Well we got this in a round about sort of way but its still an award. http://subjectivebeauty.blogspot.com/2009/04/lets-be-friends-award.htmlwho blessedly did out make over and will be doing others gave this Award to all of her followers. She is so sweet, and I love her work. I think would make blogs just to have her design them for me! Honest. So here is the beautiful award. And, I have to pass it on so my picks will be below.
“The Let’s be Friends Awards stands for this: These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers.”
1)Anah@ Coming out of the Dark We fight, we spat. But we are sisters. And I wish she would be writting again on her blog because I think it would help her.
2) Everyone @ CBA they are GREAT! I get my TWI fix without having to write it myself.Thanks you guys!
3) Purplgrl @ So Many Books, So little time. You always are kind enough to post my contests on your blog. Thank you hun!
4) Mom Jen @ Cheaper Than Therapy On my Blog Birth of a Notion I play her ThousandWord Thursday game. And its FUN doing so. I also love reading her posts.
5) The TwiCrack Addict need I say more? Twi TWI TWI..incase you didnt noticeby my own hosting of Major Whitlock I love TWILIGHT haha..and the Twicrack addict is a great, fun blogger.
6) Molly @ My Cozy Book Nook she does great reviews, and Author interviews. One of these days I am going to get around to asking how one gets an Author Interview.
7) Tena @ Crazy Book Slut. I don’t remmber how I found Tena’s blog (brain fart) But I am so glad I did!I love reading her reviews, and all other book things.But I also enjoy her work on her Punky Monkey’s site. And if it werent for my following her blog, I wouldn’t have found Sara at Subjective Beauty. How is that for 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon? I love her blog name so much I thought about buying the domain name and giving it to her as a gift!
8) Melissa @ SHH I’m reading. I love this blog. I am not sure she knows I am there. But I am following following. And Loving it.

Thanks for the award, definately has made my morning! YOu are so sweet and I love the idea of this blog! I’m reading Breaking Dawn and savoring the last of the Twilight series!
Thank you so much! And congrats on your award!
Aww, thank you so MUCH! Thanks for reading my silly blog. 🙂
you rock!!! Thanks so much for the award, I am going to make a post on it now!! Sorry it has taken me so long to get over here, my Internet was down most of the week, grrr!! Hate my cable company