To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?
Oh yeah it is that time of week again and this time I am reading something different! YAY for me. I am half way through as well even though it is what my Hubby calls a door stop book..meaning longer.
So here it is I am currently reading..
I am really enjoying this author and glad I am making use of the library so I can get to her books faster than by waiting on my PBS wish list. There is one other book in this series as well I think called Daughter of York.
What I recently finished reading of course per my reviews is The Forgotten Queen. Historical Fiction much ME? Never.
What I plan on reading next. Well I was thinking about reading Lily of the Nile next but it still has not arrived from my order on Amazon..looks like I will be filing something on that. So I will pick something from Net Gallery on my Kindle..and for hard copy I am going to try to get started on my Immortal Challenge..and go for
I am pretty sure Covet will also go for my TBR challenge I have to double check my PBS transactions on that but I think it has been on my shelf over a year.

Oh, another historical lover! I get more titles to investigate!