Booking Through Thursday 2/7/13

This one is Hosted at the Booking through Thursday Blog.

Do other people influence what you choose to read? When a family member recommends something, or a friend says they hated a book you were planning to read … does it affect your reading choices?

Sometimes yes and sometimes no. I have gotten some great suggestions for books to read from friends and family. When someone suggests a book to me I am more likely to read it than if someone didn’t like a book. I tend to like to make up my own mind on if a book is bad. Granted this way of things has ended up with me saying “You were right” many times.

WWW Wens 2/5/13

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

I am currently reading Daughter of York by Anne Easter Smith

It is a good book, it is a bit of a slower read for me just because I have so much going on. I am still not Sure if I like it as much as the other books by Anne Easter Smith, but I think that’s because right now for me Margaret is coming off as vapid. I think that will however change the further I get into the book.

This was my last read the Notorious Lady Anne and it was a pretty good read. Not the best but not bad at all.

Up next will be Blood Sisters..yup staying with the War of the Roses.

Posted in WWW

Teaser Tuesday 2/5/13

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

“I live like a Queen here, Dickon. What can you mean?” Margaret retorted.
“Aye we live well, but not half so well as the Duke.You will see. But, ” he said in a quieter tone a far away look in his eyes, “I do not think having so many riches is as important as being happy, do you?” ~ pg 215 Daughter of York by Anne Easter Smith

Musing Monday 2/3/13

Musing Monday is hosted over at Should Be Reading.


Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…

• Describe one of your reading habits.
• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.

This week I will cover recent purchases. I know I have mentioned the book before but I am not sure if I mentioned it as a purchase I have some brain bla issues this week (watch I mentioned it like last Monday).

Lily of the Nile. It had an adventure to get to me and I swear I only mention it so much because I am really excited to read it..LOL

Heiress of one empire and prisoner of another, it is up to the daughter of Cleopatra to save her brothers and reclaim what is rightfully hers…

To Isis worshippers, Princess Selene and her twin brother Helios embody the divine celestial pair who will bring about a Golden Age. But when Selene’s parents are vanquished by Rome, her auspicious birth becomes a curse. Trapped in an empire that reviles her heritage and suspects her faith, the young messianic princess struggles for survival in a Roman court of intrigue. She can’t hide the hieroglyphics that carve themselves into her hands, nor can she stop the emperor from using her powers for his own ends. But faced with a new and ruthless Caesar who is obsessed with having a Cleopatra of his very own, Selene is determined to resurrect her mother’s dreams. Can she succeed where her mother failed? And what will it cost her in a political game where the only rule is win-or die?

The second recent purchase was

I got to know this one through a Twitter Blast I did for it and was curious enough to buy it for Kindle and give it a try!

“The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep.”
~ Robert Frost

*Evie’s family has been holding out on her …

Big time.

On an unexpected visit to her grandparents’ house in New Hampshire’s secluded North Woods, the sixteen-year-old literally runs into the truth of the long-hidden family secrets, and finds herself thrust without warning into the clandestine world of the Great North Pack—a wild and exhilarating world of rugged beauty, heart-pounding adventures, and long nights running under a sea of stars … but as she’s set to discover, a world also fraught with potential dangers lurking in the shadows

So what is your Musing this week?

The Sunday Salon 2/3/13

It is Sunday again and guess what Sunday it is this week? Oh yeah Superbowl Sunday in the States. Guess who doesn’t care? If you guessed me you would have guessed right. So instead of Superbowl thoughts today I am going to post something much more fun. Aside from book musings because that is a given that it will be posted right?

My favorite sport:

Anyone who says dancing is not a sport has never danced for more than a party time. It is for sure a sport and there are for sure real injuries that happen often.

and this is a fun sport…well okay not really but I declare it one today. Skarsgard watching.

