Since I do so much reading, I was getting tired of using the same bookmarks. Not only that but the nice paper clip and floss ones I had were all stolen by my cats. Go fiq. So I asked my friend and Jewelry maker Bella Bejeweled if she could make me up a custom book mark. Something nice that would last a while. Told her my favorite color was purple, and of course my love of a certain Vampire Major.
This is what she came up with:
Pardon the bad quality on this photo, my camera isnt the best.
I am so happy with it. I have used it on several books now and been perfectly happy and a few times I got compliments at the Doctors office about it. There are a few ways I can put it in the book, the way I have it in the photo with my current book I am reading is the best way I have found.
The price is reasonable for a bookmark that I am going to use for a while. If you want one of your own visit the shop and give her an email. The bookmarks aren’t listed on the website, but I am sure she would be happy to help you out let her know Ambrosia sent you.