Another month has zipped on by us and I think I did a pretty good job on my challenges again.
For the over all challenge of reading 60 books this year I have so far read 19 so I would say I am well ahead of the ball and I like that.
For my historical challenge I have read 9 of 25
1. The Forgotten Queen by D.L Bogdan
2. A Rose for the Crown by Anne Easter Smith
3. Mistress for the Crown by Isolde Martyn
4. The Season by Sarah MacLean
5. The Notorious Lady Anne by Sharon Cullen
6. The Icecutter’s Daughter by Tracie Peterson
7. The Birth of Venus by Sarah Dunant
8. Blood Sisters by Sarah Gristwood
9. Daughter of York by Anne Easter Smith
My immortal challenge saw an update to it I added the Fae and Magic category so am now up to reading 11 books and am currently at 4 of 11.
1.Burned by P.C & Kristin Cast
Category 2: Angels and Demons I have selected to read at least 3 Angel & Demon books in 2013
1.Covet by J.R. Ward
2.Blood Flows Deep in the Empire by N. Isabelle Blanco
Category 3: Fae and Magic At Least 3 of these as well
1.Witches of East End by Melissa De la Cruz
Half way done with the Animal challenge 3 of 6 done.
1.Noor by Milton C. Toby
2.The Icecutter’s Daughter by Tracie Peterson
3. Riding Lessons by Sara Gruen
My Ebook challenge is complete 😀 I am going to keep on going and see how many I read for the year by tracking them and see just how much use the old Kindle gets.
1. The Forgotten Queen by D.L Bogdan
2. Front page Fatality by Lyndee Walker
3.Mistress for the Crown by Isolde Martyn
4.The Notorious Lady Anne by Sharon Cullen
5.Blood Flows Deep in the Empire by N. Isabelle Blanco
6.Buyer Beware by Diane Vallere
7.The Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back by Sariah Wilson
8.The Icecutter’s Daughter by Tracie Peterson
9.Spin the Plate by Donna Anastasi
10.Blood Sisters by Sarah Gristwood
I am at 5 of 20 for the TBR Challenge I set for myself I would like to get a bit more work done on that one this coming month, but I do have a lot of ARC books to handle first so we will see.
1. Covet by J.R. Ward
2. The Season by Sarah MacLean
3. Burned by P.C & Kristin Cast
4. Riding Lessons by Sara Gruen
5. Witches of East End by Melissa De la Cruz
Not a bad month over all if you ask me.