Teaser Tuesday 4/9/13

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Yeah it is a bigger book and I am a bit slow so..here is another teaser from Figures in Silk.

Isabel blurted: ‘They’re saying he might take it into his head to marry you next.’ She was miserably aware that she hadn’t got her opening gambit right, even before she saw Elizabeth’s green eyes move down to fix consideringly on her own lowered head ~ Pg.361 Figures in Silk by Vanora Bennett

Book Blast: Replacing Gentry by Julie N Ford

Replacing Gentry

When Marlie agrees to attend a cadaver ball at Vanderbilt Medical School, she did not expect to actually see any cadavers. Or, that a strange apparition would issue her a chilling message.

Despite the cadaver’s warning, Marlie is married a year later to Tennessee State Senator, Daniel Cannon, and living in a plantation-style mansion with two step sons. Add to the mix her growing suspicion that something is amiss with the death of Daniel’s first wife, Gentry; and newlywed Marlie is definitely in over her pretty Yankee head.

What begins as an innocent inquiry into her new husband’s clouded past, ends with Marlie in the midst of a dangerous conspiracy.

A modern twist on the classic Gothic romance novels of Rebecca and Jane Eyre, Replacing Gentry follows Marlie’s precarious journey as she learns the truth about the man she married.

Author Julie N. Ford

Julie N. Ford graduated from San Diego State University with a BA in Political Science and a minor in English Literature. In addition, she has a Masters in Social Work from the University of Alabama. Professionally, she has worked in teaching and as a Marriage & Family Counselor. She is the author of two women’s fiction novels, The Woman He Married and No Holly for Christmas, published in 2011. In addition, she wrote a romance/chick-lit novel, Count Down to Love, also published in 2011. Count Down to Love was a 2011 Whitney Award finalist. Her next novel, Replacing Gentry, is due for release April 9th, 2013.

Currently, she lives in Nashville, TN with her husband, two daughters and one hedgehog.

Tour Schedule

BookBlast Giveaway
$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 4/30/13

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Musing Monday 4/8/13

Musing Monday is hosted over at Should Be Reading.


Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…

• Describe one of your reading habits.
• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.
• Do you have a bookish rant? Something about books or reading (or the industry) that gets your ire up? Share it with us!
• Instead of the above questions, maybe you just want to ramble on about something else pertaining to books — let’s hear it, then!

My Muse today is what do your pets do when your reading? I have two dogs and 8 (yes you read that correctly) cats. The dogs usually have no interest at all in what I am doing when I am reading. The cats however are all together different. Sometimes they do not care others however all they want to do is get in the middle of what I am doing. In front of the book pushing the book into my face..you know if you have a cat I am sure you have had those issues too.

Then there is this too

That is Cubby with one of my bookmarks that a friend made for me on his head. Yup they steal book marks all the time. As you can see he feels no shame at his theft..although he is a little perplexed how he managed to get it on his head like that.

Blogger Feature & Giveaway

The lovely Christine over at Oh, Chrys! Asked if anyone would like to be a featured blogger. Your humble hostess here me thought it would be fun as I have been thinking about doing such a feature on this blog right here. So I wanted to see how some other folks did features before I did mine.

Along with the interview I gave, short but hey it had some great questions! Christine is giving away one of my favorite books, Lover Awakened by J.R. Ward.

So click the above link or THIS ONE and head over to Oh, Chrys! To see what the buzz is about.

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Book Review: The Heiress of Winterwood by Sarah E. Ladd

Release Date: April 9th 2013

Amelia Barrett gave her word. Keeping it could cost her everything.

Darbury, England, 1814

Amelia Barrett, heiress to an estate nestled in the English moors, defies family expectations and promises to raise her dying friend’s infant baby. She’ll risk everything to keep her word—even to the point of proposing to the child’s father, Graham, a sea captain she’s never met.

When the child vanishes with little more than a sketchy ransom note hinting to her whereabouts, Amelia and Graham are driven to test the boundaries of their love for this infant.

Amelia’s detailed plans would normally see her through any trial, but now, desperate and shaken; she examines her soul and must face her one weakness: pride.

Graham’s strength and self-control have served him well and earned him much respect, but chasing perfection has kept him a prisoner of his own discipline.

Both must learn to accept God’s sovereignty and relinquish control so they can grasp the future He has for planned for them.

The Heiress of Winterwood for me was a pretty good book but it did not blow me away. It was one the books I was talking about in my Musing Monday post though with the formatting issues so that did make it a bit harder for me to read and sit back and enjoy. I may visit it again when it is officially released to see if I can enjoy it more.

That said the story itself was pretty good. I liked the plot and it was not one that I had not read before. Amelia is a strong and independent of a sweet nature with a huge heart. You can not help but love a woman who would take on the responsibility that she did and take it to such a point that she would think to marry a man she did not even know just so she could keep a promise. The child vanishing without a single trace..well that adds a whole bunch of trouble into the characters lives. The ups and downs were enjoyable in this read and while I could not finish it with this read through I will give it another shot later on because I enjoyed what I could read.

My Gemstone Rating:


Readble Kingdom Looking for Tour Hosts!

Okay this is a bit of a shameless plug, I admit it. However it is my blog so I think I will plug a little bit I have not done any of that in a very long time after all!

I am active in hosting tours and I have been since I started this blog. I did have some slower time periods but I was still always hosting. I finally took the jump and started my own promotion company and I feel I have a fantastic team of people (yes including me) ready to review more books and get the word out. All comers are welcome for our Authors but we will be putting a big focus on Indie Authors who do not have huge budgets and huge publishers behind them. Being the wife of a Musician who has played in some awesome bands without a label I really understand Indie Artists of all sorts.

