Musing Mondays is a weekly meme that asks you to choose one of the following prompts to answer:
I’m currently reading…
Up next I think I’ll read…
I bought the following book(s) in the past week…
I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
I can’t wait to get a copy of…
I wish I could read ___, but…
I blogged about ____ this past week…
THIS WEEKS RANDOM QUESTION: What is your favorite spot to read during the summer?
Well all have our favorite spots to read. I don’t know about anyone else but my favorite spots tend to change around the season and weather. I adore reading outside but summer in Tucson is very bad for that most days. My favorite reading spot in the summer tends to be on a couch with a fan looking out a large window. How about you?

My favourite spot is usually a sunny spot on the couch in the basement! Sunny and cool haha.
Here’s my musing at Bookmunchies (:
Awesome question. My answer and other ramblings at
Great questions. Here is MY MUSING MONDAYS POST