Welcome to Teaser Tuesday, the weekly Meme that wants you to add books to your TBR! You can also just share what you are currently reading. We make it very easy to play along, it is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
1: Grab your current read
2: Open to a random page
3: Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers! Everyone loves Teaser Tuesday.
Ambrosia’s little note:
I hope that everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend. I spent a lot of time reflecting on the men and women who have given their lives in honor of our freedom. Because of this reflection I was reminded, freedom has a very high cost that is not always acknowledged. So I want to give a heart felt thank you to all of our armed forces. Besides that fact, my dad is a retired Marine so I learned to respect our armed forces at an early age. I know the climate is all over the place these days about armed forces and police etc. and I won’t preach here about it.
I just want to say one thing. Whether you agree with a war or not, support them men and women who are sent to fight it. They aren’t the ones who make the choice to go to war, they are following orders. They make the choice to sign up to protect the rest of us and lay down their life for us if they have to. Above All that is something noble and they should be thanked for it.
Go on then Ambrosia we want the teaser!
“Harriet Garner (as she appears in the marriage register) or Gardner (as reported in the newspaper’s wedding announcement) married Benjamin Williamson on July 13, 1822. If Garner was Harriet Hemings, she made her decision about her future livelihood quickly but well.”
― Catherine Kerrison, Jefferson’s Daughters: Three Sisters, White and Black, in a Young America
Okay, enough of that I say. This week I am actually reading a crochet borders book right now. I thought about posting a teaser here for it, but it would look like greek for everyone. And really it isn’t much of a teaser, just a pattern. So I will share a quote from a book on my TBR that will be one of the next ones I pick up to read (hopefully). My love affair with Thomas Jefferson & the revolution continues. LOL.

Oh, I haven’t done one of these in a very long while. But I can’t see when I could do, now that I’m posting my alternative author interviews on Tuesdays. Still, this was fun. Thanks!
Interesting teaser. I hope you enjoy the rest of this one!
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Yes… I very much approve of the makeover – congratulations! It must have taken quite a while:)). Yes, I like your teaser – here is mine – https://sjhigbee.wordpress.com/2019/05/28/teaser-tuesday-28th-may-2019-brainfluffbookblog-teasertuesday/
Mine this week is from a psychological thriller.
Thank you to your dad for his service. And thank you to you and your family for your sacrifices as well so that he could serve. <3
Here's my teaser for the week: http://lifewithnoplot.com/2019/05/28/teasers-and-top-tens-5-28-19/
Sounds good, though I have no idea who Jefferson’s daughters are. Here’s my teaser from Whispers at Moonrise by C.C. Hunter: https://writingcrazyme.blogspot.com/2019/05/teaser-tuesday-424-may-28th.html
It is a fiction of course, but based on reality. All in all Thomas Jefferson had a lot of children, 5 that we know of with Sally Hemmings alone (after his wife died) and then those he had with his wife. Two of his Daughters Martha and Mary are fairly well known historically speaking, but they were the Daughters with his wife. Of the 5 children he had with Sally Hemming the most is known about two Son’s Madison and Eston but also a daughter named Harriet. The author of Jeffersons Daughters has chosen to depict the two legitimate daughters and the illegitimate daughter in her book. Sorry I have babbled on about it a bit, lol.
Hi Ambrosia,
My husband is ex-UK military (R.A.F.), so I appreciate the honour you payed them in your opening statement.
Loving the new look site and this week’s teaser lines.
I can crochet, but only very basic Afghan Blankets, so your pattern would probably only be semi-understandable to me!
My teaser lines this week come from ‘A Shattered Lens’ by Layton Green
Thanks for hosting 🙂
Thank you Husband for his service. I admit to having a mild love affair with studying some of the historical elements to the R.A.F as well. heh. Thank you about the new look. Honestly I am rather loving the change myself. Still need to do a few tweaks but overall I am quite happy. Semi understandable is better then not at all for sure! Learning how to actually read patterns was probably the hardest thing for me when I was learning how to crochet. I was fairly sure it would never happen. Now here I am reading books about borders, lol and writing my own patterns.
I like your choice this week.
My TT from An Eye For A Lie
Well said, thank you!
Here’s my teaser
<3 Happy to say it. Thank you for playing along with Teaser Tuesday and reading some of my ramblings, lol
Thank you for your thoughts and your father for his service. What an interesting teaser!
Mine is from a new poetry chapbook: https://www.rosecityreader.com/2019/05/teaser-tuesday-mortality-with-pronoun.html
I will make sure to pass it on to him. Thank you. 🙂