Book Review: Just One of those Flings by Candice Hern

Following “In the Thrill of the Night,” this entry in Hern’s Merry Widows series finds Beatrice, Lady Somerfield, too busy overseeing her own daughters and niece to take a lover for herself. Until one night at a ball a masked stranger makes her realize the delights she’s been missing.

I will admit, this book took me a while to get excited about. A few chapters. But I loved the first book in The Merry Widows Series, In The Thrill of the Night. So I had to continue. And I will say I am very glad I did. Candice Hern paints a wonderful picture of romance. An older woman, a widow finding herself against all odds and against her own better sensibilities falling in love with a man six years her Junior. OH MY! What woman wouldn’t love that?! They embark on an affair that turns into me, and we follow them through several hard turns of their love. For them to come out on the other side.

Book Review: Breaking Dawn By Stephanie Meyer

When you loved the one who was killing you, it left you no options. How could you run, how could you fight, when doing so would hurt that beloved one? If your life was all you had to give, how could you not give it? If it was someone you truly loved?To be irrevocably in love with a vampire is both fantasy and nightmare woven into a dangerously heightened reality for Bella Swan. Pulled in one direction by her intense passion for Edward Cullen, and in another by her profound connection to werewolf Jacob Black, a tumultuous year of temptation, loss, and strife have led her to the ultimate turning point. Her imminent choice to either join the dark but seductive world of immortals or to pursue a fully human life has become the thread from which the fates of two tribes hangs.Now that Bella has made her decision, a startling chain of unprecedented events is about to unfold with potentially devastating, and unfathomable, consequences. Just when the frayed strands of Bella’s life-first discovered in Twilight, then scattered and torn in New Moon and Eclipse-seem ready to heal and knit together, could they be destroyed… forever?

It didn’t take me long to finish this one. I did not love it. I did not hate it. I will first say what I didn’t like. The plot line is to drawn out for what you see is obvious and coming. So honestly it makes it a little weak. You can see everything coming as it comes, and go “Oh right so that what its going to be” I don’t like when I can see that in a book. The religious undertones are pushed a bit hard in this one as well. In my opinion.

However, that being said. I did the action. I did like that we got to meet some new characters and see some interesting twists. While I knew the character who leaves wouldn’t ditch her family, I was surprised when she came back how it all wrapped up. But that was the only surprise in the book. The rest was rather predictable.

I also personally wouldn’t let the intended YA audience read this one. Its a bit to…bloody, and filled with innuendo. While that was enjoyable to me as an adult. I would not let a kid read it.Over all, While I enjoyed the Saga as a whole. and am ..obviously a fan of Twilight. Breaking Dawn is my least favorite of the set. But still not a

Book Review: They’re Not Your Friends By Irene Zutell

Charlotte “Lottie” Love has a thing for celebrity. Actually, it’s more of an obsession. All her life she’s lurked in the shadows of Hollywood, desperate to step into the light. When she lands a job at Personality magazine, her dreams of red-carpet strolls, popping flashbulbs, and the attention of white-hot heartthrobs finally start to come true. Even Hollywood’s latest “It” boy falls for her, and everyone wants his story. Can Lottie score the scoop? Ask Lem Brac, a British boozehound in the twilight of a mediocre career who knows an exclusive with the It boy would save his job. Lem looks for help from his new (and only) friend—Mike Posner, a young hotshot reporter just hired away from a New York tabloid. But Mike has some damaging secrets himself that are about to surface. He needs the interview too, and it’s anyone’s guess how far he’ll go to get it.Welcome to the world of entertainment journalism and star worship, where you’re only as good as the gossip you dig up. Written by a former People magazine correspondent who knows the underbelly of Hollywood hearsay all too well, They’re Not Your Friends slips past the velvet rope and grants access to a wickedly funny—and sometimes scary—celebrity magazine scene.

This book is different from what I usually read.But the story line stuck out at me on the back as something that might be fun. So I thought why not? And while it started out a bit slow, it became a very enjoyable and fun read for me. The story followed Charlotte “Lottie” Love a valley girl from Tarzana, CA on her career path. We follow her as she goes from a nobody, to a vain glorified Pappo..and finally finding herself with the man who she thought she hated.

There is a lot of name dropping of big name celebrities, and that makes the book even more fun.Kind of like reading a Tabloid magazine, you know its not true but you just cant help yourself. We follow a fun cast of characters around Lottie that you love, hate, and love again. So over all if your looking for a fast, and amusing read that gives you a chuckle. With plenty of people mooning, and flashing in drunken stupors, give this one a shot.

Book Review: Angus, Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging By Louise Rennison

Angus:My mixed-breed cat, half domestic tabby, half Scottish wildcat. The size of a small Labrador, only mad. Thongs:Stupid underwear. What’s the point of them, anyway? They just go up your bum, as far as I can tell. Full-Frontal Snogging: Kissing with all the trimmings, lip to lip, open mouth, tongues … everything. Her dad’s got the mentality of a Teletubby (only not so developed). Her cat, Angus, is trying to eat the poodle next door. And her best friend thinks she looks like an alien — just because she accidentally shaved off her eyebrows. Ergghhhlack. Still, add a little boy-stalking, teacher-baiting, and full-frontal snogging with a Sex God, and Georgia’s year just might turn out to be the most fabbitty fab fab ever!

What a Fun little laugh this book was. The story of Georgia really makes you remember those teen days. Agonizing over what boy meant when he said something, and trying to get the boy you liked to notice you. Amusing, and full of more British slang than you can shake a fist at (because Georgia is a brit teen) it is over all a good read, and fun. A bit of fluff, but a fun fast way to start out the new year. If you in the mood for a little fun, and a good laugh. follow Georgia and her friends in this little jaunt!

Happy New Year..the Challenge Begins

And here the challenge begins now. Its Jan. And here’s my book schedule for the month. Maybe I will sneak an extra in. Who knows! I am looking forward to tackling this list. frothing at the mouth really…hehe

Goal 125 Books in 2009

Jan 1st-1st- Angus,Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging 272 Pages

1st-3rd- They’re not your friends 288 Pages

4th-5th- Breaking Dawn
754 Pages

6th-8th-One of those flings
306 Pages

9th-11th- High Maintenance
351 Pages

12th-14th- Picture Perfect
369 Pages

14th-17th-Wicked *Shannon Drake
376 Pages

17th-20th-Good Grief
344 Pages

21st-23rd-Devil’s Bride 388 Pages

24th-26th-Confessions of a Shopaholic 320 Pages

27th- – BabyVille 438 Pages

Stretching my legs in a new blog format

After closing the old format that had been around for a long time..Here is the new one!

This blog is really only for me. But if others wish to join in,comment,or watch they are welcome to. You will mostly find, my book reading information for me. As I am setting this as a place, for me to keep track fully of my goal for the year of 2009, taken on at Paperback Swap.

The goal is to finish 125 books for the year of 2009. I think its do-able.

For now we do have some of 2008 left, and I am setting a schedule for the remainder of that. Before I begin my 2009 schedule. Call it a warm up.

Dec 19th-21st-Eclipse

Dec 21st-23rd Confessions of a Viscount

Dec 24th-26th The Constant Princess

26th-28th -Digging to America

29th-31st-Snow Flower and the Secret Fan

And that is where we shall be..until the 1st 🙂

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New format coming soon

Alright everyone I will be closeing the current format..but DONT WORRY..i will still be I have for over a year now…so you can see..we will just have a new format 😀

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