We have another Sunday upon us and it has been an up and down week for me. Down as one might suspect because of my previous post about the kindle being broken. Up because there is a new little light among those in the household. Perhaps not book related exactly but I noticed some time ago that cats and book people seem to go hand in hand. More of my bookish friends enjoy cats and or have cats then don’t. As I announced at the start of the month sadly we lost our sweet boy Pasha. His soul came along and directed the next life into our family.
This is Misha Castiel Pasha, the newest little fellow in our life. He looks similar to our sweet departed Pasha but also different. The only white he has on him is there in his muzzle and he has white stripes that go along with his black stripes. Pasha had white mittens and Misha has black mittens and little black jelly bean toes. All of my kitties have either mixed color or pinkies never had a boy with just black ones (or a girl). He is fitting into the house rather well so far. There have been no major blow ups he just seems to have slipped into that puzzle piece where Pasha was. Cubby was the first one to greet him and decided to call himself the little guys mentor. He climbed right into the carrier that Misha was sitting in while the little guy hissed and fussed and then laid down. Misha noticed he wasn’t trying to do anything mean or anything so he settled down and there was napping.
I am sure we have a fair amount of adjusting and other things coming in the next weeks. I know how this goes. We are seeing his lovely and fun little guy so far, but I know he will start to come out of his shell more as he gets more comfortable. No doubt he will end up doing as little guys do and start making some mischief. There is nothing wrong with a little bit of that it is part of the fun after all. Thus far he is a purring machine a wonderful sweet little guy who has a curious tail and seems to take in everything.
One of his favorite spots to settle in and watch the world from so far is of course one of my bookshelves. You won’t see me complain about that. I rather adore when my kitties like to spend time with me and read. He hasn’t discovered the yarn yet, that will be an interesting time.

Misha is adorable! My last kitty was Sasha, whom I had to give away when I moved here, where there is a “no pets” policy. In the end, I am glad not to have the worry, as traveling and other activities are harder when you have pets.
Sasha loved climbing up the sheers in my last home, leaving trails of shattered fabric behind her. She loved sitting on the love seat, and left a dent that was there long after she was gone.
Thanks for sharing, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES
Thank you, I think he is pretty darn cute too though I know I am biased. Luckily I don’t think he will be a curtain climber, I could of course be wrong about that. The other lucky part is I also have Kirk who is a year and a half old now, but he is a rowdy wrestler boy. I have no doubt that him and Misha are going to be best buds!
I hope you get plenty of opportunity during this coming week to get to thoroughly know your little addition to the family:)
Thank you! I have no doubt I will, lol I have been already really. So far my space is his space and he has not decided to explore anywhere that I am not. LOL he is my little shadow it would seem. Which makes me smile because it is very cute and I know once he is fully comfortable he is going to be having so much fun playing with the other kitties he won’t come looking for me until it’s name time, lol.