Here we are, another Sunday and I am afraid I do not have much to say this week either. I am sure this is going to change soon and I am sorry to my readers to keep making such silly little posts like this. As you can see it has been a slow week here, I am just working on dealing with grief and also doing a lot of work related stuff. It didn’t help that my laptop decided to blow itself up this last week as well. I mean really it just went kaboom. The good side of that is I got a new one, was able to upgrade and so far I am rather happy with the one I chose to get.
The downside is my kindle has gone walkabout. I almost want to laugh because this is the new kindle that was sent over after the other one had a mysterious crack appear. Now the new one is not where I set it. I am hoping wherever it is that it is okay. I have been moving a lot and such so perhaps it just slid into a little crevices where I have not seen it yet, but boy makes its hard to do my crochet work and listen to a good book.
So that this post does not seem like nothing but a bit of melancholy, I will end on a positive note. Though it has not been long, another family member found her way to us. Sometimes it seems the kitty spirits are in a bit of a hurry. A teeny tiny unique colored little girl who has been dubbed Diana is with us now. She is semi feral and clearly had a very hard start to her little life. She can’t be more then 6 maybe 7 weeks old. I want to just scoop her up and cuddle her and giggle and snuggle, but she is not ready for that. All 1.7lbs of her is fierce and she lets you know when she is not happy. I have to take it easy and slowly with her because she has not been socialized well at all. I Have no doubt that she will come around though, she has already made great bounds sooner than I thought she would.
The first night she spent in the closet, but from that night on she has moved closer and closer. We leave the TV on for her so even when people are sleeping, she can hear their voice. This and being patient and careful and plenty of treats seems to be working. She is playing and romping and having a good old kitten time. She does not want to be held and she gets a little dubious when I watch her play but that is okay. She has stopped hissing at the mere sight of people and she actually purred a little when I was petting her yesterday. I will have some pictures to share soon enough, hopefully the next write up that mentions my sweet Diana will include a cuddly picture.

Congratulations on the newest addition to your family!
Thank you. 🙂