Booking Through Thursday – Twisty

Jackie says, “I love books with complicated plots and unexpected endings. What is your favourite book with a fantastic twist at the end?”

So, today’s question is in two parts.

1. Do YOU like books with complicated plots and unexpected endings? Honestly I do not like a complicated ending. Now there have been some complicated plots that I enjoy, but some I have not. It really depends on the mood I am in, sometimes I just want something simple that won’t make me think to hard.

2. What book with a surprise ending is your favorite? Or your least favorite? My Sister’s Keeper was both my favorite and least favorite. Favorite because it was truly so unexpected. Least favorite because of how sad it was.

Booking Through Thursday – Unknown Favorite

Who’s your favorite author that other people are NOT reading? The one you want to evangelize for, the one you would run popularity campaigns for? The author that, so far as you’re concerned, everyone should be reading–but that nobody seems to have heard of. You know, not JK Rowling, not Jane Austen, not Hemingway–everybody’s heard of them. The author that you think should be that famous and can’t understand why they’re not

Oh, this could be a couple of authors for me. Lauren Willig comes to mind. Nancy Moser is another one. And P.C and Kristin Cast. These are all authors I truly enjoy with books I love. I want to run around and tell everyone to read them and than tell the Hollywood people to make some movies.

Booking Through Thursday

What books did you get for Christmas (or whichever holiday you may have celebrated last month)? Sadly I didnt get any books this year. It was a very lean Holiday.

Do you usually ask for books on gift-giving occasions or do you prefer to buy them yourself? I do ask for them and my family asks for a list so I give everyone a couple diffrent titles so no one gets the same one and they have choices.

Booking Through Thursday – Year in Review

It’s the last day of the year, and you know what that means … nostalgia and looking back.

What were your favorite books of the year? (Books that were new to you in 2009, if not necessarily published this year.)

It has been a year of many books. I have one more review to write and I am going to be putting it up tonight as I am making the book count for 2009 and 2010, I know a little odd but you will see when I make the review post why. It is hard to believe that it is already going to be 2010. A year has come and gone. I completed 94 books this year. This falls short of my 125 goal, but over all I am pleased. I have reviewed every book I have read and completed 6 other challenges. Since this was my first year of doing challenges I think that is a pretty good accomplishment.

I read a lot of new to me books this year; I did not do any re-reads at all. Some of the books had been in my TBR pile for over a year, but not all of them. Some of my favorites were My Sisters keeper, Shoot the Moon, Good Grief, Devil’s Bride, The Secret History of the Pink Carnation series…and well just a lot more. I really enjoyed most of my books this year. Some were horrible, but most were good.

My TBR pile has been reduced some, I have not taken in as many books as I have finished reading. My only issue is due to finances I have not been able to mail out as many as I want to. But I will be gathering everything that isn’t wish listed on PBS after new years and they will see their way up to the thrift store and cleared out to make room for 2010’s reads. My husband will be happy with that as I currently have several little piles of books around the house. Oppsy!

Happy New Year everyone!

Booking Through Thursday – History

Given the choice, which do you prefer? Real history? Or historical fiction? (Assume, for the purposes of this discussion that they are equally well-written and engaging.)

though if I really thought about it I would have to pick Historical Fiction because it gives more leeway. While I love true history the historical fiction gives you a look into the what ifs, and maybes of things. And I have always liked to wonder what some people were thinking in historical moments. Part of the fun is that creative liscence that is allowed to be taken.

Booking Through Thursday – Speed

What do you think of speed-reading? Is it a good way to get through a lot of books, or does the speed-reader miss depth and nuance? Do you speed-read? Is some material better suited to speed-reading than others?

I don’t know for sure what to think of speed readers. I do think they miss some of the things in a book. Because while I don’t speed read I know if I try to read a book to fast I miss some things so I end up re-reading a passage or the like. I do not speed read, but sometimes I do read faster sometimes when I need to get through a book and to a review. I think really it is up to each specific person.

Booking Through Thursday-Mark The Spot

What items have you ever used as a bookmark? What is the most unusual item you’ve ever used or seen used?

I use just about anything that is a paper scrap in my books as a bookmark. I also of course use bookmarks, and book stuff. I use ribbons and receipts, and just about anything. The oddest bookmark I have seen someone use is a maxi pad. It was still all wrapped up and such but it was a bit odd in my opinion.

Booking Through Thursday – Turkey Day

It’s Thanksgiving in the U.S.A. today, so I know at least some of you are going to be as busy with turkey and family as I will be, so this week’s question is a simple one:

What books and authors are you particularly thankful for this year?

I am thankful for all of my books. I love the fact that no matter how many books I read I will never read them all. That said I am praticularly thankful for the Charline Harris series, P.C Cast and Kristin Cast and Tasha Alexander. Just to name a few. Happy Thanksgiving.

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