Hiatus or spotty at best

Well this blog will be going on hiatus or I will be doing posts spotty at best for the foreseeable future. I hate saying it and chances are I will keep up with it better then I htink.

I am in a bit of shock over my personal life right now. Feel like I have been hit with an atom bomb. Just trying to dial back on things while I process. Though I know sometimes routine helps me process. So I may keep up but hey the warning is there.

Teaser Tuesday 7/22/14

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

“Andrew spent the rest of the day with the Sheltons, consoling the grieving family, thanking on their behalf the neighbors who brought food, and listening when one or the other spoke about the life she’d lived.” ~64% The Widow of the Larkspur Inn by Lawana Blackwell

Musing Monday 7/21/14

Musing Monday is hosted over at Should Be Reading.

Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…

• Describe one of your reading habits.
• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.
• Do you have a bookish rant? Something about books or reading (or the industry) that gets your ire up? Share it with us!
• Instead of the above questions, maybe you just want to ramble on about something else pertaining to books — let’s hear it, then!

Okay this one may be a little TMI for some put it is on my mind. When you are suffering from cramps or other girl related disomfort does it effect your reading? I have been finding lately it is taking my focus WAY off.

Sunday Salon 7/20/14

It is Sunday again and I am afraid that I have barely the energy to lift a hand let alone to much else. The good news is I can still have a book read to me one way or another so I am going to work on finishing the Widow of the Larkspur Inn, again not the books fault I have not finished it until now it has just been one of those things I have been to busy to get to. A busy week overall.

The cuteness of the day is a pile of critters around me and they are being lovely snuggle bunnies which I rather need about now.

Also a belated Happy Birthday shout out on this blog (I gave a proper day one on my Birth of a Notion blog) to One Mr. Benedict Cumberbatch.


Book Blast: The Husband Maker by Karey White

The Husband Maker by Karey WhiteThe Husband Maker by Karey White

Charlotte’s a girl with nicknames. She may not love being called Charles or Chuck, but the hardest nickname to take is the one she was given in college, the one that’s followed her now for too many years. They call her “the husband maker” and sadly, it fits. Every guy she’s dated since high school has become his next girlfriend’s husband. Not hers. Not three girlfriends down the road. The next.

Is she doing something wrong or is she just cursed?

When Kyle Aldsworth enters the picture and sweeps her off her feet, Charlotte begins to hope that maybe she’s not destined to be single forever. A senator’s son with political aspirations of his own, Kyle’s wealthy, handsome, and in need of a wife. Will Charlotte be disappointed yet again, or will she finally be able to make a husband for herself?

Get your copy of The Husband Maker for just $3.99!

