I do a lot of printing and booklet printing so when a friend of mine recently needed some booklets printed she came to me and asked if I could help her booklet printing nyc. Thankfully I was able to help her find something in a relatively fast amount of time that didn’t break the bank. I have to say I am glad I live in an age of the internet where all I have to do is google. Make it so much easier even when I am not local to help friends out.
Household repairs
Thanks to the super cold weather that is blanketing the country again, we have had a lot of knobs break off items that we keep in our garage. I am talking, water knobs and even the knobs on the nice shiny new grill my husband has. Thankfully rather than having to run from store to store I found a store that sold all of these huzzah for online shopping and being able to easily get what I need to make repairs around the house.
Acoustic guitar amp
Time for a little bit more amp chat because, well that seems to be the topic of the weekend here. Hubby’s guitarist has been searching for a long time for an amp for his Acoustic guitar, sometimes you simply must have something different after all. Luckily he found the fantastic crate ca 15 amps at wwbw and we here at the house got to hear a sample of how it sounded and I have to say I really enjoyed the sound. I very much look forward to hearing more.
Auto Insurance
The holidays are over and I don’t know about all of you but I know some friends who got new cars for Christmas. It seems like a smart idea because the dealers offer some great deals (like everyone else) over the holidays. The only thing that I have noticed most people don’t think about is the auto insurance rates for a new car; they do tend to be higher. However if you want to look for something affordable and reliable check out these auto insurance rates, and see if any fit your post holiday budget.
Challenge Updates as of August 1st.
Wow okay I have not done an update of my challenges in a little bit and after going through and updating my challenge page I can say I am completed with all but two. I have 6 more books I need to read this year for challenges. Not to bad if you ask me! I have more more Animal challenge book and 5 more for the TBR challenge. Going great if I do say so.
I had to update my overall challenge again because of how much I am reading. I took the jump and named 100 books for the year to be my goal. Don’t think I will fly by this one like I have the last two but you never know. Great year for books!
Book Review Blog Tour: The Tale of Mally Biddle by M.L. LeGette
The Tale of Mally Biddle by M.L. LeGette
When Mally Biddle agreed to spy upon the King of Lenzar and his overbearing knights she knew she was heading into danger. She didn’t know she’d find a family unlike any other.
Posing as a servant in Bosc Castle, Mally serves tea and tends fires for the most dangerous men in the kingdom. Her goal is to learn the truth of what happened sixteen years ago, when the infant princess met her death … a death that is surrounded by more questions than answers.
Along her search for the truth, Mally meets the energized Lita Stump, the strict and matriarchal Meriyal Boyd, and the opinionated Archibald Diggleby. Then of course there are the knights: Leon Gibbs who is slicker than a greased hog, Adrian Bayard, hot tempered and violent, and the worst of the lot: Sir Illius Molick, Captain of the Knights. And then there is Maud, a mysterious woman who just might know everything…
“To say I loved this book is an understatement. Mally is a wonderful character and she encounters so many quirky folks on her assignment. Very well written and engaging story! And an added bonus of a love triangle! I enjoyed it from beginning to end!! I will definitely be looking for more from this author!”
~April Holgate
Author Melissa LeGette
Melissa LeGette lives in Georgia where she helps run a family farm, so her nails are a fright. The Tale of Mally Biddle is her second novel.
My Review:
This was a fun read for me. The setting is well written and there is almost as much intrigue involved as you had at King Henry VIII’s Tudor court! Mally to me was not what I could call the best spy in the world but she is not the worst either. She is a likeable character and meets many along the way. I think if I had to pick a favorite character it would be Lita, her energy seemed to speak to me and come through the pages and give me a little zap of energy too!
I would reccomend this read to anyone who likes a good story and wants to follow the twists and turns. There were a few bits for me that were slightly cluttered and that is why I say 4 gems instead of 5 but it will still a great read.
My Gemstone Rating:
Blog Tour Giveaway
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 6/5/13
Book Review Blog Tour: The Circle by Cindy Cipriano
The Circle
Calum Ranson is sure of three things: his cousin Finley is alive, Calum will find him, and no one knows Calum and his family are Sidhe. No one until Laurel shows up at his mother’s bookstore wearing a dark clan’s mark. When Calum learns the details surrounding the disappearance of Laurel’s brother, he suspects the evil Hobayeth clan. Calum and Laurel work together in the Realm of Man and the Otherworld to rescue her brother – revealing a connection between Calum and Laurel that may cost Finley his life.
Amazon * Barnes & Noble * Goodreads
“The Circle is full of magic and mystery. Readers will be engrossed in faerie realms, charming characters, and a state of wonder and imagination. The Circle is for those who delight in reading fantasy and exploring mystical worlds.”
