Book Review: Real Vampires Don’t Sparkle by Amy Fecteau

Matheus Taylor didn’t ask to be murdered.

To be fair, the percentage of people actually asking to be murdered is probably small enough to be safely ignored, but he felt it was worth stating regardless.

His life might have been ordinary, but it was his life and he wasn’t done with it yet. Quin didn’t care. A seventeen-hundred old Roman, Quintus Livius Saturnius had a different view of morality than most people. Killing Matheus and hijacking his undead existence seemed perfectly acceptable to him.

Now, Matheus spends his nights running for his life, questioning his sexual orientation, and defying a mysterious new threat to the vampires within his city. Not that he set out to do any defying; he just wanted to be left alone.

Unfortunately, that was never going to happen.

This book was fantastic. I laughed, I worried, for the most part I did not want to stab anyone for getting Vampire mythology wrong. I did however want to stab the bad guys and I did have a little bit of a fit when the book ended. Not because the ending was bad mind you, but because it just dropped off and I wanted more. I hope there will be another book.

It is hard to say who I love more, Mat or Quin they are both sarcastic humor kind of guys that just make you laugh as they banter with one another. If I was forced to pick one I think it would be Quin because in many ways he reminds me of what Marcus Antonius might have been if he was a vampire. A killer at destroying those who need it, a man with rules (no feeding from women who are pregnant) and sarcastic as the day is long when the occasion calls for it.

Love this book, because guess what? Real Vampires don’t sparkle.

My Gemstone Rating:


Teaser Tuesday 7/2/13

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

He and Lissa had been waiting at the bottom of the mogul hill, watching Mason and me come down. We’d been moving at insane speeds. The part of me that had been trying to learn control and wisdom from Dmitiri knew it was dangerous, but the rest of me liked embracing the recklessness. ~ pg 131 Frostbite by Richelle Mead

Musing Monday 7/1/13

Musing Monday is hosted over at Should Be Reading.


Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…

• Describe one of your reading habits.
• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.
• Do you have a bookish rant? Something about books or reading (or the industry) that gets your ire up? Share it with us!
• Instead of the above questions, maybe you just want to ramble on about something else pertaining to books — let’s hear it, then!

Do you have a set way that you chose between reading your hard copy books or e-reader books? I usually try to read one hard copy then one e-reader ect but the last couple have been on the Kindle. I feel like I am being a little unfair to my huge shelves full of hard copy books.

Book Review: Lacey’s House by Joanne Graham

Lacey Carmichael leads a solitary life. To her neighbours she is the mad old woman who lives at the end of the lane, crazy but harmless.

Until she is arrested on suspicion of murder.

When Rachel Moore arrives in the village, escaping her own demons, the two women form an unlikely bond.Unravelling in each other tales of loss and heartache, they become friends.

Rachel sees beyond the rumours, believing in her innocence, but as details of Lacey’s life are revealed, Rachel is left questioning where the truth really lies.

Another strong and emotional read that will pull you through the gamete of emotions. This one was a little hard for me to read because of the strong subject matter, in the sense that it took me a little longer then some books. This was not a fast read but it was a very good read. I would recommend this to someone who is looking for a well written novel that has depth to it. This is a story that is going to stick with you for a long time after you have read it.

My Gemstone Rating:


Book Review: Confessions of a Chalet Girl by Lorraine Wilson

Release date: June 27th 2013

Set in the exclusive Swiss ski resort of Verbier, the winter playground of the rich and famous, Confessions of a Chalet Girl is a fun and flirty contemporary romance novella from the fabulous Lorraine Wilson.

The slopes seriously start to heat up when chalet girl Holly is propositioned by her sexy new boss!

Well I am not sure the events would happen like they did so fast in real life. The casual hacking of face book and twitter that Magda did as well, was a little bit meh. However over all the story was a good one. This was a very fast read and cute. I rather liked Holly and the boss man Scott was the kind of handsome rugged fellow you would expect at a ski resort. I can admit I was a bit jealous of Holly not just for the super handsome fellow she was having and enjoying in all the ways you expect but the wonderful alps. I would not mind a nice fun swim in some of the natural pools that she enjoyed. All in all, fun, fast and flirty just what I needed after the heavy read I took on before this one. This is a good one for summer.

