Danielle is thrilled to be helping Alec Ramsay escort a vanload of racehorses from New York to Florida. She’ll also get to visit her horse, Redman, who has been earning his oats at a riding camp up north. When an extra stall unexpectedly becomes available in the van, Redman’s new owner allows Danielle to take him home for a visit. Danielle is overjoyed to be reunited with her beloved horse, but the trip home turns out to be more hazardous than anyone imagined. Can Danielle and Alec make it safely back to Florida with their precious cargo?

This one is a little bit better than the other two. But it is still not up to the calibre of the regular series. I do not think Steven Farley is a bad author persay but he should have stuck with his own story line to make it more his own and not so fakey sounding. However I guess it was just easier to take his Father’s idea.