Amazon * Kobo * iTunes * Barnes & Noble

I’d always heard the view from Top of the Mark was exceptional. When San Francisco Life listed the top ten places to view the skyline at night, Top of the Mark was ranked number three, so when the invitation to Harrison’s wedding arrived, I finally had an excuse to take in the view for myself.
Stupid, stupid me. I should have taken a cab up the steep hills to 999 California Street, hopped on the elevator to the nineteenth floor, and looked out the windows. I could have come with or without makeup, and I could have worn jeans and a t-shirt. If I’d brought Mia or Aleena with me, we could have had a nice dinner or dessert. If I’d brought Angus, we could have had both. Since Top of the Mark was built at the crest of Nob Hill, I could have snapped a jaw-dropping photo or two with my iPhone and made the sparkling skyline my screen saver.
But no. I had to come see it on the night my old boyfriend was marrying a 49ers cheerleader named Nicki, who’d had more remodeling than an episode of Property Brothers. She looked like a Who’s Who of Hollywood parts—Scarlett’s nose, Angelina’s lips, and Kim’s cheekbones. Her bias-cut dress clung to her other (ahem) purchased body parts and made me feel very un-girly in comparison.
“Nicki, this is Charlotte.” Harrison looked me level in the eye, and for the first time all evening, I felt an inch of relief that things hadn’t worked out between us. Five-eleven is pretty average for a guy, and Harrison towered over Nicki, even in her stilettos. But the only way he’d ever have been able to look down at me the way he’d looked down at Nicki when they’d exchanged their vows was if he’d stood on a stool. I know it’s not important, and it makes me sound completely shallow, but I read a romance once where the leading man “gazed down at his true love with tender eyes.” Someday, I’d like a guy to gaze down at me with tender eyes. And I’d rather not have to be standing in a hole for that to happen.
“It’s fabulous to finally meet you.” Nicki’s voice was chirpy, and her lips didn’t move quite right. “I want to thank you for breaking his heart”—she puckered up and baby-talked—“so I could put it back together.” She pulled him down by his tuxedo lapel to kiss his cheek, then wiped the red smear away with her acrylic-nailed thumb.
Well, this was awkward. And I wasn’t the only one feeling it. Harrison’s eyes begged me not to set the record straight.
You see, Harrison had broken up with me. “I’m not ready for the whole settling down with one woman thing,” he’d said four short months ago. “You’re ready to get married, and I won’t be ready for that scene for years.”
Maybe he’d meant dog years.
“Congratulations, you two. You make a much better couple than we ever did,” I said, although it stung to admit it.
“Did Will come? I saw Angus a little while ago,” Harrison said. Will is my twin brother. No, his name is not Wilbur, although we’ve been asked if our parents had a thing for Charlotte’s Web more times than I can count. His name is William, and he’s the reason I ended up dating Harrison in the first place.
Our families lived on the same street in Fairfield, but I barely remembered Harrison, who was two years older than us. Nearly a year ago, Will and Harrison had been at the same concert, and Harrison had asked Will if his little sister was still available. Will wasn’t sure if he meant me or McKayla, but since McKayla was already married, he gave Harrison my number. On our first date, Harrison admitted he hadn’t been asking about me, but he was decent enough to say he was glad for the mix-up. And the rest is history.
A short and tragic history, but history nonetheless.
“Will and his wife are in D.C. right now interviewing.” I stepped on my tiptoes and scanned the room over the groom’s head. “I didn’t know Angus was here.”
“I talked to him earlier, but he might have left already,” Harrison said.
I nearly knocked over a waiter as I jumped away from Nicki’s scream. “Look, Kitten. It’s Baxter Kensington. I didn’t think he’d actually come.”
Kitten? Did she really call him that? Harrison’s red face confirmed that yes, she had. “He plays for the 49ers,” he explained, and I nodded.
“I’d better go and make room for the celebrities,” I said, and Harrison grinned. He’d always appreciated my sarcasm, and his cute grin jabbed at my not-quite-healed heart.
“Thanks for coming.” He pulled me into a hug while his bride arranged her dress to best flatter her cleavage and patted the sides of her platinum fauxhawk. “Are things good with us?” he said quietly in my ear.
I pulled away. “Oh sure.”
“I was worried—”
“Nothing to worry about. Go. Be happy.”
“Thanks, Charlotte.”
I turned away, my eyes stinging, and nearly barreled into one of the most stunning specimens of athleticism I’d ever seen. His pale yellow shirt and silvery gray suit contrasted beautifully with his dark skin. No wonder the bride was swooning about someone other than the groom. Poor Harrison looked like a little boy in comparison.
Ah, one of the hazards of marrying a cheerleader.
Through slightly blurred vision, I saw Harrison put his arm around Nicki. Not too long ago, I’d thought that would be me, though the venue and guest list would have been drastically different.

Amazon * Barnes & Noble * Kobo * iTunes

Husband Maker Tour

The Husband Maker Blog Tour – July 21st to August 8th

Karey WhiteAuthor Karey White

Karey White grew up in Utah, Idaho, Oregon, and Missouri. She attended Ricks College and Brigham Young University. Her first novel, Gifted, was a Whitney Award Finalist.

She loves to travel, read, bake treats, and spend time with family and friends. She and her husband are the parents of four great children. She teaches summer creative writing courses to young people and is currently working on her next book.


Website * Twitter * Facebook * Goodreads


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$75 Book Blast Giveaway

$75 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 8/8/14

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the publisher. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

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Cover reveal: FIERCE by L.G. Kelso

Today we’re excited to share the cover reveal for Fierce by L.G. Kelso, a New Adult Contemporary Sports Romance that releases August 2014!
Fierce by L.G. Kelso

Tori’s MMA career was taking off, until she beat the wrong man. Her training partner, nursing a bruised ego, snapped—shattering her trust and confidence.Three years later, Tori’s keeping her fists to herself as she struggles to put herself through college. But when a group of gangbangers hassle her at work, old habits kick in and her fists fly. Max Estrada, a frequent diner customer, steps in and gets them out of hot water, but Tori is still fired… days before tuition is due.