My Gemstone Rating:


Book Review: The Lost Letters Of Aquitaine (Alais Capet #1) by Judith Koll Healey

The only thing I felt was a strong hand around my neck, another around my waist, and — before I could cry out — I smelled the thick, sweet scent of a mandrake-soaked cloth. Unforgiving hands clapped it against my face, and all went dark.

Alais, the king of France’s sister, is abducted while on her mission for the wily Eleanor of Aquitaine, the former Queen of England, to retrieve hidden letters that, in the wrong hands, could bring down the English king. In exchange, the French princess was to receive long-heldand dangerous information. Now Alais, along with help from the very intriguing leader of the Knights Templar, must unravel a tangled web of family secrets and lies.

I love historical and I love mystery within them, however this was not my favorite book. The plot was a bit convoluted to me and I did not like the writing style. Now even though I did not like the style itself the words were well written. I just think the plot needed some more rounding out so you could feel more involved with it. Personally I also think there needed to be a bit more character development to make you enjoy Alais a bit more. Not a bad book just not the best one for me.

My Gemstone Rating:


Cover Reveal & Giveaway: My Own Mr. Darcy

After being dragged to the 2005 movie Pride and Prejudice by her mother, sixteen-year-old Elizabeth’s life changes when Matthew Macfadyen’s Mr. Darcy appears on the screen. Lizzie falls hard and makes a promise to herself that she will settle for nothing less than her own Mr. Darcy. This ill-advised pledge threatens to ruin any chance of finding true love. During the six intervening years, she has refused to give any interested suitors a chance. They weren’t Mr. Darcy enough.

Coerced by her roommate, Elizabeth agrees to give the next interested guy ten dates before she dumps him. That guy is Chad, a kind and thoughtful science teacher and swim coach. While she’s dating Chad, her dream comes true in the form of a wealthy bookstore owner named Matt Dawson, who looks and acts like her Mr. Darcy. Of course she has to follow her dream. But as Elizabeth simultaneously dates a regular guy and the dazzling Mr. Dawson, she’s forced to re-evaluate what it was she loved about Mr. Darcy in the first place.

Karey White grew up in Utah, Idaho, Oregon, and Missouri. She attended Ricks College and Brigham Young University. Her first novel, Gifted, was a Whitney Award Finalist.

She loves to travel, read, bake treats, and spend time with family and friends. She and her husband are the parents of four great children. She teaches summer creative writing courses to young people and is currently working on her next book.

