Booking through Thursday 2/27/14

This one is Hosted at the Booking through Thursday Blog.

What do you think of fanfiction? In general—do you think it’s a fun thing or a trespass on an author/producer’s world? And of course, obviously specific authors have very firm and very differing opinions about this, yet it’s getting more popular and more mainstream all the time. Do you ever read or write it yourself?

Well this will come as no surprise to my friends, but some readers may find it one. I like fanfiction in general. Now of course like books there is good fan fiction and bad fanfiction just like anything, but I do like it. I know authors work hard to make their characters and books, and I think all proper credit should be given when you write a fanfiction but it is a creative outlet. I am not sure how I feel about fanfics that get turned into books ala 50 shades of grey, but my general thought is thumbs up. Yes I do write fan fiction though I rarely share it outside of my inner circle.


Booking through Thursday 2/13/14

This one is Hosted at the Booking through Thursday Blog.

For most of the east coast, at least, it’s a wintry, snowy day today, so … How do you like to spend your snow days? Feel free to gloss over the obligatory parts like shoveling unless you LIKE it. We’re talking ideal, best way to spend a snow day kind of thoughts, here.

For those of you who live in places where snow days simply don’t happen? Feel free to substitute “snow” with “rain” and think about the kind of days when you just want to cuddle up inside where it’s warm and dry.


Oh ideally I would sleep the day away but that never happens for many reasons. My ideal day though these days would be snuggling up with a good book, a nice warm beverage and once I am done reading whatever crochet project i am working on. I would also like my yarn to be knot free, lol

Booking through Thursday 2/6/14

This one is Hosted at the Booking through Thursday Blog.

There was no official question this week so I am going to make my own:

Do you like to read on freezing cold days?

With the weather being a frozen wasteland of Tundra in most places these days I have to ask do you like to read when it’s cold out? Or how about when you are sick, I happen to be dealing with both myself right now. While I do love to read when it’s cold ( no going outside) I find personally when I am sick my attention span for reading tends to start slipping. I don’t know if it is because I just feel icky or if it is because my brain says lay off..but that seems to be the pattern when I am sick.


Booking through Thursday 1/30/14

This one is Hosted at the Booking through Thursday Blog.

Do you do other things while you read? Watch TV? Cook? Brush your teeth? Knit?

Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t it all depends on what is going on and what I am reading. If I am really sucked into a book I will not do anything else while I am reading it and my full attention stays with the book. However if I am not fully snagged on it I will watch TV, Cook and even sometimes Blog and work while reading a page here and there.


Booking Through Thursday 1/23/14

This one is Hosted at the Booking through Thursday Blog.

If there was one book you could make sure nobody ever read again … what would it be? And why?

Honestly and I hate to say it because it is a book about ancient times…but The Queen of Kings is a book I would tell no body to read. I honestly really just disliked it that much. I disliked it and the history was so off along with everything else it just went GRR yeah no one needs to ever read it.


Booking through Thursday 1/16/14

This one is Hosted at the Booking through Thursday Blog.

All other things (writing quality, story, etc), which would you rather read?
1. Something written by a man or a woman?
2. Something with a male or female protagonist?
3. Something funny or something tragic?
4. Something short or something long with many parts?
5. Something simple or something layered?


This is an interesting question I try not to be to picky but when given the choices here we go.

1. Woman

2. Female protagonist

3. Funny

4. Long with many points

5. Layerd



Booking Through Thursday 1/2/14

This one is Hosted at the Booking through Thursday Blog.

Although–it’s always good to look back so you know where you’ve been, so the first question for the year is an oldie but a goodie:

“What were your favorite books last year?”

A good one and one that I avoided in all my wrap up posts because there were a lot that I liked. So here we go I can no longer avoid it, lol.

Lover Enshrined by J.R Ward

Circus of the Damned by Laurell K Hamilton

Pasha my Story by Pasha Kovalev

Lily of the Nile and Song of the Niles by Stephanie Dray


Booking through Thursday

This one is Hosted at the Booking through Thursday Blog.

This week my friend asked: What is your favorite memory in your library.


For me it depends on which library that might be but in the interest of answering without going down to many paths I will say with my home library. My favorite memory right now with it is simply getting it, being able to put up the shelves and know that I am going to have this library all mine to enjoy. Great memory.

Booking Through Thursday 12/19/13

This one is Hosted at the Booking through Thursday Blog.

Sadly I again did not see a question on the blog, but my friend Anah is happy to provide me with things to keep the brain working so here we go this week she asks:

What is your major draw to your favorite genre?

This is a really good question and one I actually did have to think about a little bit. Seeing as I have not actually read a book in my favorite genre in a little while because I have been focused on branching out. My favorite genre is Historical Fiction, now I like all genre’s (well most) but Historical Fiction is generally my go to and the one I most look forward to releases in. It is the history buff and nerd in me that draws me to the genre I think. I just love jumping into lives in the past and fully embracing the differences that you can find there. I am sure the fact that I am a consummate Rennie and such has nothing to do with it. right?

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