Sometimes you have to shake things up. I have been thinking about shaking the book blog up for the last year or so, I never took the plunge last year, but 2017 is going to be the year for change. It is hard to think that I have run this blog since the end of 2008. I started out over at blogspot with a free blog and was happy with it. Over the years, however, I have changed to my own domain and different theme’s and of course migrated to WordPress. The one thing that has always nagged at me since I got my domain name is that I was never able to get the exact name of the blog. has always been a play on the actual title of the blog, Fire & Ice. I thought if I waited long enough I would eventually get something close, alas, that just never seems to have materialized.
Now, as I sit here looking back over the year I think about all the things that have happened in 2016. All the changes that have happened in the world and in my life. The conclusion? It is time for a change up in the blog line up. The content itself will remain the same and I may be taking on the job of hosting some meme’s that I have been posting on this blog almost since the beginning, the current host is making changes in her blog life too. However, the domain name, the blog name and the theme will be changed. I will still keep for the next year and just have it redirect so everyone can get used to the change, but the change is coming. The new book blog will be called….
The Purple Booker
A little silly, I know, but it suits me as many who know me will know. A fun play on Hooker yes (because I crochet, what were you thinking?) and a little play with one of my favorite book series by Lauren Willig. I am nervous and excited at the same time about the change. I hope that my lovely readers will be happy with the changes when they happen as well. I still have a lot of things to get in order before the change, but just couldn’t wait to make the announcement.