Okay so there is the not book related stuff. I was really surprised to see how ahead of the game I am on my reading goal so far this year with how busy I have been but I guess when you do not sleep very well you manage to get in more reading then you thought. I have enjoyed most of my reads so far and I am working on Daughter of York by Anne Easter Smith. I have not had a chance to sit down and read for very long so I am not even 100 pages in yet. I am enjoying it although I don’t think I will like it as much as I liked the others. That could change however so we will see.

I had to laugh some this week as well when someone on Amazon started a conversation on one of my reviews. I rated Fatality on the Front page 3 gems and so on Amazon 3 stars. It was not that I did not like the book I did, but there were some flaws and to me 3 is not a terrible score. Apparently to this person it was and they said my rating should have been a 5! So when did it become up to someone else what I should rate a book? I mean really your score system is not the same as mine and you are not me. I decided not to reply to the amazon convo because there really is no point and now that I have vented it here I am resolved not to think about it anymore.

Here comes another new week!

January Challenge Update

So far so good for January and I am more than on track with my challenges. It is always a nice feeling to feel like your ahead of the 8 ball. At the time of posting I am at 8 books for the year and that puts me 4 books ahead of schedule. I have started reading another longer one as well by Anne Easter Smith.

So while we see where I am at for the over all challenge where does that leave me for the genre ones? Here we go..

I have read 5 of 25 for the Historical Fiction Challenge:

1. The Forgotten Queen by D.L Bogdan
2. A Rose for the Crown by Anne Easter Smith
3. Mistress for the Crown by Isolde Martyn
4.The Season by Sarah MacLean
5. The Notorious Lady Anne by Sharon Cullen

I have touched on 1 of 8 for my Immortal challenge making that 1 in the Angels & Demons category. I do have a vampire read coming up on my “schedule” to put another mark in that category.

1.Covet by J.R. Ward

I have read one book towards 6 for my Animal Challenge of the year. I tend to get in an animal mood more in Spring, not sure why that is.

1.Noor by Milton C. Toby

For the ebook challenge I am proud of myself and am doing well. I have read 4 out of 10 for that one!

1. The Forgotten Queen by D.L Bogdan
2. Front page Fatality by Lyndee Walker
3.Mistress for the Crown by Isolde Martyn
4.The Notorious Lady Anne by Sharon Cullen

And my TBR pile challenge has been a little bit light because I have been enjoying some library reads or the lovely pre release books I have been getting. But I still made a dent and read 2 out of 20.

1. Covet by J.R. Ward
2. The Season by Sarah MacLean

So there we have it there is the update. Not bad for one month of reading. Lets hope I can keep up the nice pace for the year! Not only that but keep on enjoying the books as I have been.

Booking Through Thursday 1/31/13

It has been a while since I have done this MEME but since I am bringing back the Meme’s it is time to do this one as well. If your only here for the reviews..sorry scroll on down *wink*

This one is Hosted at the Booking through Thursday Blog.

This week it is asked:

Do you lend your books? Are any out on loan right now? Do you have any that have been loaned to you? Do you put a time limit on these? Do you think people should make an effort to read the loaned book quickly?

In general I do not lend out books, because I have a history of not getting them back. That said once in a while I will go ahead and lend one out. I have one lent out right now and it has been out for about 4 months. I suspect I won’t get it back too. I do feel that if you borrow a book from one especially if they let you know that it is one they have not read yet you should be timely about reading and returning. I mean the library has limits too right?

Book Review: The Notorious Lady Anne by Sharon Cullen

Release Date: Feb 11th 2013

From rising romance star Sharon Cullen comes a tale of the fiery passion between a noble naval officer and a female pirate that’s as tempestuous and as unpredictable as the sea.

Nicholas Addison, celebrated captain of the Blackwell Shipping Fleet, has agreed to take Mrs. Emmaline Sutherland aboard the Pride and ferry the raven-haired beauty across the Atlantic on what he imagines will be a routine trip. But when the ship is attacked by pirates, the seemingly innocent passenger is revealed to be none other than the infamous marauder Lady Anne, whose name strikes fear in the hearts of sailors everywhere—and whose seductive wiles commandeers Nicholas’s affections.

