What book would you love to be able to read again for the first time?
(Interestingly, I thought that I had thought this one up myself, but when I started scrolling through the Suggestions, found that Rebecca had suggested almost exactly this question a couple months ago. So, we both get credit!)
Oh that is a good one. I think for me that woulde Huckleberry Finn. I loved that book, still do I have read it more times than I can count.

Love your blog! Huckleberry Finn is a true classic!
Now that is some book to re-read!
BTT: Second a first
Kill Word Verification
I have not re-read Huckleberry Finn in years!
I haven’t read Huckleberrry Finn. I’m ashamed. Here is A Second First Time
I should re-read it too.
Bluestocking, we can be ashamed together, I haven’t read it either. *blushing*
Here is my BTT post.