–Kathleen Fox, LibraryGames.com
Author Cindy Cipriano
Cindy Cipriano lives in NC with her husband, son, and 27 pets. Okay, more like one cat, three dogs, and many, many fish. Cindy is an award winning science teacher, who this past August celebrated her 12th first day of sixth grade.
My Review:
If you love Fairy myths you are going to love The Circle. I really did enjoy this read and for the most part it kept my attention for the whole of the read. There were a few points where to me it slowed down a little bit or seemed a little bit muddled. That aside over all it is a good book and one that you can get into.
Calum by far to me was the most intriguing of the characters and the one that I wanted to spend the most time with. However the whole cast of characters brings you into the world and holds you there like a captive in the best of ways. If you enjoy a good story and fairies. I think you really will enjoy The Circle.
My Gemstone Rating:
Tour Giveaway
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 5/31/13
March Challenge update
I know I am way behind on making this post. Honestly it boils down to the fact that I have been really busy and did not have time to sit down and do all the organizing for the update. I still have not updated the widget counters. But I can do that at the end of this month. That said this month is shaping up to be a slow reading month. It is spring and I am doing all kinds of spring stuff.
Anyways here we go.
My over all 2013 challenge is going very well as of right. I ended March at 35 books into my goal of 60 so that puts me well ahead of things. I might even increase my goal but we will see you never know how things will shape up on the reading front.
Historical Fiction Challenge: 14 of 25+ books done.
Immortal Challenge: 7 of 11 books done.
Animal Challenge: 3 of 6 books done.
Ebook Challenge: 18 of 10 so yeah all complete and I think it might be time to increase this one.
TBR Challenge: 7 of 11-20 done on this one. I feel the need to kick it up a notch on these ones so for May I am going to try to focus on the older books on the TBR.
Overall not to bad I think I am right on track with this set of goals this year

Blogger Feature & Giveaway
The lovely Christine over at Oh, Chrys! Asked if anyone would like to be a featured blogger. Your humble hostess here me thought it would be fun as I have been thinking about doing such a feature on this blog right here. So I wanted to see how some other folks did features before I did mine.
Along with the interview I gave, short but hey it had some great questions! Christine is giving away one of my favorite books, Lover Awakened by J.R. Ward.
So click the above link or THIS ONE and head over to Oh, Chrys! To see what the buzz is about.

Feb Challenge Update
Another month has zipped on by us and I think I did a pretty good job on my challenges again.
For the over all challenge of reading 60 books this year I have so far read 19 so I would say I am well ahead of the ball and I like that.
For my historical challenge I have read 9 of 25
1. The Forgotten Queen by D.L Bogdan
2. A Rose for the Crown by Anne Easter Smith
3. Mistress for the Crown by Isolde Martyn
4. The Season by Sarah MacLean
5. The Notorious Lady Anne by Sharon Cullen
6. The Icecutter’s Daughter by Tracie Peterson
7. The Birth of Venus by Sarah Dunant
8. Blood Sisters by Sarah Gristwood
9. Daughter of York by Anne Easter Smith
My immortal challenge saw an update to it I added the Fae and Magic category so am now up to reading 11 books and am currently at 4 of 11.
1.Burned by P.C & Kristin Cast
Category 2: Angels and Demons I have selected to read at least 3 Angel & Demon books in 2013
1.Covet by J.R. Ward
2.Blood Flows Deep in the Empire by N. Isabelle Blanco
Category 3: Fae and Magic At Least 3 of these as well
1.Witches of East End by Melissa De la Cruz
Half way done with the Animal challenge 3 of 6 done.
1.Noor by Milton C. Toby
2.The Icecutter’s Daughter by Tracie Peterson
3. Riding Lessons by Sara Gruen
My Ebook challenge is complete 😀 I am going to keep on going and see how many I read for the year by tracking them and see just how much use the old Kindle gets.
1. The Forgotten Queen by D.L Bogdan
2. Front page Fatality by Lyndee Walker
3.Mistress for the Crown by Isolde Martyn
4.The Notorious Lady Anne by Sharon Cullen
5.Blood Flows Deep in the Empire by N. Isabelle Blanco
6.Buyer Beware by Diane Vallere
7.The Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back by Sariah Wilson
8.The Icecutter’s Daughter by Tracie Peterson
9.Spin the Plate by Donna Anastasi
10.Blood Sisters by Sarah Gristwood
I am at 5 of 20 for the TBR Challenge I set for myself I would like to get a bit more work done on that one this coming month, but I do have a lot of ARC books to handle first so we will see.
1. Covet by J.R. Ward
2. The Season by Sarah MacLean
3. Burned by P.C & Kristin Cast
4. Riding Lessons by Sara Gruen
5. Witches of East End by Melissa De la Cruz
Not a bad month over all if you ask me.