has seen how obsessive I can be about my handmade items, I just love them. However, I also know there are somethings I just can’t make on my own, sure would be fun if I could! I have a lot of musicians in my life and there is no way I can make instruments or most of the things that go with them. Luckily I can shop at for everything that I need for the musicians in my life. Then I can go ahead and make a fun crochet guitar strap or some other fun accessory that goes with the instruments. See I can still work my own fun obsessions in with things I can’t make myself.