Lady Anne, a legend of the high seas, has spent the last eleven years plotting revenge against her father, the owner of Blackwell Shipping. She’s targeted the Pride in hopes of plundering its captain’s company secrets. But beneath her fierce courage and bitter determination, Anne has the delicate heart of a woman—a heart that cannot help falling for Nicholas. Now Anne must make a difficult choice: bring down Blackwell or surrender to love.

Ahoy Matey! Sharon Cullen sweeps us into the swash buckling tale of revenge and pirates. Not only that but we get a nice gander at a handsome man who is of course a Captain of a ship. What more can you ask for in a book? Nicholas Addison is a man from a noble family, honorable and one who loves the sea. Emmaline or Lady Anne is a woman of many contradictions a Lady Pirate who has not been touched by a man in an intimate way, whose life is based around taking revenge. So what happens when these two forces meet? A great deal.

Overall I really did enjoy The Notorious Lady Anne as a read. It was fast, adventurous and had some nice romance that makes a bodice ripper good. However there were parts for me that dragged a little bit and parts that to me came off as predictable. There could have been another twist or two to really make things different and stand out as a truly unique read. However with my negative aspects expressed on this read I did still enjoy it.

If your someone who likes a nice fast read with pirates and romance this is a nice book to fit the bill. While it is not one that I would shout from the roof tops that you must read it, I also feel it is not one to be left on the shelf. The prose is well done and the characters are likeable. Even when Captain Addison was in what I call his “snit” I really enjoyed him. He was not being angry or upset because he was being a jerk, but his sense of honor had been impugned upon. So if your looking for a speedy read with good characters this would be a good one for you.

My Gemstone Rating:


Book Review: The Season by Sarah MacLean

Seventeen year old Lady Alexandra is strong-willed and sharp-tongued — in a house full of older brothers and their friends, she had to learn to hold her own. Not the best makings for an aristocratic lady in Regency London. Yet her mother still dreams of marrying Alex off to someone safe, respectable, and wealthy. But between ball gown fittings, dances, and dinner parties, Alex, along with her two best friends, Ella and Vivi, manages to get herself into what may be her biggest scrape yet.

When the Earl of Blackmoor is mysteriously killed, Alex decides to help his son, the brooding and devilishly handsome Gavin, uncover the truth. But will Alex’s heart be stolen in the process? In an adventure brimming with espionage, murder, and other clandestine affairs, who could possibly have time to worry about finding a husband? Romance abounds as this year’s season begins!

Welcome to the glittery world of the ton. Step into the lives of three girls as they make their first season of London’s best and brightest in search of a husband. Lady Alexandra, Lady Vivian and Lady Eleanor have been best friends for as long as they can remember and that does not change now. Sarah MacLean did not leave us wanting in the male department either from Alexandra’s three brothers, to Lord Blackmoor and even the impish Lord Stanhope.

I enjoyed The Season and found it a fast and enjoyable read. It was not the best book of the year and some of the plot was pretty easy to figure out early in, but since it is geared at a younger audience I would expect that and don’t hold that against the book.

Sarah MacLean made some very enjoyable characters in The Season and I found myself smiling a lot at the actions of the three friends. The situations that they found themselves in are situations that I think I would find myself in, or at least I picture I would do if I was in the time period. It was a light read even with some of the serious themes within it. There is a mystery of whom killed Gavin Lord Blackmoor’s Father and a good portion of the book is focused on that. The descriptions of the balls are well done and I could picture myself among the glittery ton and enjoying the waltz with a Mr. Darcy like gentleman.

My Gemstone Rating:


WWW Wens 1/30/13

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently I am reading… This one a bit of bodice ripping. Nothing wrong with that right?

I just finished The Season my review will be up shortly. It was a good read not the best ever but I enjoyed it.

And next up will be the one that came in from the library yesterday

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