With no other option, she’s forced to take a desk job at her old pounding grounds, where her demons still haunt the cage and the temptation to go glove-to-glove with familiar pro-fighter, Max Estrada, is too much. The sexy Colombian draws her back into the world of MMA and revives her dreams of becoming a professional face-puncher—until Will, her old partner and current Middleweight Champion, struts back into the gym. The secret they share is an unexpected liability to his career, and he’s determined to keep her silent.

With her life on the ropes, Tori will have to face the past for a shot at winning back her future, or carry the weight of a loss even greater than before.

Add to your GoodReads


L.G. Kelso is a fantasy and contemporary novelist. Having grown up watching Xena and Hercules with her grandmother, she inherited her passion for all things magic, paranormal and mythological. She also has a probably unhealthy obsession with martial arts, and as a boxer she strives to give readers an authentic view of MMA in her contemporary sports novel.

LGKelso.com | Twitter | Facebook | Blog | NA Alley| GoodReads | Pinterest


$25 Amazon Gift Card (INT)

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Musing Monday 7/14/14

Musing Monday is hosted over at Should Be Reading.

Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…

• Describe one of your reading habits.
• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.
• Do you have a bookish rant? Something about books or reading (or the industry) that gets your ire up? Share it with us!
• Instead of the above questions, maybe you just want to ramble on about something else pertaining to books — let’s hear it, then!

I actually have a question this week. For those who have pets, how do you read around them? Cats especially….mine love to sit on me or my book while I am trying to read. So what do you do?

Sunday Salon 7/13/14

Hello Sunday so we meet again. I can say I am not overly fond of what follows next..Monday. At any rate. I am making the best of the Sunday I can. I am feverish still but I have a lot of work coming this wek so tough tata’s about that oh sick germs of doom. On the bright side I a whole pack of cuddly fur babies and thats always a good thing. Oh yeah theres some other cuddles too. Anyways onto the book topics.

I have not gotten much of the Widow of Larkspur Inn finished this week. Not because it is not an enjoyable book it is but simply said I have been busy and when I am done being busy I tend to do other things instead of read. It isnt the books fault but my brains. That is okay though I am 5 books shead on my main goal of reading this year so I am not feeling the pressure.

Do you ever feel the pressure to read? Like if you don’t your missing or behind on something? Scary though I suppose. I used to get stressed over my goals but now I try to not be and look at it from a different perspective. Like my mail goal I know I am going to fail this year epicly but thats okay I have done a lot of other stuff. My reading for one thing and I learned how to crochet and I do that a lot!

So heres to you Sunday I am going to try to make some progress on the Widow of Larkspur Inn tonight sometime maybe while I am in the tub that is always a good place to read.

Book Review: White Night (The Dresden Files #9) by Jim Butcher

The inspiration for the Sci Fi channel television series

In Chicago, someone has been killing practitioners of magic, those incapable of becoming full-fledged wizards. Shockingly, all the evidence points to Harry Dresden’s half-brother, Thomas, as the murderer. Determined to clear his sibling’s name, Harry uncovers a conspiracy within the White Council of Wizards that threatens not only him, but his nearest and dearest, too…

The Dabel Brothers are bringing the Dresden Files to life in comic book form—look for issues beginning April 2008! View more here!

Another great Dresden book, Harry is up to his chin in trouble with White Night. Just when you think he cant get in any more trouble he does. Thomas seems to be the cause of some murders going on but in the end Harry finds out the big secret, Thomas was protecting them not harming them. The best part? Thomas has a new job and without spoiling it all I can say is, it will make you laugh and then laugh some more. I know I did. I could hardly fathom it and yet then it made so much sense!

Harry manages to find out who is really behind the deaths and it is not overly shocking in the end. He has to expend a lot of magic and there is more then enough danger to go around. His little padwan Molly starts coming into her own and overall. It is just another solid installment of the series. I simply can’t get enough of Dresden. I know it seems like I am mosting nothing but Dresden as of late but the books are addicting.

My Gemstone Rating:


WWW Wednesday 7/9/14

This is another one hosted over at Should be Reading

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading?

• What did you recently finish reading?

• What are you reading next?

Okay been a little since I did this and I have finished several books since. Sorry everyone 🙂 but hey here I am this week hehe

Currently reading:


Recently Finished:



Up next :

Probably another Jim Butcher..I am rather addicted.


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