I know I am way behind on making this post. Honestly it boils down to the fact that I have been really busy and did not have time to sit down and do all the organizing for the update. I still have not updated the widget counters. But I can do that at the end of this month. That said this month is shaping up to be a slow reading month. It is spring and I am doing all kinds of spring stuff.
Anyways here we go.
My over all 2013 challenge is going very well as of right. I ended March at 35 books into my goal of 60 so that puts me well ahead of things. I might even increase my goal but we will see you never know how things will shape up on the reading front.
Historical Fiction Challenge: 14 of 25+ books done.
Immortal Challenge: 7 of 11 books done.
Animal Challenge: 3 of 6 books done.
Ebook Challenge: 18 of 10 so yeah all complete and I think it might be time to increase this one.
TBR Challenge: 7 of 11-20 done on this one. I feel the need to kick it up a notch on these ones so for May I am going to try to focus on the older books on the TBR.
Overall not to bad I think I am right on track with this set of goals this year