Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about early reading…
Do you remember how you developed a love for reading? Was it from a particular person, or person(s)? Do you remember any books that you read, or were read to you, as a young child? (question courtesy of Diane)
I honestly don’t know how I got started with my love of reading, but I know I have always loved to read. I know I have always enjoyed grabbing a book sitting back and digging in. I would sit up late with a flash light under my sheet and read. I wasn’t a TV kid I was a book kid. I know my mom liked to read and still does so it’s very possible I got it from her. I know my great great (so on) uncle is Mark Twain, so who knows. But I know I have always been a reader, and I hope I always am.

WOW, Mark Twain! That would be a great inspiration for reading! Have a great day!!