Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about library etiquette…
For the regular library patrons among us: do you have your own idea of what constitutes proper library etiquette? Is there anything you always try to do? Anything you hate when others do?
It has been a very long time since I was at the library. But I used to go all the time when I was younger, or even really up until about a year ago. My biggest pet peeve is people eating in the library. It is allowed at my library but really it bothers me. Nothing is ickier than picking up a book or watching someone with a book and they are getting cheeto orange all over it. Ick.
I also dislike the noise levels some people think are okay. The library is supposed to be a nice and relaxed place. Not a place with running screaming kids, and noisy chatty cell phones. OH my goodness yes Pet peeve CELL PHONE USE IN THE LIBRARY. You seriously don’t need to have it attached to you ALL THE TIME.
Okay…I have said my piece for the muse.