Musing Mondays is a weekly meme that asks you to choose one of the following prompts to answer:
I’m currently reading…
Up next I think I’ll read…
I bought the following book(s) in the past week…
I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
I can’t wait to get a copy of…
I wish I could read ___, but…
I blogged about ____ this past week…
THIS WEEKS RANDOM QUESTION: Do you have a favorite time of day to read?
Taking a little bit of an easy way out this week, sorry about that I had to fill a large wholesale order for my shop and am a bit tired.
I tend to like to read in the evenings after everyone has settled down for the night. I am a night owl anyways and am often asleep during the day I admit, lol but I do like the peace of reading without a lot of interruptions. I will of course read at any time of day when I have the chance, but oh I don’t like interruptions. It never fails if I read before other people in the house go to bed or even the dogs and cats settle for a while, I am going to end up setting down my book at least 10 times in the space of a few hours. If I wait though I can generally have peace and not have to set down my book at all.
How about you?

I am still a bit of a night-owl myself, although these days I can generally be found burning the midnight oil at my computer, either preparing upcoming blogs or answering comments and email.
These days my reading has been curtailed to a few measly minutes first thing in the morning (around 6am), whilst I eat my breakfast and have my first coffee fix of the day.
I really do need to up my reading time again, but apart from giving up the blog, I’m just not sure how to achieve this yet!
Either way, I can only read if I am on my own and there is complete silence in the room. Any noise, and that includes background music) and my concentration is broken immediately. At that time of the morning, I pretty much certain to have the place to myself, as hubbie will still be giving it zzzz’s.
Thanks for sharing and enjoy the rest of your day 🙂
Thanks for the fun question!
Happy Monday: Here’s my MM for the week: