So even if you’re an indoor bookie person like me, (sometimes I have to be because of the weather…) you want to smell good right? I mean we can’t walk around with smell de book smell, oh heaven if we could. So I will admit I have what one might call a sensual addiction. My favorite perfume has to be Armani Mania, Oh that’s heaven in a bottle. I do switch occasionally and have a large perfume collection, but Armani Mania perfume is on the top list all the time. It’s a heavier smell, has some vanilla and musk undertones, but oh it’s so nice. Come to think of it, the male version might be what Edward (yes the sparkly one); I may have to do some research on that tomorrow when I am out. So because I am talking a little bit about perfume today I thought I would show you the link here, perfume blog it’s a really cool perfume blog.