Welcome to Teaser Tuesday, the weekly Meme that wants you to add books to your TBR! You can also just share what you are currently reading. We make it very easy to play along, it is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
1: Grab your current read
2: Open to a random page
3: Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers! Everyone loves Teaser Tuesday.
Ambrosia’s little note:
Teaser Tuesday is here again, welcome. The last Teaser Tuesday of 2019, the last day of 2019, my how this year has flown by. I am feeling quite reflective about the year today. I can’t say it has been the best year ever, but there are certain bright spots about it. I am excited for a new year and new beginnings in many arenas. I am also looking forward to everyone calling it the 20’s again, LOL. I am a giant nerd, I want it to be the roaring 20’s again. Anyways, onto the quote.
“Sometimes it took only a few words of faith to reilluminate a spark of confidence that the future could be something wonderful, instead of a relentless series of obstacles and disappointments.” ― Jojo Moyes, The Horse Dancer

Nice teaser! That’s a new to me one. I hope you enjoy the rest!
Here’s my Tuesday Post
I haven’t read this one but Moyes is so quotable! I love it!
Mine is a middle grade book that I’m quite enjoying https://wellreadpiratequeen.blogspot.com/2019/12/the-forbidden-library-by-django-wexler.html
Oh, I love that teaser. Thanks for sharing…and for hosting. Here’s mine: “ALL THE FLOWERS IN PARIS”
I’m having trouble today. One more try, and then I’m done!
Nice teaser! I have not read this yet. Love the author. Happy New Year.
Here’s my teaser
Great teaser. Here’s my TT:
Last post of the year!
Mine this week is from Ready Player One. (Were the 80s really that long ago?) https://pdworkman.com/booklink/962147
Jojo Moyes is not an author I have ever read, although some of her books do sound quite interesting and she is always popular amongst my fellow bloggers. Those teaser words are very apt for this, the beginning of a New Year, let’s hope they hold some promise of the truth for us all!
My ‘teaser’ lines this time come from a crime thriller with a difference, but one which I shall remember for a long time to come. I have only awarded the full 5 stars to one previous title in 2019, but I am seriously considering making this the first 5 stars of 2020!
Check out ‘Angel Avenger’ by Tim Wickenden
Wishing you a Happy and Peaceful new Year and New Decade 🙂
Yeah, it’s so weird that we’re coming to a new year-and a new decade if you go by a 0-9 decade! Awesome teaser, it’s pretty hopeful! Here’s my teaser from The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi: https://writingcrazyme.blogspot.com/2019/12/teaser-tuesday-455-december-31st.html