Social media is everywhere today in the land of technology. I love social media as many of my loyal readers know. What I am getting into now more and more though is social media apps. I do not mean just the ones that you are used to seeing for Facebook and Twitter like Hootsuite and everything, but applications in which you can branch out and meet more people.
Because I tend to be so busy with freelance work, reviews and many other things I do not get to go out and socialize as much as I used to. Let’s face it these days it is also easier to log in then to go out. Cheaper too! One that I started checking out because a friend pointed me to it can be used at home on facebook as well as on the mobile version; it is called Hot or not. I prefer the mobile app for this one because I am trying to get to be savvier with what I do on my mobile versions.
I am sure the first thing many of my readers are thinking is, what is that sounds a bit odd. Well it is actually kind of fun really and an interesting way to say I want to meet you. The line up is a bunch of pictures and you are presented with the choice, Hot or Not seems pretty straight forward. You do also get a list of things you might have in common so you are not basis on looks alone. If you find them hot you tap the heart if not the close out x and they are sent a message. Pretty easy and you are not sending messages to sling any kind of bad mud or anything, it is all about deciding if it’s a person you want to meet (online) or not. I think it is fun and it is getting me more into the idea of using my mobile apps while on the go. Hot or not is also offering a $1000 sweepstakes if you want a little more incentive on trying the app.