Excerpt 1
Janessa folded her arms and looked at me for so long I started to
squirm. “What?”
“I wish you’d look at yourself. You’re ruining your life with this stupid
“I’m not obsessed.” I stood up quickly, nearly tipping my chair over. I
rinsed my plate and put it in the dishwasher. I could feel Janessa’s eyes on me
the entire time, but I refused to look at her. “And just because I’m not
interested in this guy doesn’t mean my life is ruined.”
“Let me guess. Was he blond?”
“Knock it off.”
“Too short?”
“He wasn’t short. I’ve got to go.” I left the kitchen with Janessa on my
“Was he too cheerful?”
“Oh brother. I’m not having this conversation with you.”
Janessa grabbed my arm and turned me toward her. “Yes, you are.”
“I’m going to be late for work.”
“Then we’d better talk fast.”
“I don’t have anything to say,” I said.
“Then I’ll talk. You listen. You have to start giving these guys a
I folded my arms tightly. “I give them a chance.”
“You give them one date, two at the most. But you’re not really giving
them a chance because your mind’s already made up before you even go out.”
I was getting annoyed. “I don’t have time for this conversation again.”
Janessa was practically reciting word for word what she’d said after my last
date. And the one before that.
“Lizzie. If you don’t want to have the same conversation, do something
different. Shake things up a little.” She smiled and did a little shimmy. I
refused to smile no matter how silly she looked.
“How do you suggest I do that?”
“If this guy… What’s his name?”
“If Chad calls you back, go out with him again.”
“I don’t see the point.”
“Did you get a serial killer vibe from him?”
“No, I got a nice-guy-that-doesn’t-deserve-to-be-led-on vibe from him.”
“Nice guys are good. So you’ll say yes, right?”
“If I’m not interested, it wouldn’t be fair to say yes.”
“Oh knock off the baloney. You haven’t been fair to a guy since high
school. You’re just afraid if you get to know a guy, you might like him. And
wouldn’t that be awful? Was Chad funny?”
“Yes, he was funny.”
I sighed. “I don’t know if I’d call him handsome, but he was cute.”
“Cute is good. Especially if he was funny. So go out with him again.”
“You act like it’s all up to me.” I walked to the closet and collected
my purse. Like a tiger leaping on her prey, Janessa pounced at the bowl on the
entry table and grabbed my car keys. “This isn’t funny, Janessa. I’m going to
be late for work.”
“Then let’s make a deal. You agree to go out with him ten times before
you toss him aside and I’ll give you your keys.”
“Ten times? No way.”
“That’ll give you time to get to know him.”
“You’ve got to be kidding.”
“I’m serious, Lizzie. Ten is a good number. In that amount of time, you
can make a real decision. Instead of one based on a stupid movie.”
Now Janessa was skipping through a minefield. “It’s not a stupid movie
and I’ve got to go.”
“It’s the stupidest movie in the world if it ruins your life.”
“Nothing’s ruining my life and I’m going to be late. Give me my keys and
we’ll talk about this later.” A little tussle ensued as I tried to rescue my
keys from her clutches. I almost had them when she darted to the bathroom and
shut the door hard and fast, locking it behind her. “This is real mature.”
“I don’t care about mature. You’re my best friend, Lizzie.  I love
you and I’m trying to save you from yourself.”
I banged on the door. “Give me the keys. Now.” My voice had become
“I’ll give you the keys as soon as you promise you’ll go out with him
ten times.”
“I doubt he’ll ask me out again.”
“Why? Were you a jerk?”
“Are you sure?”
I hesitated, knowing I hadn’t been very good company. “I’m pretty sure.”
“If he doesn’t ask you out, you have to ask him.”
“No way am I asking out a guy ten times. No way!”
“You just have to ask him out once. If he doesn’t return the favor you
can move on. But you have to be nice to him and give him a reason to want to
ask you out again.”
“This is the dumbest idea you’ve ever had.”
“Listen Liz, I’m doing this for you. Give a guy a chance before you give
him the old heave-ho.”
I leaned my head on the door. “Just give me the keys. Please.” Now I was
“You’re the one keeping yourself from your keys. And probably true
I looked at my watch. Now I’d have to risk a speeding ticket or get to
work five minutes late. I wasn’t sure which was worse—a ticket from a police
officer or a tongue-lashing from Delia.
“Fine. I’ll go out with him again if he asks me.”
“If he doesn’t ask me, I’ll ask him?”
“Right. And how many times will you go out with him?”
“Way too many,” I said under my breath.
“I can’t hear you.”
“Ten times. If he asks me.”
The door cracked open. “And you’ll be nice to him?”
“Whatever you say. Now give me the keys.”
Janessa emerged from the bathroom and triumphantly dropped my keys into
my outstretched hand.
“You’re an idiot,” I said.
“An idiot that loves you and wants you to be happy,” she said. She
turned and headed down the hall. “Someday you’ll thank me,” she sang.
“If I don’t kill you first.” I slammed the door behind me.

