The Saturday Sanctuary will be a Weekly Writing Post. I will ask something or give a topic. Sometimes it will be short, sometimes it might be longer. The idea is just to write! So others can read. I thought it would be a great idea for a Book Blog to do something about writing. We are bloggers after all so we must have some enjoyment of writing too! So hop on in and Join the Saturday Sanctuary, grab our link and our picture and post your replies here. Make sure you visit others blogs out there and leave comments. Mostly have fun.
What are your big plans for the New Year?
Do you have any big plans for the New Year? I try not to make resolutions because I don’t always keep them but I make plans and thoughts. And this year I have several Irons in the fire I just hope I can keep up with them. One of course is to continue my work here at the Fire & Ice blog and work on my challenges I have signed up for.
Another and brand new one is to do more writing. I will keep up with the freelance work I have been doing on the silly articles and the like there, but I also want to do more creative writing again. So I have set up a writing blog for myself called Marked Ambrosia. My friend Sara helped me come up with the name I shot off some ideas and she hashed it out, I think we make a good team on that. Marked Ambrosia will focus on my needing to write more like I used to, I will give daily updates and than Bi Weekly stories of what I have worked on for those two weeks.
A third project for the New Year was started towards the end of last year but it is a fun one. The Random Acts of Smiles project is my pet project to make mail about more than just bills. In this modern age of computers I don’t think people send letters and postcards much anymore. I know I don’t get very many, but when I get one it makes me smile brightly. When I was a kid I used to have a lot of pen pals and I got a lot of mail, and smiled every time. Now as an adult most of my mail is bills, and I hate that. Getting a card or a letter something like that is always a big surprise that offers me a big smile. I want to share that feeling with everyone else. I want to give smiles and postcards to as many people as I possibly can. Join in the fun if you want, and spread the word. It is a free project I do it out of my own limited funds, but I am happy to.
And my last and final project for the year (as of now anyways) is my Lady Ambrosia’s Creations blog. I am working on Blog Designs, Historical Costumes, Candles and my new obsession arm warmers. Oh how I love arm warmers I think everyone should have some of those. So those are my New Year projects, what are yours? Share with me and put it in the linky!
*If Mr Linky is down please leave a comment. Mr. Linky has been a pain lately*