Yup, that’s what I am calling the monthly book talk on PBS the Debbie Downer book club. I don’t mean that in a mean way, really I don’t. But as I sit here reading and finding myself crying yet AGAIN I shake my head.
Now just because the books are sad doesn’t mean they are bad. But if you look at the three books I have been reading for this group. First month we started with Shoot the Moon by Billie Letts, while the book ended up being one of my favorites I have read it was depressing. The story is great, but there really isn’t a “happy” ending. The character is still dead, she was still murdered. It is a Debbie downer.
Second we read we need to talk about Kevin by Lionel Shriver. The book is about a school shooting, and it is told from the shooters moms POV. I really do not think you could find a more depressing book than that to read. It was heavy, and hard to read. With all the school shootings wasn’t unexpected but still.
And the book for April? All the Numbers by Merrill Larsen. I am half way through and so depressed. It’s about a mom losing her youngest son to a horrible accident. And moving on with her older son. I realize it is a story of hope and love. But again it’s SO SAD. It is a good book and it will get a positive review. But SHEESH. I wish we could pick something HAPPY in my book group.