Excerpt 2
It was a busy Monday morning.
I was looking out at the line of waiting customers when he walked in. I gasped,
shut my thumb in my cash drawer, and then tried not to cry while Mr. Sandoval
from a hearing aid store asked me if I was okay.
When I finished Mr. Sandoval’s
transaction, I looked at him again. He was taller than anyone in the room. Of
course. His hair was dark and a little disheveled. It was hard to see from
where I was, but his eyes looked like they were blue. And best of all, he
didn’t smile. He looked gorgeously unpleasant and impatient. He looked around
the room and his eyes met mine. Still he didn’t smile. My heart was racing. He
looked perfect.
I did my best to time it so I’d be
his teller. I went a little too fast with one customer and accidentally shorted
her a twenty dollar bill. I tried to concentrate as I corrected the
transaction. I slowed way down on the next customer, but just when I thought I
was finished and would be able to help him next, my customer asked me to break
a ten into change. He walked up to Courtney’s window while I counted out
nickels and dimes. Furious, I stomped my foot. Not too loudly but enough to
release a little of my frustration.
I listened closely as Courtney helped
him to see if I could learn anything, but he hardly spoke. He gave a terse nod
when Courtney thanked him for coming in and turned on his heel and left. He had
excellent posture and a nice, confident stride.
I finished with my customer, and then
before anyone else could step forward, I picked up the phone and dialed
Courtney’s extension. She glanced at her phone’s display and looked over at me
            “Who was
that?” I whispered when she picked up the receiver.
“Elizabeth, look how many customers
there are.”
“I know. Just tell me who that was.”
I watched as Courtney picked up her last transaction slip.
“His name is Matt Dawson.”
“Is he married?”
“I have no idea,” Courtney said.
“Was he wearing a ring?”
“I didn’t look. What’s going on,
“I just need to know about him.”
“Well, I don’t know anything about
him and Delia’s watching us. I’ve gotta go.”
Matt Dawson. Matt. Matthew. Like
Matthew Macfadyen. Dawson. It was pretty close to Darcy. The only way it could
be better is if his name was Fitzwilliam but I’d never met a Fitzwilliam in my
Matt Dawson.
This had to be a sign.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Teaser Tuesday 6/25/13

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

“Otherwise what?” I turned to look at him.
For the first time the man seemed to hesitate.
“Well come on out with it.”
“He uh, didn’t say directly.” Robert of Warwick stared at a point on the wall behind my left shoulder. ~ The Lost letters of Aquitaine by Judith Healey

Musing Monday 6/24/13

Musing Monday is hosted over at Should Be Reading.


Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…

• Describe one of your reading habits.
• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.
• Do you have a bookish rant? Something about books or reading (or the industry) that gets your ire up? Share it with us!
• Instead of the above questions, maybe you just want to ramble on about something else pertaining to books — let’s hear it, then!

What do you do after an emotional read? Do you dive into another big deep read or do you settle for some fluff? I just finished a big one and while I have two lined up as my currently reading books one is deeper and one is decidedly more fluffy, and I am a bit torn on which one to go with next.

Book Review: The Book of Secrets by Elizabeth Joy Arnold

Release Date: July 2nd 2013

At once a captivating mystery, a love letter to classic literature, and a sharp-eyed examination of marriage, The Book of Secrets is a gripping novel of family, friendship, and the undeniable pull of the past.

After more than twenty years of marriage, Chloe Sinclair comes home one night to find that her husband, Nate, is gone. All he has left behind is a cryptic note explaining that he’s returned to their childhood town, a place Chloe never wants to see again.

While trying to reach Nate, Chloe stumbles upon a notebook tucked inside his antique copy of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Written in code, the pages contain long-buried secrets from their past, and clues to why he went home after all these years. As Chloe struggles to decipher the notebook’s hidden messages, she revisits the seminal moments of their youth: the day she met the enigmatic Sinclair children ane the increasingly dangerous games they played to escape their troubled childhoods; the first time Nate kissed her, camped out on the beach like Robinson Crusoe; and the elaborate plan she and Nate devised, inspired by Romeo and Juliet, to break away from his oppressive father. As the reason for Nate’s absence comes to light, the truth will forever shatter everything Chloe knows—about her husband, his family, and herself.

The first thought that went through my head when I finished this book was intense. This has to be one of the best written books I have read. The wonderful intertwining of books I love like Narnia and Robinson Crusoe with the story of love, loss, lies and a deep mystery. This book has so many layers when you are done with it your not even really sure you should be. Like you want to delve into more chapters because it really was that good. I felt so deep into the lives of the stories of the characters. I played along with them as they did a play with Narnia, grieved at the loss of a Son and was I was completely stunned when everything came to light along with them. This is a fantastic book and I recommend you read it.

My Gemstone Rating:


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