I offer to my readers be you fellow reviewers or Indie Authors who may be looking for some promotion. Readable Kingdom.

The site is still fresh and we have not gone into heavy advertising just yet, but it is open and I would love to get some more hosts on the roster. So if your interested check it out and drop a line. If you see things that could be improved let me know about that too. I am always happy to work on things.

Teaser Tuesday 4/2/13

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

She rode home at the back of a party of knights returning to London. Jane stayed behind.For a few moments, Isabel revelled quietly in her solitude; the first time all day she hadn’t had to guard her expression. ~ Pg. 143 Figures in Silk by Vanora Bennett

Musing Monday 4/1/13

Musing Monday is hosted over at Should Be Reading.


Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…

• Describe one of your reading habits.
• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.
• Do you have a bookish rant? Something about books or reading (or the industry) that gets your ire up? Share it with us!
• Instead of the above questions, maybe you just want to ramble on about something else pertaining to books — let’s hear it, then!

You will not see any April fool’s jokes here. I am not a fan of the tradition on this day the one I call “The day you trust nothing that comes out of anyone’s mouth.” At any rate onto the book stuff.

I have a bone to pick with those who have put Ebook’s out there for review. Not everyone I know it is dangerous to put the whole brush painting thing out there, alas I have just over this weekend alone read 3 books that were terribly formatted.

I don’t mean just a little bad space here and there, I mean words stuck together likethis every 5 or 6 words. Large massive spaces where one shouldn’t be. Lik

e this. The authors name and random numbers in spots where it just did not make any sense. Now I know when you get a copy before release there is some work that needs to be done. However I am starting to feel that they could at least do a cursory look to make sure it is readable. If your offering the book for review after all one would think you would want the book to be read by the reviewers. Is it just me am I wont or over reacting in this feeling?

Book Review: The Seduction of Emily by Rachel Brimble

Release Date: April 8th 2013

Seduction is a wicked game, and no one plays it better than the devilish Will Samson in Rachel Brimble’s captivating new novel. . .

Since girlhood, Emily Darson has accepted that she will marry Nicholas, the son of her father’s trusted business partner. The marriage contract safeguards her family legacy, Emily’s fortune, and everything she values–except her independence. Only when a sinfully handsome scoundrel enters her life does Emily realize quite how much a loveless match will cost her.

Will Samson has advanced from expert pickpocket to confidence trickster of the highest caliber. Now he has come to Bath to exact vengeance on the man who destroyed his mother–the man Emily will soon marry. But from his first glimpse of the enemy’s bewitching, spirited fianc�e, Will’s plan changes.

Amid the ballrooms and salons of elegant society, heated glances explode into scandalous kisses. Revenge is sweet, but surrender will be irresistible. . .

I really wanted to sit back and enjoy this book. The story seemed there and I liked what I had heard about it so far. That said the copy I had was so badly edited I simply could not enjoy the book at all. There were spaces where there should not be spaces, every 5 or 6 words or so there was no space at all, the authors name would show up at various points with a number that made no sense. I know I got an early copy so perhaps the final copy will be better edited. I hope so anyways as for me this was a big disappointment that I could not sit and enjoy the book.

Update 4/3/13: The Author Rachel Brimble contacted me personally via e-mail (which was lovely) to appologize for the formatting issue. It was a not completed copy (which I did mention I figured) and she told me that once it was complete I am being offered a error free version to read. I am excited to be able to read it and I will very happily do a new review once I do.

My Gemstone Rating:


Book Review: Table Talk: Memoirs of a Bikini Waxer by Caren A. Stein

Brutally Honest & Ridiculously Funny…Table Talk: Memoirs of a Bikini Waxer is a hilarious collection of stories, opinions, rantings and ravings that will leave you laughing your hairless ass OFF! Each chapter represents a different hat worn by Caren on any given day as a hair removal specialist. The Bikini Waxer — The Love Doctor — The Bearded Lady — The Belle of the Balls- no subject is off limits. Not only funny but sincere and uplifting, this book will leave any female reader with a sense of womanly pride and dynamism. “As a woman who knows women, I have found that no issue is too big or too small to discuss. We are passionate conversationalists regardless of the subject matter. Whatever the issue may be from finding a new wrinkle or a gray hair to buying a new outfit, dating a jerk, getting a divorce or not knowing what color to paint the damn powder room, it’s all important to us – at least for the time it’s on the table. Some women look to me for answers. I can only tell them what I would do in certain situations but it’s important to tread lightly with some subjects. After all, despite what some may think, I don’t have all the answers. Who on this planet does

My first thought when I got this book was, “So why did I want to read about waxing again?”, that did not last very long at all. This is a very fun and enjoyable read that had me laughing out loud several times. Caren A. Stein has written a sassy, smart little romp about how she lives her life and what she does. There were some stories of things that she has put up with as a waxer that made my jaw absolutely drop. The way she handled them was professional and yet also a bit laughable. It did not take me long to read the book as it is a short and fast paced read but it is put together very well. There is some coarse language so if that is something you are okay with it will not be a bother to you. The formatting of the book makes it easy to read and the chapter titles are pretty funny as well.

I am a person who enjoys a little look into other peoples lives and Caren A. Stein gives us a fun look into hers. I can not say this book made me ever want to go and get a bikini wax, I suspect I might end up being a whiner which Ms. Stein lets us know is not very well liked by those in the field. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a good laugh and a nice fun easy read. It is a good book if you ask me.

My Gemstone Rating:


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